

everything is being destroyed and the universe is about to end, superman now gathered all the various version of himself that was spread across the universe, to fuse and combine once again into one. but before that, they all decided to tear open a hole in reality, escape and enter a whole new world....tune in to the same SUPER time, same SUPER channel!!

VENATUS · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


Superman lay flat on his face, hidden from view as he watched the camera aiming on the ground below. His keen eyes were fixed on the ground beneath him, where the collar attachments' view had been concealed.

The camera's view could only capture the dark ground, making it the perfect place to execute his plan.

Inside his mind, he calculated every move, every possibility. He knew that now was the time to employ one of his most unique abilities, a power he had developed in his quest to protect the world.

"I'm excited. So this is what "going undercover" is, although I did do this as a former reporter, but it was just some finding evidences on environmental crimes and whatnot, THIS is the true undercover that I only heard from The Question or from Ollie and Canary, when I had some conversations with them."

He could swap places with a cloned version of himself.

The clone, a nearly identical copy of Superman, was created to carry out this very mission. It was now equipped with the collar, while the original Superman standing over the clone, free from the prying eyes of those who watched his every move.

By swapping with his clone, Superman ensured that the clone would take on the appearance of weakness and vulnerability.

The clone was at only 50% of Superman's true strength, creating the illusion that his powers had been severely diminished during the intense battle with the goblin king. It was a calculated risk, but one that would allow him to operate stealthily without arousing suspicion.

Superman knew that this deception was crucial to his mission.

If the scientists, including Doctor Z, believed he was weakened and dependent on his "mana," they would be less likely to scrutinize his actions. The collar, which they had come to view as a source of control, would now be attached to the clone, further solidifying the illusion.

As his clone donned the role of the weakened mage and engaged in scripted conversations with the scientists about his apparent fatigue and need for rest, the real Superman moved into action.

He used his other unique ability to tear a hole in reality, creating a tear that allowed him to move between dimensions. It was like entering another plane of existence, where he could observe the world without being seen, smelled or heard.

His new state was akin to that of a ghost, an invisible presence existing on a different plane.

From this vantage point, Superman watched himself with intense focus. He made sure that his clone followed the script, fooling the scientists into believing he was far less capable than he truly was. The clone's every word and gesture had to be convincing, for it was essential that the ruse remained intact.

But Superman didn't stop there.

He was now in a unique position to gather vital information. He could follow his clone, explore the laboratory, and uncover the secrets behind the secret facility, the children, and the orphanage.

Superman knew that patience was his greatest ally in this endeavor.

He bided his time, summoning the inner strength that had defined him as a hero for so long. From this alternate dimension, he watched and waited, ready to act when the moment was right.

As the events unfolded before him, Superman was determined to uncover the truth, unveil the secrets that shrouded this enigmatic world, and ensure the safety and well-being of the children he had sworn to protect. In this ethereal state, he was a silent guardian, watching over his clone's performance and preparing for the next step in his mission.

[In the underground laboratory complex....]

The stretcher carrying M.A.-01, codenamed Clark Kent, made its way through the maze-like corridors of the facility.

The clattering of wheels on the hard floor echoed ominously in the sterile environment. Wires and tubes protruded from the stretcher, connecting to various monitoring devices. Each blip and beep on the screens of the electronic tablets carried vital information about the well-being of the unconscious man on the stretcher.

Doctors, scientists, and military personnel bustled around, their voices a cacophony of concern and curiosity. Chatter, talks, and dialogues filled the air as they discussed the unprecedented events that had just unfolded. The mention of M.A.-01's name sent ripples of excitement and apprehension through the crowd.

"He did it. He actually did it," whispered one scientist to another, their eyes glued to the live feed of the stretcher's vital signs on their tablets.

"I've never seen anything like it," replied his colleague, shaking his head in disbelief. "Firing a 'fire beam' by burning through his mana reserves, especially when his mana signature is so weak. It's unheard of."

Doctor Z, the man in charge of the operation, moved with a sense of urgency. He was a tall, imposing figure with a stern expression that betrayed none of the excitement coursing through him. His deep-set eyes scanned the data on his tablet as he walked beside the stretcher.

