
Super-Hero System

**WARNING** MATURE CONTENT DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. THANK YOU. Set in a world where Superpowers are more common than not. Yet only a hand full are powerful enough to be called a Super. Nathan Murdock was born powerless. His parents were killed by a criminal right in front of him when he was only 7 leaving his 15 year old sister to take care of him. Nathan shortly after his parents were murdered in cold blood was diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety, and IED. His PTSD and IED often trigger making him explode with anger. for the past 10 years him and his sister have helped him learn to better control that rage he feels. Nathan's sister Sara dropped out of school and started working to take care of Nathan shortly after their parents death. Sara like their mother has powers. Although they are much stronger than that of her mothers. While their father powerless exactly like Nathan. Sara gets recruited by the Powers division of the government and was placed in New york as one of their seven primary supers. During a fight between her and Billy Bronze Sara was on the loosing end of their fight. That was until the powerless Nathan showed up and severely wounded him... but not before he kills Nathan. Shortly after Nathan's death as Sara Held him in her arms cold and lifeless. She was surrounded by men in black combat suits. They seemed to appear out of thin air with an invisibility power. Just as she noticed them she saw black. Not only from exhaustion, but also because they had hit her with a extremely high dose tranq which knocked her out for hours. Nathan woke up with a gasp. He looked around and noticed to tables on either side of him. One with 26 syringes filled with 200 cc's of some kind of pitch black liquid. The other had surgical tools laid out on it and next to the tools was a glass box with what looked to be a microchip with nano wires protruding from it. Then Nathan heard a voice... "Hello... Son."

Hoosier_Daddy447 · Action
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Casualty Of War

Nathan quickly Helped Alice to her feet. "The safe zone is this way!" She yelled pointing to the stairs. As hundreds of students and teachers rushed out of the classrooms and towards the stairs.

(Safe Zones are pretty much highly reinforced and more advanced fallout shelters)

Alice pulled Nathan and they both started running. They made it to the Safe Zone in the basement. Their were already a bunch of people who had beat them there and even more flooding in.

'Shit! I need to make sure Sara is ok.' He quickly took out his phone with Alice watching him. He dialed Sara's number a few times but she didn't pick up. "FUCK!!!" Nathan shouted while slamming his phone onto the ground shattering it into a million pieces.

"Woah, Nathan calm down, ok. I'm sure whoever it is your worried about is already at a safe zone just like us." She said correctly assuming he was worried about someone from how he got angry after he tried to call someone.

He spun around to face Alice. He was about to yell at her and tell her she didn't know anything. But he stopped himself and took a deep breath. He looked around the room and saw a desk with multiple tv's. It looked to be the security cameras around the school. In the event of a criminal attackong the school the security cameras allow people safe inside the Shelter to tell when its safe to come out. 'If the explosion shook the ground so hard it made THIS building shake... Then whatever it is must be close by.' He thought to himself.

While quickly walking over to the tv's he spoke to Alice who he felt still following him. "I hope your right." Nathan said as he started to get a bad feeling the closer he got to the monitors.

Finally standing in fron of the monitors he quickly reached down to the keyboard and found the button to cycle through the cameras and try to find where the explosion came from. After tapping the button a few times he finally found where the explosion had came from. Only no one was there. Just then a few more explosions shook the building making the monitors fuzzy for a second before they cleared up again. Once the monitors cleared up again he saw 2 figures fighting in the air a few hundred yards away from the camera.

When Nathan saw the 2 figures his bad feeling got much worse, he felt his whole body go cold and his chest started to tighten. "That can't be her can it?" He mumbled under his breath so no one could hear it. But Alice caught what he said.

"Her who? Do you know that super in the white and gold suit or something?" Alice pried quietly so as not to let other people know as well.

Nathan didn't answer her. Cause when he heard her say "White and gold suit" He froze. His heart started to thump faster, his chest got even tighter. He snapped his head to the screen. He didn't notice the suit at first because the figures were so small it was hard to make out. But he focused as much as he could.

"No!! Dammit!!" He exlaimed as he slammed his fist on the table.

He could now tell it was her. It was his sister Sara and she was fighting a super in the air. They exchanged blows back and forth until the other super did an axe kick sending Sara shooting down towards the ground about 20 feet from the camera's.

