
Superman in Modern World

A boy from an average family in 2021, named Logan died due to COVID. Not accepting his fate, he breaks his reincarnation cycle and was offered to be sent to back to Earth with a single wish, to which he said, “I want to have all of Superman’s powers every mentioned but without any weakness”. Author Note: I would try to make this novel as interesting as possible. I don’t have any idea where this story will end up. I will not nerf the MC, but I am thinking that he will see increase in his strength overtime. This way I can show him working towards gaining the full strength of his power, but I will not nerf the MC, because what’s the use of him being strong. Also, not all the events mentioned in the novel would have happened in real life, majority would be fictional, but I would try to add some real incidents. Tags: Action, Reincarnation, Superman, Fight Against Crime, Romance, R-18, Harem

Tushar_Vashishta · 映画
12 Chs

Chapter 1: The Second Chance at Life

A boy from an average family in 2021, named Logan died due to COVID while watching his parents crying by his bedside day and night. He didn't know where their virus came from and was it a natural pandemic or an artificially made and spread disease. But he knows this for sure that this disease tore his family apart while also killing him, which is something he couldn't forget, so much so that even after death while his soul was left in the void to reset his memories, he didn't forget the anything. The feeling of helplessness, weakness, fear mixed with anger and frustration, he didn't want to feel that ever in his life, ever again.

Wallowing in his feeling and emotions he spent years in that void, that's when the emptiness around Logan suddenly disappeared and a figure appeared in front of him. While Logan stared at the figure, unknown if it is a man or woman, the figure stared back at Logan for a while before a genderless voice entered Logan's mind, "Child, you seem to have broken your reincarnation cycle". Logan was confused with what this person or thing was saying, "Reincarnation?" asked Logan confused about his situation, because he only knew that he was dead.

"You would have to be sent back into your world to reset this situation, otherwise your soul could never leave this void. There are some rules that even I can't break.", said that mysterious figure to Logan, which made Logan excited. "You mean I can be revived?" asked Logan with hope, but the figure's reply made him a little sad, "No!". Seeing this the figure explained again, "You will be sent back in time to when you were born, but because you died but didn't go to neither heaven nor hell. While I can't send you back with your karmic value.

Hence, I would use that karmic value to grant you something that you desire. But remember it must be something that can be done within your Karmic value limit, although you died young, and your Karmic value should be less but looks like you did a lot of good.". Logan was astonished, he has read these situations a lot of times, but he never expected to be a part of this, ever, hence he took some time to let these things settle in his mind. After a while Logan said, "I didn't want to work for Law enforcement to drive down the crime rate in my area. I did what I could before I became a police officer, but with the unexpected situation due to COVID, I died early.". Hearing this the figure nodded and said, "I know that's why to ask me something that you want, and I will tell you if it is possible. Because this has never happened before even, I am eager to watch what you will do with your wish."

Logan began to feel this weird excitement, but the first thing he wanted to know was the limit of Karmic Value, hence he decided to ask for the most powerful superpower he knows, "I want to I want to have all of Superman's powers ever mentioned but without any weakness.", to this the figure simply shook his head and said, "This wish is way beyond your karmic value, ask for something else.". Although Logan expected this, he still shook off his disappointment and contemplated the best way to get what he wants and after some back and forth between him and the figure, he finally asked something that he was sure was in the possibility of acceptance, "Can you make me a Kryptonian after my birth, where I can slowly gather my strength with sunlight and other energy sources, but I don't want any weakness such as Kryptonite or Red sun radiations or anything else." After making this Logan looked at the figure with some expectations, to which the figure seemed to have sighed and said, "Although this is still above your karmic value I can do one thing because you want to become a Kryptonian after birth I can do so that you will have negative karmic value, hence if you died young before collecting any karmic value then you will be sent to hell, how is that?".

Hearing this Logan became silent for some moment, in this mind Logan had only one thought, "How many times will I get this opportunity, I may get another life after my time in hell, but it is highly unlikely I would get to live as superman. I just have to be careful and do what I wanted to the most". After another moment of thinking, Logan agreed to this condition, after which the figure simply nodded, waved his hand, and said, "Hope you enjoy your life, I will be watching too. Hope it entertains me."