
Supernatural crime (Lout of the Counts Family)

Cale wakes up In a city Which is a fantasy cosmopolitan city filled with all kinds of races. However poverty and crime rate are very high. Gang wars and supervillains rule the streets. Our Crimson head simply wants to find a way back to his home without getting involved in crazy sheningans. However is that even possible?

Revinsane · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Why are you here?

The first Cale saw was a white ceiling, he could smell the odour of disinfectant.

He looked around himself and saw people running chaotically back and forth carrying all kinds of equipment.

He himself was lying on a hospital bed. So we're many other people. Though not all of them seemed human.

Some had pale skin like the vampire. Some had pointed years. Some had clawed feet and some people were as tiny as pixies.

Everyone on the bed were severely injured. Cale looked at a nearby signboard which said

'Emergency Ward'

Someone spoke to him that time

"Seems like you have woken up"

Cale looked at the person who spoke. It was a nurse in her Middle Ages. She wore spectacles and had genial smile on her face.

"You recovered quite quickly, we'll be shifting you to the general ward so get ready to move"

Cale simply nodded his head and asked

"Who was the who brought me here?"

The nurse said

"It was a police officer off duty. You should thank him, he often brings injured people like you to the hospital even if he's not paid for it"


The nurse soon called other helpers and Cale was shifted into the general ward.

It was far more quite in the general ward, and it allowed Cale to contemplate in silence.

He soon heard a the curtain being moved, it was the nurse from before

She smiled

"You have a visitor"

She moved aside to allow the visitor to enter.

"I am glad you recovered, I hope you can answer some questions for me"

Cale's pupils started shaking violently