"His mana signature is dangerously low," he said, his voice cutting through the chatter. "But it's slowly recovering. We need to get him to the infirmary immediately."

As they entered the infirmary, a flurry of activity awaited them. Nurses and medical personnel were on standby, ready to assist in whatever way necessary. The stretcher was gently transferred to a hospital bed, and the wires and tubes were expertly connected to the state-of-the-art medical equipment.

Doctor Z leaned in close to examine M.A.-01's vital signs. "Stabilize him," he ordered, his voice firm and unwavering. "We can't afford to lose him now."

The medical team worked efficiently, their movements a symphony of precision. The room was filled with the soft hum of machines and the focused hush of the medical personnel as they monitored every aspect of M.A.-01's condition.

Meanwhile, the discussions continued among the onlookers. Some marveled at the incredible display of power they had witnessed, while others debated the risks M.A.-01 had taken. They questioned the wisdom of such a maneuver and speculated on what it meant for their research.

"His control over his abilities is astonishing," remarked one scientist, admiration lacing his words. "To fire a 'Fire Beam' with such precision... it's almost otherworldly."

A military officer nodded in agreement. "But it came at a cost. His mana levels are critically low. How long will it take for him to recover?"

Doctor Z overheard their conversation as he continued to monitor M.A.-01's progress. He knew that the recovery process was uncertain, that it depended on the unique physiology of their enigmatic subject. But he also knew that M.A.-01 had demonstrated resilience and determination beyond their expectations.

"It's hard to say," Doctor Z replied, addressing their concerns. "But I have faith in his abilities. He's proven time and again that he's more than capable of handling the challenges we throw at him."

As the minutes ticked by, the screens displayed gradual improvements in M.A.-01's mana levels. It was a slow and painstaking process, but it gave hope to those who watched and waited.

In the midst of the chatter and discussions, Doctor Z continued to focus on his patient.

He knew that their work was far from over, that the mysteries of M.A.-01 and the power he possessed were still unfolding. The operation had been fraught with uncertainties, but one thing was clear: M.A.-01 was a force to be reckoned with, and his journey was far from over.

[Superman's POV....]

With Superman's ability to open up tears in reality, he is now currently in the realm beyond reality, where Clark Kent existed as a spectral observer, he moved with the fluid grace of a phantom.

His consciousness intertwined with a plane of existence unknown to the scientists, doctors, and military personnel who had subjected him to their experiments. Through this otherworldly connection, he was able to transcend the boundaries of matter and pass through solid objects like a specter in the night.

As he ventured deeper into the hidden layers of the facility, his senses remained heightened, his every thought clear and purposeful. His mission was to uncover the truth behind the enigma that had become his life, to unravel the secrets concealed within the labyrinthine corridors of the laboratory.

His passage through the floors revealed a complex web of security measures and vigilant patrols. Armed guards roamed the halls, their presence a testament to the value of the secrets held within. Biometric scans and manual inspections were the order of the day for anyone entering the restricted areas.

"Now I know how Deadman feels...."

Clark's ethereal form granted him immunity to these obstacles.

He glided through security barriers and surveillance systems without raising an alarm. Each step took him closer to his goal, further into the heart of the clandestine operation.

Eventually, he encountered a door unlike any other. It was a fortress in itself, bristling with security protocols and bearing a stern warning sign that practically screamed, "Keep Out." The sight of it piqued his curiosity. Whatever lay beyond that door held the answers he sought.

"I feel like that gentleman thief from those anime....what was his name again, third chonggo or something..?"

Without hesitation, he phased through the door's imposing structure, its security systems helpless against his otherworldly presence. Inside, the room was stark and minimalistic, containing only a single monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse. The monitor emitted a faint, eerie glow, and a solitary blinking cursor on its screen beckoned him.

As Clark Kent drew closer, he couldn't help but wonder what this terminal held.

It was undoubtedly a part of the puzzle, a piece of the grand design that had been hidden from him. With the simplicity of a ghostly touch, he activated the monitor and the cursor blinked with anticipation.

