Ares Cassius Malfoy was born the twin brother to Draconis Lucius Malfoy. Born as the heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy, Ares must dance around his family’s political views and change the Slytherin house for the better. His secret? This isn’t his first life!
Walking down the halls of Hogwarts on my last day, I think about how far I've come. From a Malfoy to a Black. When news spread people whispered wherever I walked. Slytherins were wary of me since the Blacks were notorious for their fighting prowess, Ravenclaw looked at me enviously as the Blacks had one of the most extensive library's filled with books deemed illegal by the ministry, Hufflepuffs feared me because of the history of insanity in my new family, and Gryffindor loathed me as I'm now not only a Slytherin, but a Black as well which has some of the most Notorious death eaters in history. It made me chuckle that they thought that I had changed overnight into some kind of demon.
Sitting down at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, I strike up a conversation with Blaise, "So how've the snakes been treating you since the news broke?"
Blaise grins, "Oh everyone thinks I've gone Barney for hanging around the mentally unstable Black. Apparently, you've earned a reputation."
I laugh and about half the table jumps which makes me laugh harder. Blaise chuckles as well and says, "So how was meeting Sirius? The rumors floating around is that he Imperious'd Harry. I don't know how those photos of you sitting at the Great Lake were taken, from what you told me no one was there with you guys."
I sigh at peoples stupidity, "Harry hasn't been Imperious'd, and there really wasn't anyone near us it really makes you wonder about Hogwarts security." I say in a light tone. Of course I knew that Rita Skeeter had more than likely snuck in for the those exclusive photos.
Dumbledore did his leaving speech saying a bunch of nonsense, I smirk as Dumbledore couldn't find some ridiculous reason to give Gryffindor a bunch of points for no reason. As I'm about to leave and go pack, I notice Dumbledore motioning Harry to follow him. Harry being an idiot Gryffindor does so, I immediately run out of the hall and find Tonks escorting the students outside. I call out to her, "Tonks!"
She turns around and I grab her and drag her back towards Hogwarts, "Dumbledore is meeting with Harry, I have reason to believe that he's trying to force him back with his relatives!"
Tonks face hardens and nods. As we approach the door to the Headmasters room, the stupid Gargoyle won't let us in. I growl in frustration and aim my wand at it, "Unless you want to be rubble in the next 5 seconds, you better OPEN THIS DOOR!"
The statue doesn't have any expression but soon it starts rising into a spiral staircase. We soon appear at the door and barge into Dumbledores office. Harry is shouting at the top of his lungs and Dumbledore is smiling his grandfatherly smile with that damn twinkle in his eye.
"I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO RETURN TO THOSE ANIMALS YOU CALL MY REALTIVES!" Harry shouts in Dumbledores face. Apparently, Sirius has been a good influence in him. When he boarded the train at the start of the year, he would have been appalled at shouting at anyone.
I strode but and took a seat next to Harry, "I quite agree Headmaster, you wouldn't happen to be trying to force Harry to return to his relatives would you?" I ask in a cold tone.
Dumbledore's smile drops a bit at seeing me and Tonks but continues, "Mr. Malfoy I don't believe I invited you or young Nymphadora to this meeting."
Tonks prickled at that and said, "Dumbledore we've been over this, call me Tonks."
"And I'm quite sure that you even asking Harry to return to an abusive environment, while not entirely illegal, definitely speaks to your qualifications as an educator." I say with a fierce grin.
Dumbledore frowns and says, "I was only trying to have Mr. Potter return to his loving family and allow them to show him how much they care for him. I'm sure that this is just a misunderstanding and young Harry is blowing it out of proportion."
"It'd be a shame for the press to find out the great Dumbledore not only ignored a young boy, much less a celebrity like Mr. Potter," Harry's shoulders shook as I quoted Snape, "pleas for help from a terrible situation, but actually wants to send him back! Tut Tut Headmaster what would the ever loving public think. Though I'm sure the loving public will give you a chance to explain yourself, maybe they'll even listen!" I say with a mocking tone. Though I've publicly disagreed with Dumbledore before, this is the first time I've made my disdain for the man apparent and it shows, Dumbledores lip quirked up into a snarl for a brief second only to fall into his patented disappointed look.
"You would really blackmail me like this Mr. Malfoy? It makes me question the environment that you and young Harry are about to be sent into, the Blacks do have such a nasty reputation. I'm sure the public will help you out from such a situation, maybe they'll bring it before the ministry!" Dumbledore said, and I knew this was his answer to my blackmail. My expression never changes but inside I'm furious that he would stoop that low.
A few seconds pass by before I say, "Oh that's alright Headmaster, if anyone knows about terrible environments, I'm sure you do, what with growing up with a lover such as Grindelwald. I promise we are moving into a much happier home!" As soon as the words left my mouth, the temperature dropped and a freezing cold spread into the room. Dumbledore had dropped all pretense of pleasantry and said with a cold voice, "That'll be a detention with Professor Snape every day of the week when you return next year Mr. Malfoy for spreading nasty rumors."
Amusement rises to my face even though I'm scared out of my mind from Dumbledores prowess, "Oh I'm sorry, I meant no disrespect Headmaster. I know! Tonks call Sirius with a Patronus message, that way we can make our way home so nothing else untoward is said."
Tonks nervously raises her wand and does just that. I can't blame her if I wasn't sitting down my legs would be shaking, Dumbledores just watches everything with a neutral expression, he may not care for the things I had said, but he knew better to stop an Auror. So with great reluctance, Dumbledore finally says in his disappointed tone, "I'm sorry you boys feel that way and that young Harry can't make up with his relatives."
We wait in a tense silence for about 10 minutes before Sirius finally arrives. Just from his expression you could tell he was furious.
"Albus, why am I hearing that you are holding my wards up from leaving." Sirius said with venom marking his every word.
"I apologize Sirius I just needed to have a quick chat with young Harry for a moment." Dumbledore says in a kind voice. Everyone looks disgusted at his change in tone. Sirius wasn't buying it though, but decided to let it go and get as far away from him as possible, "Whatever, boys follow me Cissy is waiting for us. Apparently she's recently taken up baking."
Me and Sirius both shudder at that, while I love my mother, a cool she is not. The last time she tried to cook something, she almost poisoned Father, I had good laugh at that until she made me try them. There are some things that should never see the light of day, and Father made one of the only rules I actually agreed with when he banned her cooking. Oh he covered it up by saying it was house elf work, but we both knew why he did it.
Sirius walks us out of the office occasionally throwing scathing glares back at the headmaster, before he looked at Harry and said, "If the Headmaster ever request another meeting with you, I want you to immediately call me. I've got a present at home that will make it to where we can communicate in any situation."
Harry nods and he glanced at me, "That goes for you too rugrat, I know you can talk it out with the best of them, but we don't know what Dumbledores is capable of."
I nod and agree with everything he says, though I am curious as to why his hatred of Dumbledore has risen so much since we last spoke, I give him a raised eyebrow and he answers my unasked question, "Let's just say that I found some troubling things at Gringotts while you guys were at Hogwarts and leave it at that."
We reach outside Hogwarts wards and Sirius Apparates to 12 Grimmauld Place. I laugh as Harry threw up from the unexpected travel, perks of being wizard raised I suppose. Sirius profusely apologized as I gaze at my new home, on the outside it didn't look like much, but on the inside is where I'll make my plans into reality. All of that knowledge and power just waiting to be tapped into. For the first time in a long time Im so excited to be in the world of Harry Potter!
A/N: That's the end of Volume 1, get ready for volume 2 titled, Harry Potter and the Serpents Survival
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