

everything is being destroyed and the universe is about to end, superman now gathered all the various version of himself that was spread across the universe, to fuse and combine once again into one. but before that, they all decided to tear open a hole in reality, escape and enter a whole new world....tune in to the same SUPER time, same SUPER channel!!

VENATUS · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs


Superman had come a long way since that fateful encounter with the Goblin King at the tender age of five.

"It won't be long now and I'll soon be able to see my massive "pythons" back again!"

Now, at ten years old, he was a seasoned veteran of the labyrinthine dungeons that riddled this otherworldly realm. He had grown stronger, both in body and spirit, and had honed his skills to become a formidable force against the creatures that lurked in the darkness.

In the past five years, he had been assigned countless "Gopher Quest missions," as they were colloquially known among the orphaned children. These missions were no child's play, though. Each one presented its own unique challenges and dangers.

The primary objective of these quests was to gather samples—samples of the exotic flora, samples of the terrifying fauna, and even samples from the monstrous creatures that roamed these dungeons. The scientific minds behind Operation: Blue Protocol were insatiable in their thirst for knowledge, and they believed that studying these samples could hold the key to Gaia's salvation.

But the missions weren't limited to sample collection.

There were times when M.A.-01 was tasked with mapping out uncharted territories within the dungeons. These cartography missions were a crucial part of his responsibilities. By creating detailed maps of these ever-shifting mazes, he could provide vital information to his fellow orphaned children who might be assigned to the same dungeon in the future.

As he ventured deeper into the dungeons, Superman faced an array of foes. He fought monsters and beasts of all shapes and sizes—some driven by primal instincts, others wielding dark magic with deadly precision. It was in these battles that he truly honed his combat skills, mastering the art of strategy and precision.

The psychological toll of these missions was not lost on the doctors and scientists overseeing the project. They recognized that the work was grueling, both physically and mentally. The isolation, the constant threat of danger, and the relentless pursuit of data could wear down even the strongest of spirits.

To address this, the psychological department insisted on a unique requirement: video logs and written transcripts. After each mission, Superman was tasked with documenting his experiences in meticulous detail. These logs served both as a record of his encounters and as a means of psychological assessment.

The higher-ups had initially been reluctant to implement this requirement, viewing it as an unnecessary burden. But the doctors argued that it was essential to monitor the mental and emotional well-being of the orphaned children. They believed that it could help identify signs of distress or trauma that might otherwise go unnoticed.

So, after every mission, M.A.-01 diligently recorded his thoughts and experiences. He spoke of the eerie beauty of the dungeons, the ferocity of the monsters, and the camaraderie he felt with his fellow orphaned children. He shared his triumphs and his fears, his hopes for the future, and his determination to protect Gaia from the impending threat.

As he reflected on the past five years of his life, Superman couldn't help but marvel at how far he had come. He had faced unimaginable challenges, forged unbreakable bonds with his comrades, and grown into a young warrior with a heart filled with purpose.

The mission was far from over, and the looming threat of the interdimensional invasion still hung heavily in the air. But with each quest, each battle, and each recorded log, he found that it was almost endless....the fight against these otherworld creatures and the chaos that they bring.

[Three days afterwards.....]

Clark Kent, in his rare moments of respite, had been indulging in the simple pleasures of the city. The sights, the food, and even the toys brought a sense of normalcy to his life that he cherished. It was his day off, a precious break from the relentless missions and training that defined his existence as M.A.-01.

But even on a day off, he was never truly off-duty.

"Gah. Its like having my own personal stalker but we did have these too back then in the Justice League, the earpiece communicators work the same way, at least this one has a hologram screen."

The communicator watch on his wrist, a sleek device that doubled as both a clock and a military-grade communicator, served as a constant reminder of his responsibilities. It allowed the military to track his location at all times and, more importantly, to alert him in case of emergencies.

As he strolled through the bustling streets, savoring the flavors of street food and admiring the colorful displays of the city, his watch buzzed with urgency. A familiar tone signaled an incoming call—a call that he couldn't ignore.

Clark glanced at the watch, his brow furrowing with concern.

The emergency beacon was flashing red, indicating a dire situation. His comrades, members of the retrieval team that had embarked on a mission into a treacherous dungeon, were in trouble. They had been tasked with retrieving a valuable Orcish treasure, unaware of the fierce determination of these creatures to protect their magic-laden artifacts.

The situation had escalated quickly.

The mission had gone awry, and the Orcs, relentless in their pursuit, had followed the retrieval team to the dungeon's exit. In combat mode, the exit remained sealed, a cruel twist of fate that trapped his comrades within the treacherous labyrinth.

Clark knew what he had to do.

"I need to do a number 1 and a number 2 faster than a speeding bullet..."