Before Nathan even knew it his body had moved on its own and he had started to sprint to the bunker door to get put. Other students and teachers were still flooding in the huge bunker. Nathan dodged and shoved people out of the way to get out. Once he made it put he kept sprinting to where the camera was located. He remembered the camera was located on the north side of the school due to the Letter N in the corner indicating the direction the camera was pointing.

After a few minutes of sprinting he made it to the crater where his sister had been kicked into the ground. He looked around only to see nothing. Just as he was wondering where his sister had went a blur flew by him fast and crashed into a parked car nearby with a loud bang.


Nathan turned around to look at the blur that hit the car. It was a man that looked like he was made of bronze. He was wearing ripped jeans and fingerless gloves with no t-shirt. Then still looked stunned before Nathan heard a female voice from behind him say. "Hey!! Kid get out of here it's not safe!!"

He spun around recognizing the voice, he saw his sister with a cut above her eye that was also bruised, her left hand looked broken, and she was covered with small scrapes and bruises. "Sara are you ok?! Who is this asshole?!"

Sara quickly recognizing her brother moved faster than the human eye can see until she was stood in front of him. "Nathan!! You need to leave now!! Its dangerous!! This guys name is Billy Bronze. He's a A rank criminal he could kill you ple-"

She was interrupted by a cop car with two cops in it sped up to them. Before they could stop Billy landed on the hood of the car after a jump and stopped it completely killing the two officers instantly. "I fucking hate pigs. But I hate supe's even more... Oh, who is this kid? What is he your little brother or something?" Billy jokingly asked in a menacing voice. He was asked if they were related as a joke. But the smile that fell from Sara's face when he guessed correctly told him he guessed correctly.

"Hahaha. No fucking way are you serious? Maybe I have a new power of seeing the future I don't know about?.. Anyway, if I kill him it'll make fighting you a hell of a lot easier." Billy said with a crazed look in his eyes as he lunged at full speed at Nathan. Billy was fast, but not as fast as Sara which Nathan had seen before. Nathan saw him lunge and in the split second before Billy reached him he grabbed a busted pole on the ground, cocked back and swung with everything he had.

"AAAAAAARRRRRGH!!!!" Nathan screamed out as he swung the pole. Nathan having no super powers had very limited strength, so limited that even though Nathan's in good shape and can hit people hard, he knew he couldn't do any damage at all to Billy under normal circumstances. But Nathan being the smart and clever guy he is knew that with the speed Billy was running towards him at he could have held the pole still and it would do damage.


The pole smashed Billy right under the chest area just under the heart creating long spider web cracks where the pole hit that spread outwards a little bit. Billy was pretty badly hurt by it considering it was done by someone without powers. Unfortunately even though he was able to use Billy's momentum against him to damage him. Nathan being powerless couldn't stop Billy's forward momentum.

After the pole made contact with Billy's abdomen he continued to move forward. Thankfully Nathan had already moved out of the way of the punch and sidestepped as he swung the pole at Billy. But his hands where still making contact with the pole which when collided with Billy, aggressively vibrated and the pole swung the other way which broke Nathan's left wrist completely with a sickening crack.

"Aaargh!! Fuck!!" Nathan yelled in pain while holding the still vibrating metal pipe. He would have let go of it but from the intense vibration his hand was locked in place on it.

Sara stood there stunned. Not because of what Nathan just did, but because she had just froze up when she saw her brothers life at stake and was now internally screaming at herself because she almost just let her little brother die.

"Shit! Are you ok?" She said taking a few steps to get to him. Before she could reach him Billy appeared in front on Nathan and uppercutted him in the ribs breaking a few, knocking the air out of his lungs and sending him flying towards the school.

Sara saw him get launched from the punch and panicked. Nathan had not only been thrown at the school but also upwards. If he fell he could get seriously hurt or even die. She took off flying past Billy to catch Nathan only to be stopped by a hand grabbing her foot swinging her around and launching her towards the school at as well. She slammed into the wall with a crash and slowly fell forward until she was laying on the ground unconscious.

Nathan on the other hand was extremely lucky. When Nathan was punched he was launched towards the roof of the 3 story school dropping only 4 feet and landing on top of the roof.

Nathan landed and instantly felt the pain coursing through his abdomen from his broken ribs. It took him a few minutes to catch his breath and for the pain to die down a little.

