

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 15. Not Swayed

Chapter 15. Not Swayed

Iskandar started to understand Leon's previous arrogance. He suspected

Leon had a relationship with Ezra. The thought of it made him uneasy.

For that, he will be more careful when facing Leon next time. As for how

Ezra's face looked spirited when he saw Leon, he presumed it had

something to do with Indra. If it is true Leon has extraordinary medical

abilities, then this will be a big problem.

Leon is now in Director Ezra's office. As he assumed, Indra is there

waiting for him. He was overjoyed to see Leon and reached for Leon's

hand to thank him.

When he talked to Indra on the phone previously, his voice sounded

weak. Now that they met in person, Indra's voice seemed to boom

uncontrollably. Leon gave him a smile and maintained his composure.

Ezra and Indra looked just as happy, although Ezra is still slightly

doubtful of Leon's abilities. The man who came back to life; maybe it

wasn't Leon's doing.

Ezra plans to test Leon to prove it.

"Indra recalled that you used an acupuncture technique to save him.

Although I studied modern western medicine, I am also interested in

learning traditional eastern medicine. If you would show me, I will surely

pay attention,"

Ezra didn't trust acupuncture techniques. In his opinion, the acupuncture

points are very mysterious, just like the moves from martial art novels. He thinks acupuncture is not as scientific as modern medicine. It is based

on suggestions and coincidence. But Leon had a different view.

Ezra wanted to see what Leon did to believe it.

"Director, I think that would be unnecessary. Acupuncture isn't that

weird," Leon said.

In Leon's reasoning, Ezra became sure that acupuncture only relies on

chance. Ezra questions the saving Leon did.

All of a sudden, Ezra's demeanor changed. "Our hospital has the best

doctors and facilities. We won't let someone with a vague track record be


Those words had Leon suspicious. He kept calm. Besides, as a student,

he doesn't have a say against the dean.

This hospital is indeed famous, but is not the best in United States,

moreover if compared to the Kyoto hospital. The hospital itself has a lot

of problems regarding the professionalism of its staff. Leon is about to

expose that.

"I didn't want to say this, but is the hospital allowing doctors to receive

envelopes from their patients?" Leon asked.

This time Ezra was surprised and curious. 'Who is it? Do you have


"I saw it with my own eyes. Dr Iskandar seems to have received a large


Ezra's facial expression changed drastically. He was ashamed. It was a

punch right to his face. "Fine! I shall investigate this case. If it's true, I'll have it exposed to the

public. But the hospital doesn't need mysterious therapies."

This isn't the first time Ezra has received complaints about bribes from

patients. For the sake of maintaining a healthy work environment, the

case was never opened.

Beyond that, Ezra is angry at Leon for daring to bring the topic up. Ezra

was supposed to be the prime figure there, and Leon is nothing but an

intern. But what Leon said has put him to shame.

Indra sensed something was off and tried to mediate the two.

"Director Ezra, do you not know that acupuncture truly exists? One of

my ancestors happened to be a healer from the Qing dynasty. This

technique has done marvels and is recognized worldwide."

Indra looked at Leon. "Leon, it is better you show us a little bit of it."

Ezra is still in a state of disbelief. He shook his head and calmly

countered. "For Mr Indra, acupuncture can't be scientifically proven. Do

you still believe in him? If he really does have the skills, then why does

he bother studying here?"

Leon just smiled. A real rich man wouldn't show off his wealth. And as

a master, he doesn't have to prove himself to the world.

But Leon is getting agitated now. He decided to answer the Director's

claim to prove that eastern medicine is not to be underestimated.


Leon swiftly needled specific points on Ezra's body. In a second, Ezra

stood stiffly like a wooden pole. Ezra lost his ability to move, not because he didn't want to. Indra was

surprised at what he saw.


Not long after, Leon released the needles. Ezra's body went limp, and he

fell onto the floor, shivering. He became covered in a cold sweat.

"How is it, Sir? Does this make you acknowledge the mystery?" Leon

asked mockingly.

"You! What did you do to me?". Ezra looked shaken.

"You can now move normally Sir. But you must promise not to

underestimate traditional eastern medicine. A lot might seem mysterious,

but that is only because you don't have the knowledge of it."

"Is this acupuncture? Is this really it?" Ezra is still in disbelief.

At first, Leon didn't want to show his abilities. But Ezra was overboard,

and Leon was forced to teach him a lesson to make him learn.

Ezra still appeared fearful. His body felt frail. By now, he realized that

acupuncture is neither made up nor mysterious.

With a young successor like Leon, this technique wouldn't have gone

into extinction soon. All doubts are gone. Indra showed fear and awe at

what he just saw.

"Leon, that was amazing. I didn't know some highly intelligent people

were underexposed. He could be smarter than most of the famous ones. I

am humbled." Indra tried taking control of the situation slowly. On the other hand, Ezra didn't have any hatred towards Leon; it was just

a doubt. But he realized it now and wishes to not repeat the same


Leon's knowledge had been very rare. As a wise director, Ezra thought

about how he could keep and guard Leon.

A person inheriting the knowledge of eastern medicine is very rare. Now

that there is one in Oregon, Ezra must take advantage.

"Leon, there is still space in the hospital for eastern medicine. Come as

you wish. Choose any room you like."

But Ezra is wrong; Leon didn't study eastern medicine on purpose. His

abilities were pure talent passed down through his ancestors. Only two

are left in this world with such knowledge, that is Liana and Leon. Leon

didn't need space from anyone else.