He couldn't enjoy his day off while his friends were in danger. With a determined nod, he activated his communicator watch, acknowledging the incoming mission. In the blink of an eye, his carefree day turned into a call to action.

The mission was clear: breach the closed dungeon portal and provide assistance to his comrades.

The scientists and tech personnel had devised a solution for precisely these types of emergencies—a Dungeon Breacher. This magical device could forcefully breach sealed dungeon portals, creating an opening just large enough for one person or essential equipment to pass through.

As he hurried to the designated rendezvous point, his mind raced with concern for his comrades. They were skilled and experienced, but the Orcs were formidable foes, especially when defending something as precious as their magical treasures.

<Hold on....Superman is on the way!>

He hoped they had managed to hold their own until his arrival.

Upon reaching the rendezvous point, Clark found a team of tech personnel preparing the Dungeon Breacher. It resembled a compact, intricately designed device, brimming with magical runes and enchanted components. Their expertise was crucial in handling the delicate process of breaching the portal without causing any unintended disruptions.

While the tech personnel worked diligently on the device, Clark was quickly equipped with the latest combat gear—armor and weapon prototypes designed to maximize his effectiveness in the rescue mission. The military had spared no expense in developing these tools, and they were a testament to human ingenuity and determination.

As he donned the armor, he couldn't help but marvel at the fusion of science and magic that had gone into its creation. It was lightweight yet incredibly durable, providing him with protection without sacrificing mobility.

The weapons were equally impressive, each designed to harness his unique abilities to their fullest potential.

The suit clung to his muscular frame like a second skin, its material adapting to his movements with a fluid grace. Every piece of equipment was meticulously crafted, a testament to the countless hours of research and development that had gone into their creation.

"I feel like an....Iron Man! *snicker"

It was a reminder of the unwavering dedication of those behind the scenes, working tirelessly to support him and his fellow soldiers in their mission to protect Gaia.

As the tech personnel continued to fine-tune the Dungeon Breacher, Clark's thoughts shifted to the impending rescue mission. He had trained extensively for scenarios like this, preparing himself for the unexpected challenges that the dungeons often presented. But there was always an element of uncertainty, a reminder that even with his extraordinary powers, he was not invulnerable.

The urgency of the situation weighed heavily on him.

His comrades were in danger, their lives hanging in the balance. He knew that time was of the essence, and any delay could have dire consequences. He mentally reviewed his strategy, planning the best approach to breach the portal and provide immediate support to the retrieval team.

The tech personnel worked with focused determination, the magical runes on the Dungeon Breacher glowing brightly as it neared completion. It was a delicate operation, requiring a delicate balance of magical energy and precise calculations. The breach had to be controlled to avoid any unwanted disruptions on the other side.

Finally, with a synchronized effort, the tech personnel activated the device.

A surge of magical energy rippled through the Breacher, its runes blazing with intensity. The air itself seemed to warp as the portal began to destabilize. It was a moment of tension, the culmination of their preparations and teamwork.

With a brilliant flash, the portal yielded, creating a rift just large enough for Clark to pass through. There was no time for hesitation. He nodded to the tech personnel, a silent acknowledgment of their expertise and dedication. Then, without a second thought, he stepped through the breach.

On the other side, chaos reigned.

The retrieval team was locked in a fierce battle against the Orcs, their determination unwavering despite being outnumbered. The creatures were relentless, their brute strength and ferocity a formidable challenge.


Without hesitation, Clark sprang into action. His presence was a beacon of hope for his comrades, a symbol of their impending rescue. With a burst of superhuman speed, he closed the distance between himself and the Orcs in the blink of an eye.

His combat training kicked in, a well-honed skill honed through years of rigorous preparation. With precision and efficiency, he incapacitated the Orcs, his movements a blur of speed and power. The prototype weapons proved their worth, enhancing his abilities and allowing him to dispatch his foes with ease.

But amidst the chaos of battle, Clark remained vigilant. His super senses scanned the area, ensuring that no member of the retrieval team was left behind or in danger.

"I could use my Heat Vision to end it quickly but the tunnel is jam-packed right now, plus I have to gain data from using the prototypes....*sigh"

The battle was fierce, and every second counted.

As the last Orc fell before him, Clark took a moment to assess the overall aftermath situation. His comrades were battered but alive, their expressions a mixture of relief and gratitude. They knew that his timely arrival had turned the tide of the battle in their favor.

Clark's mission was clear—to ensure the safety of his comrades and retrieve the Orcish treasure that had led to this perilous situation. But even as he focused on the task at hand, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of responsibility.

<Jeez and here I thought saving people was all done and done in the past....sometimes being a superhero sucks ass.>

These were his fellow soldiers, his comrades-in-arms.

