
Super-Hero System

**WARNING** MATURE CONTENT DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. THANK YOU. Set in a world where Superpowers are more common than not. Yet only a hand full are powerful enough to be called a Super. Nathan Murdock was born powerless. His parents were killed by a criminal right in front of him when he was only 7 leaving his 15 year old sister to take care of him. Nathan shortly after his parents were murdered in cold blood was diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety, and IED. His PTSD and IED often trigger making him explode with anger. for the past 10 years him and his sister have helped him learn to better control that rage he feels. Nathan's sister Sara dropped out of school and started working to take care of Nathan shortly after their parents death. Sara like their mother has powers. Although they are much stronger than that of her mothers. While their father powerless exactly like Nathan. Sara gets recruited by the Powers division of the government and was placed in New york as one of their seven primary supers. During a fight between her and Billy Bronze Sara was on the loosing end of their fight. That was until the powerless Nathan showed up and severely wounded him... but not before he kills Nathan. Shortly after Nathan's death as Sara Held him in her arms cold and lifeless. She was surrounded by men in black combat suits. They seemed to appear out of thin air with an invisibility power. Just as she noticed them she saw black. Not only from exhaustion, but also because they had hit her with a extremely high dose tranq which knocked her out for hours. Nathan woke up with a gasp. He looked around and noticed to tables on either side of him. One with 26 syringes filled with 200 cc's of some kind of pitch black liquid. The other had surgical tools laid out on it and next to the tools was a glass box with what looked to be a microchip with nano wires protruding from it. Then Nathan heard a voice... "Hello... Son."

Hoosier_Daddy447 · アクション
2 Chs

Chapter 1: First Day


"Aaaargh!" A teanage boy laying in bed groaned loudly in frustration as he reached his arm over to his bedside table and slapped the off button on his alarm. He rolled out of bed and stood up with a yawn. He is about 6 feet tall. Athletic build with short black hair and grey eyes. He took a shower and got dressed. He wore a black t shirt with the words "You Smell Like A Bitch"

"Sis! I'm leaving for school!" A boy yelled while walking down the stairs.

"Nate! You better not leave before I have a talk with you!" A young woman who looked to be in her mid twenties yelled through the house. The woman was about 5'4" with D cup breasts a beautiful peach shaped ass and a curvy toned body where her abs were slightly visible. She has long black hair that goes down to her shoulder blades, perfect slightly tanned smooth skin, light blue eyes and light freckled scattered around her nose. She was wearing a light Grey sports bra, a light gray pair yoga pants, black sneakers with her wavy black hair up in a pony tail. She had clearly just stopped mid workout.


The woman almost sprinted until she caught the boy by the handle of his backpack at the door just as he was about to escape.

"Nooo! I was almost free!" Nathan yelled as he was lifted up off the ground effortlessly by the woman with one hand.

"Listen up you little shit!" She said as she turned him toward her and started wagging her finger at him as she spoke. "NO! FIGHTING! Do you understand? If we have to move a fourth time this year because you can't control your temper, so help me god I will throw you into space so fast you'll hit another planet before you even knew it."

Nathan looked at her slightly sweaty body from head to toe. Her face was flushed red from the workout and her nipples were hard poking through her sports bra making her look extremely erotic right now. Nathan blushed as he looked at her appearance and looked away embarrassed and worried if he looked any longer a tent would grow in his pants.

Nathan's sister noticed him blush after checking out her sexy appearance as he look away embarrassed with blush on his cheeks. She smirked to herself and lightly bit her lip. 'Would you look at this little pervert. Looking at my body with those lust filled eyes. God... I just love teasing my little brother. Maybe I should let him look a little bit...' She thought to herself. She quickly shook her head before her arousel became uncontrollable and before she gets lost in her dirty thoughts about her little brother. Nathan spoke to break the awkwardness of the situation.

"You have a temper too sis. I only come by it naturally." He said with a smug smirk on his his still slightly flushed face while making eye contact with her.

"My temper is a side effect of my Enhancement Power Nathan. Your powerless, so you have no excuse." She said. But only after she finished her sentence did she realize what she had said. Her face fell as she tried to quickly scramble to correct herself. "I-I didn't mean th-"

But it was too late. Nathan's face darkened as he looked down to break I contact. He was visibly shaking with rage. He yelled. "YOU THINK I DONT FUCKING KNOW THAT SARA!!!"

He slipped his arms out from his backpack straps and took off out the door. His sister could have easily caught him with her powers but decided it was best to let him cool off and apologize later.

"FUCK!!" She screamed in anger while clenching her fists tightly. She released her grip and slowly as sadness filled her heart. She slumped down to her knees with tears forming in her eyes. 'I'm such an idiot. Why do I always say things that hurt him... I don't want to hurt him. I love him so much. So why do I keep hurting him...' She thought to herself.