"So this thing is the key for everything huh...."

A rush of thoughts flooded Clark's mind.

What kind of information was locked away here? What secrets had the scientists and military personnel been keeping from him? As he prepared to interact with the terminal, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. The answers he sought might be far more complex and unsettling than he had ever imagined.

In the dimly lit room, his ghostly presence hovered before the screen, poised to delve deeper into the mysteries that had eluded him for so long. The cursor blinked, awaiting his command, as the truth lurked just beyond his grasp.

And there, at the precipice of discovery, Clark Kent paused, realizing that the revelation he was about to uncover might forever alter the course of his existence.

In the realm beyond reality, Superman delved deeper into the secrets of the underground facility.

As he stood before the enigmatic monitor with the blinking cursor, he couldn't shake the urgency of the situation. He needed answers, and he needed them now.

"Gotta memorize all this stuff...."

With his superhuman intellect and eidetic memory, he swiftly accessed the terminal's data. It was a treasure trove of information, a digital archive that revealed the complex web of Operation: Blue Protocol.

Images and text flashed before his eyes, detailing the involvement of the orphanage, the children, scientists, doctors, and military personnel. It was a startling revelation, one that shed light on the true purpose of this enigmatic operation.

Gaia, this world, was in the throes of a crisis—a cataclysmic invasion of otherworldly beings through dungeon portals. These rifts in reality allowed monsters and beasts to flood into Gaia, leaving chaos and devastation in their wake.

The situation was dire, and the fate of the world hung in the balance.

"So this is....this is what the government has come up with."

Operation: Blue Protocol had been conceived as a desperate response to this existential threat.

The government, in collaboration with powerful corporations and key agents scattered across the globe, had embarked on a mission to create an army of soldiers capable of combating these interdimensional menaces.

But the selection criteria were stringent and heart-wrenching.


"These unfortunate children....I wish I could save them all free them from this place but what then? Where will I place them? In another orphanage? They are already living the life and are able to eat at least three times a day....but of course the price to pay is pain and suffering and....responsibility."

Only orphaned children, those with no familial ties to anchor them, were chosen for this perilous task. They were to be molded into mages, harnessing the formidable powers of magic to protect Gaia from its impending doom.

Superman's thoughts raced as he absorbed this revelation.

The children he had seen in the orphanage, the young faces who had endured the grueling trials and experiments, were the last line of defense against an otherworldly invasion. Their innocence had been sacrificed to become humanity's saviors.

"I dunno if these are gonna be important to me in the future but its better to have it and not need it, than need it but don't have it."

With meticulous precision, he recorded names, key personnel, and their ties to powerful organizations. He uncovered the intricate web of intrigue that connected governments, corporations, and covert agents, all working together to preserve humanity's existence.

Superman's gaze remained fixed on the screen, his super senses absorbing every detail.

"Humans will band together against a common enemy and unleash strong resolve and unshakable courage in times when they are pushed to a corner...."

He realized that in times of dire crisis, when the very survival of their species hung in the balance, humans would go to extraordinary lengths to protect their world. Sacrifices would be made, secrets would be kept, and alliances would be forged in the shadows.

As the truth unfolded before him, Superman understood the weight of the burden that rested upon his shoulders.

He alone possessed the power to bridge the gap between these worlds, to protect the innocent from maybe in the shadows, and to unravel even more mysteries hidden in the shadows.

The destiny of Gaia now hung in the balance, and he was determined to be the beacon of hope that would guide it through the darkest of times.

"I guess that's all there is to know...."

With newfound purpose, he withdrew from the terminal, returning to his ethereal vantage point in the realm beyond reality. Armed with knowledge, he knew that this is just the tip of the iceberg but for now he must hurry and return back to his clone....

aircon cleaners came, very pricey but they did a good job and the whole damn thing is blowing more cold air <in a rainy season> for me to find a reason to double up on a blanket or jacket. so hungry, ate macaroni re-air fried and some spring rolls, given by my sis in law from a birthday gathering. i love free food, too bad no more cola....had to substitute instant black coffee, so bitter---like my life

VENATUScreators' thoughts