Their lives depended on his actions, and he was determined to see them safely through this mission. The fusion of science and magic, the dedication of the tech personnel, and the unwavering spirit of his comrades all served as a reminder of the strength and resilience of humanity in the face of adversity.

"Let's get outta here and don't forget the magic treasures!"

As he led the retrieval team back through the now accessible dungeon portal, their mission accomplished, Clark couldn't help but reflect on the fragility of life and the importance of their ongoing battle against the dungeon outbreaks.

In a world threatened by otherworldly forces, they were the defenders of Gaia, standing together in the face of unimaginable challenges.

And as they returned to their world, victorious but aware of the challenges that still lay ahead, Clark couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. His day off had been interrupted, but it had reaffirmed his commitment to the mission and to the people that served along his side.

In the end, the fusion of science and magic, of determination and sacrifice, would be their greatest weapon against the ever-present threats that loomed on the horizon.

"I could sure go for some "adidas", "helmet", "neck tie" and "betamax" right now, drenched and dipped in a mixture of vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, onions, garlic and labuyo."

[After removing and returning the prototype equipment....]

Clark Kent, having successfully completed the rescue mission with the help of the prototype equipment, returned to the military base with a sense of accomplishment and a desire to share his insights. The fusion of science and magic in the equipment had been a significant factor in the mission's success, and he knew that there was room for improvement.

As he stepped into the base's secure facility, he was greeted by a team of scientists and tech personnel who had been eagerly awaiting his return. They were responsible for designing and developing the prototype equipment, and they were keen to hear his feedback.

"Welcome back, M.A.-01," one of the scientists said, a tablet in hand. "We're eager to hear your thoughts on how the equipment performed during the mission."

Clark nodded, appreciating their dedication to their work. "The equipment definitely played a crucial role in the mission's success," he began, his voice carrying a tone of measured consideration. "The lightweight armor provided excellent protection without sacrificing mobility. It adapted to my movements seamlessly, which was crucial in combat situations."

He continued, "The weapons were equally impressive. They enhanced my abilities and allowed for precise targeting. The combination of science and magic in their design was evident, and it worked exceptionally well."

The scientists exchanged pleased glances, taking notes as Clark spoke. They were clearly eager to receive his insights to further improve the equipment.

Clark went on to provide more detailed feedback. "The integration of magical runes and energy sources was a brilliant concept. It amplified my powers and allowed me to engage multiple adversaries effectively. The energy management system ensured that I could maintain peak performance throughout the mission."

One of the tech personnel chimed in, "We also noticed that the equipment seemed to adapt to your specific needs during the mission. Can you elaborate on that?"

Clark nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Yes, it was as if the equipment could anticipate my actions. For example, during a particularly intense moment in the battle, it redirected excess energy to reinforce my defensive capabilities. It's a level of adaptability that could be incredibly advantageous in future missions."

The scientists and tech personnel exchanged excited glances, jotting down notes feverishly. Clark's observations were invaluable in understanding how the equipment performed under real-world conditions.

"As for the Dungeon Breacher," Clark continued, "it worked flawlessly in creating the portal rift. The precision and control it offered allowed for a quick and controlled breach, which was critical in our situation."

One of the lead scientists spoke up, "M.A.-01, we're grateful for your feedback. It will undoubtedly help us fine-tune the equipment for future deployments. We're also planning to incorporate a feedback system that allows for real-time adjustments based on the user's needs. Your insights will be invaluable in that regard."

Clark gave a nod of approval. "That sounds like an excellent idea. It would make the equipment even more versatile in the field."

As the discussion continued, Clark couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the scientists and tech personnel.

They were a team, each contributing their expertise to ensure the success of their missions. The fusion of science and magic had proven to be a powerful combination, and he had no doubt that with their dedication, they would continue to push the boundaries of what was possible.

As they delved into the technical details of the equipment and brainstormed potential improvements, Clark couldn't help but reflect on the incredible journey that had led him here. From his early days as an orphaned child to becoming M.A.-01, the fusion of science and magic had transformed him into a formidable defender of Gaia.

And as they worked together to enhance the prototype equipment, he knew that their efforts were not in vain. They were the guardians of their world, standing united against the ever-present threats that lurked beyond the dungeon portals. With each mission, they grew stronger, more resilient, and more determined to protect their home.

In the end, it was the fusion of science and magic, of teamwork and innovation, that would pave the way for a brighter future—a future where Gaia could thrive, even in the face of unimaginable challenges.

i posted some tiktok vids with minju from iz*one as the center of attraction using some video templates and her latest pics on instagram. i really like her and i guess she's a great actress but i prefer her as an idol though. i wish she'd do singles if its a hassle to create albums, its not breaching on the promise of "iz*one as her last girl group to ever join", as she will be singing or doing only singles or mini-albums solo. she's so beautiful, i hope i dream of her later....

VENATUScreators' thoughts