Nathan had finally slowed down from a sprint to a normal walking speed. Just like his sister. He clenched his fist in anger. Only he was no longer angry with his sister. He was angry with himself. "Shit! Why did I yell at her. I know she didn't mean it like that. I'm such a fuck up." He said to himself out loud.

He stood silently for a few minutes while he thought. Then suddenly his face filled with determination and unwavering resolve as he said out loud to himself once again. "I have to appologize... NO! I will apologize. Sara is right. I have no excuse to act this way. After everything I've put her through. After the way I've treated her. She probably despises me. Not that I blame her. But... I don't care about that because no matter what I will make it up to her. I will be better and I will take care of her just like she took care of me for the last 10 years. It's the least I can do to make up for how I've treated her..." He finished

Another five minutes of walking followed by ten minutes by subway and he finally arrived at his new high school. The school was an huge old campus with a big brick building in the center that was the main building followed by 5 smaller brick buildings all of which were reinforced with steel beams and steel plating in the event of a super fight it should help prevent the building from collapsing. Walking through the big ten foot tall doors Nathan looked around and saw a sea of students like himself rushing through the halls to get to their first class for the day.

Nathan went to the office and spoke with the secretary to recieve his class schedule for this year. Looking at it he noticed his first class was biology. Followed by Math, History, Chemistry, Strength and conditioning, then finally a free period where he could do whatever he wanted besides leave the school according to Miss Jones the schools secretary.

Nathan made his way to class. He walked into the classroom and saw everyone was already here. They were all standing in the back of the room which was separated from the front by a glass wall and glass sliding doors. The room was filled with just about anything you'd need for most science experiments involving a supers biology.

'Wait... am I late?' He thought to himself while looking at his watch that was 15 minutes pass the time class was supposed to start. No one had noticed him yet as he walked forward to enter the lab.

He scanned the room and he noticed a beautiful Redheaded girl with emerald green eyes. She was obviously the same age as Nathan since they were in the same class together. She looked to be around 5'8" with beautiful pale skin, athletic and toned like she had been training for a sport of some kind her entire life. Her breasts weren't very big at just a C but still perfect from what he could see none the less, but what she lacked in chest she made up for with a shapely ass that was like a magnet for his eyes. She was wearing a red crop top with black jeans and white vans. along with a black leather jacket.

He entered through the lab doors. As he did everyone's attention turned to him. Except for the teacher who continued facing the same way while he spoke. "You must be Mr. Murdock. Can you tell me why your late to my class on your first day?".

Nathan stopped walking forward once he was about 3 feet away from the teacher. With a stoic expression on his face he said. "Sorry about that sir. It won't happen again."

The teacher paused what he was doing and turned around to face Nathan. He looked at Nathan annoyed. "Not gonna tell me why you were late to my class?" He asked trying to intimidate Nathan.

"Does the reason why I was late really matter? Regardless of WHY I'm late doesn't change the fact that I'm already late." He said without breaking eye contact with the teacher.

Visibly frustrated with how much sense Nathan made. The teacher raised his voice in anger. "Get out of my classroom!! Go to the principles office now!! I'll let him know your on your way!!".

Nathan smirked. "But sir... It's my first day here... I don't know where the principles office is." He replied feigning a helpless look and shrugging his shoulders earning a giggle from the Redheaded girl.

"Fine!!" The teacher yelled as he snapped his head toward the redhead who he heard laugh. "Mrs. Griffin! Since you seem to think he's so funny. Why don't you join him." He finished.

"Whatever..." She replied rolling her eyes as she walked towards Nathan. "Come on... I know the way well." She smiled.

They both left the lab and the classroom. Walking through the halls in a comfortable silence that was finally broken by Nathan as he spoke. "My name's Nathan. What's yours?" He asked while smiling trying to be friendly.

"Oh... nice meet you Nathan. The names Alice. nice to meetcha." She spoke with a smile extending her hand for a handshake. They shook hands and continued their journey to the office.

"Sorry by the way... I didn't mean to get you in trouble too..." He trailed off sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

"Oh please. Didn't I just tell you that I knew the way to the office well." She replied making him feel less guilty.

"Well I have a feeling ill also know the way well pretty soon." He said as he chuckled.

Just as they were about to reach the Principles office they heard a loud explosion that shook the entire school making ceiling tiles and dust fall. Without thinking he quickly covered her body with his just in case as they became covered in ceiling tiles and dust. The explosion shook the earth so much that it made Nathan and Alice fall. Soon after followed the Emergency sirens.

"That must have came from a really strong super!! We have to get to the safe zone, you know where it is right?!" Nathan asked.

He quickly stood up and helped Alice to her feet.


If you enjoy this novel please feel free to upvote and leave any comments that are criticism or otherwise. If I don't at least see any comments I'll just assume no one was interested in the seeing the novel continued so ill just cut my loses.

Thanks for reading