

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter 16. Too Arrogant

Chapter 16. Too Arrogant

"I don't need it. I'm not interested."

Leon intended to leave without hesitation. Ezra seems to blame himself

for the loss.

If only he didn't underestimate Leon that way, maybe Leon would join

the hospital.

"Leon, you could join our research institute instead. The institute is in

partnership with the medical faculty of Oregon State University. Are you

interested?". Ezra has not given up yet.

"I'm sorry Sir. I'm not interested at all." Leon answered firmly and

shook his head.

In his opinion, working in a research institute is limited to the professor's

guidance, which is not appealing to Leon.

Someone with excellent skills and dominance, to be treated as an

ordinary man, is not Leon's aim. Four years have given Leon enough.

"Leon, I could give you the recommendation to teach at the university. I

will call Professor Willy regarding this. You've heard about Professor

Willy, haven't you?'

Leon knew the professor. He is a lecturer in eastern medicine.

"Leon, this is an excellent offer. In there, nothing will hold you down."

Indra tried to persuade him. "Fine, I'll give it a try," Leon answered lightly.

Ezra is relieved; he'll need to talk to the professor.

Leon's background and skills would bring additional value to the


Not long after, Indra invited Leon to a café for a drink and a chat,

Ezra quickly held a meeting to discuss Dr Iskandar's case, and the results

were made public.

Dr Iskandar was shocked; he had good relations with Ezra. Why did this

happen? He knew it would most probably be due to Leon.

Iskandar realized his mistake. He shouldn't have provoked Leon and

ended like this.

By the evening, Indra was back at the Sheraton Hotel in a good mood.

Sucyanti noticed his grandfather while packing her clothes. She asked,

"Grandpa, you seem very happy today?".

"Sucyanti, I am glad to talk to Leon today." Indra said with a smile.

Sucyanti's facial expression changed at what she heard. She looked


"Leon almost killed you and today you drank tea with him? How could


"Sucyanti, don't take it the wrong way. I am doubtful of Dr Iskandar's

abilities," Indra answered with a higher tone. "Leon must've made up the story. He must be good at rhetorics."

Sucyanti answered shortly.

"You are wrong! Leon is unlike what you think. He displayed his

acupuncture skills and succeeded in paralyzing Director Ezra. He then

healed him. "Amazing!" Indra's voice was filled with excitement, and

his eyes sparkled.

Sucyanti didn't readily believe his story.

"Grandpa, his words must have gotten into you. Too bad I have packing

to do. We're moving to Mount Muare tomorrow.". Sucyanti continued

filling her suitcase with her favorite clothes.

Leon is back in his new villa. He owns all three estates. From there, he

could enjoy the views of the mountain and lake. Perfect. Best Fengshui.

At 3 p.m., Leon sat cross-legged and enjoyed the scenery.

Fengshui is a crucial aspect to consider. It could help gain prosperity and

avoid adversaries. Leon is enjoying the view.

The next day, Leon woke up early. He is spirited and full of energy.

After breakfast, he headed to the Sheraton Hotel.

Leon had an important meeting today. His attendance is compulsory

since he is the hotel's largest shareholder. This is the first time he had

paid the hotel a visit since the acquisition last week.

He took some time to examine whether the hotel's service was

satisfactory. He then moved on towards the restaurant and ordered salad

and fruits. Since he had his breakfast, Leon didn't order anything too big. He paid

attention to the details in the restaurant as he enjoyed his salad.

Beside his table, a couple secretly talked about him,

The man's name is Doni, and his girlfriend is Jessica.

"Coming all the way to a luxury hotel for salad and fruit? How terrible!"

"Yes. Salad and plain water. Not fit for a five-star hotel."

"I'm curious. Someone came here and didn't ask for red wine. Why?"

"Obviously, the price is nothing like a cup of water. A lot of people out

there living frugally; they can't afford red wine."

Jessica said so while pointing at a bottle of Shiraz wine in front of her.

"That makes sense. A bottle of red wine is priced at tens of thousands of

dollars. They can't have it. Well… because they've got no money.

Including a stay here. Also if he is fat with a swollen face." Doni said

that and looked at Leon.

Leon learned Chinese martial arts. He has reached a high level; his ears

are also trained to listen beyond the normal auditory range.

The words coming out of the arrogant pair reached Leon's ear clearly. He

couldn't contain his amusement,

At the Sheraton Hotel, no one knew more than him, including their wine.

Leon's family-owned wine storage contains a variety of exquisite wines.

Lafite, Latour, Petrus, Mouton, and Romanee Conti… Leon had tasted it

all. His family also ran a business as a red wine branded . Leon often

presented the hundred-year-old wine to his Kungfu teacher, Candra.

They got drunk together, spoke nonsense, and then carried on training.

Leon lost count of the times he spent drunk with his teacher on the

high-quality wine. That way allowed him to gain more knowledge of the

martial arts.

Hearing how the couple's mockery didn't end, Leon waved his hand at

the waiter.

"It has been half an hour and all he's eaten is salad and fruits. How

stingy!" Jessica said.

"Stingy or broke maybe? I would be embarrassed if I were him".

As Doni finished his remark, the waiter came with two delicious-looking

dishes and delivered it to Leon's table.

"Sir, here is a special dessert for you. We hope you enjoy it!". The waiter

bowed, and respectfully lowered his head.

What they saw left the couple in astonishment and

"Dessert? Why didn't we get one?"

Doni seemed annoyed and directly asked the waiter. "Hey, you, tell me

why you didn't serve us dessert? We've been here for half an hour


"That's true. We drank red wine worth tens of millions, and the man over

there only had a pathetic salad. We were here for longer too. Why did

you treat us differently from him?" Jessica added. Her emotions ignited. The waiter looked a little awkward. He is too shy to explain and afraid he

might be wrong.

But there is no other way than to give them an explanation.

"Sir Ma'am, my apologies. According to the hotel rules, only honorable

members are allowed this privilege. The man is a platinum member. We

hope for your understanding."