
Super Pet Nursery

Petrian used to be a normal modern world when suddenly gates connecting to a dungeon that was filled with monsters appeared. After that, humans discover that they could capture the monsters and use them as pets to defeat other monsters. Since then, Petrian has become a world of pet tamer. A thousand years later, a Grade E city was ravaged by a strong monster and many people died. One of them was Lucas’s father. Not only that, Lucas was heavily injured but he miraculously woke up from a coma. When he woke up, he found out that he owned the Pet Nursery System. Lucas used the system and wanted to open the best pet nursery in the universe.

RoadBlock92 · ファンタジー
165 Chs

Chapter 78 - Maria Byuty

Chapter 78 – Maria Byuty

A few hours ago, in the classroom. 

A beautiful girl with long light blue hair entered the classroom. She was beautiful but her beauty was more geared toward modesty, not the modernized type of beauty. 

The girl was Maria Byuty. She was of the same age as Lucas and she was in the same class as Lucas. There were a lot of students already in the class. She searched for a seat and found one behind Lucas. 

She sat there. Besides her, was a group of girls. After she sat there, she looked restlessly around. 

'There is no one I know here…,' Maria felt restless. 'Will I be able to make new friends?' She doubted herself. 

Maria was a shy and timid girl. Throughout her school life, she only had a few friends but now, none of them were in the same class. Not only that but most of them decided to take the normal courses.