Billy seeing the unconscious Sara on the ground got a sick and twisted idea. "Oh... the pretty little super is unconscious. I wonder what I should do with you? Oh, I know. How about I play with your body to my hearts content? It's only fair since you and your brother injured me." Billy said with a twisted grin on his face while licking his lips, he lifted the unconscious Sara by the hair dragging her about 5 feet away from the wall where there was less debri.

"Now... let's have some fun with you." Billy said. He started to grope her breasts while laughing like a maniac. In doing so he woke up the beaten up Sara.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Get the fuck off me!!" She screamed clearly furious and grossed out. She tried to struggle but found she had almost no strength left in her body from the beating she had taken throughout the fight.

Nathan hearing her scream started to get up. He limped to the edge of the building, looked down and saw Billy on top of his Sara groping her. When Nathan saw that something deep inside him snapped. Normally when Nathan was angry he would yell, scream, and sometimes even punch things. But this time Nathan didn't do any of that. A cold feeling spread through his body and his chest tightened. He spun around eyes darting around the roof looking something to use as a weapon. A few feet from where he had landed he saw the metal pipe from earlier.

The pipe was about 6 feet long and the first foot of it that collided with Billy was bent. Seeing this he picked up the pipe placed the bent side on the ground and stomped on it snapping the bent part off leaving a sharp jagged edge.

"Stop fucking touching me you disgusting piece of shit!!!" Nathan heard Sara scream. He moved to the edge of the building and saw Billy trying to tear her suit off. Thankfully it was well made and lined with a special diamond and titanium filament that made it extremely hard to rip or tear, not impossible, just very hard. Just as Billy was about to successfully tear her suit off she looked up and saw Nathan looking down at them.

'I'm sorry... Please don't look... I don't want you to see this...' She thought to herself while tears started to flow down her face as she clung to her suit trying to stop Billy from ripping it off.

She was still looking at Nathan with her blurry tear filled eyes as she saw him jump off the roof holding the pipe from earlier in his hand. "Noooo!!!" She screamed looking passed Billy and at Nathan.

Billy noticed she was looking at something else. He quickly stood up, turned around and looked up. He saw Nathan only a few feet above him with the pipe raised up high with one hand. Billy didn't have time to dodge so he chose the next best thing. Billy flattened his hand into a knife like shape and trusted it up straight at Nathan's chest. Before the hit made contact, the sharp jagged edge of the pipe hit the crack in Billy's abdomen and the pipe was plunged into him just under his heart.

Sadly as Nathan landed Billy's hand plunged into his chest missing his heart and puncturing his right lung. At the same time Nathan had landed on his feet from 3 storied up with a another sickening crack. Both of his legs had snapped on impact. The only thing holding him up was Billy's hand still sticking out of his chest.

Sara seeing this felt her heart shatter. She screamed with tears flowing out of her eyes but now for a completely different reason. "Nathan!!!"

Both Nathan and Billy fell on the ground. Billy's hand had been removed as he fell backwards still impailed by the pipe. As Nathan fell he was caught by none other than Sara who had forced herself to stand and catch him before he fell down.

Now being held by his sister and barley conscious as he could feel himself slowly bleeding he turned his head towards his crying sister, reached up to caress her cheek and said in a weak voice. "Are you ok? I'm sorry I took so long to to help you..." He trailed off feeling ashamed.

"You idiot!!! W-why are you asking me if I'm ok? Look at you..." She said talking about all his injuries that he would soon die from.

"It's ok... It was worth it. Besides, it's the least I can do for the way I've treated you big sis." He said in a weak voice then shortly after coughed up some blood.

"T-this is all my fault! S-stop talking ok, help should come soon just save your strength. Please." She began to sob uncontrollably while hugging him closer to her and trying to stop the bleeding.

"It's OK sis. It's not your fault. I just happend to be a casualty of war. I can die without any regrets knowing that I saved you and that you'll be ok... Please don't cry sis, I love y-" Before he could finish his sentance he exhaled slowly but deeply as his heart stopped, his hand fell from her cheek and he died.

"NO!!!!" Sara screamed as she started to cry harder in panic. 'Please, please, please. Don't be dead. Please... your all I have left little brother.'

As she was sobbing and hugging her brothers lifeless body 6 men wearing all black combat Armour suddenly appeared after turning off what seemed to be some kind of invisibility. They had surrounded her and were all pointing some kind of futuristic gun at her that was glowing orange. "Our orders are to take the kid. Stun her and let's get out of here." One of the armored men said.

Before Sara could even react to what he said she was shot with a ball of orange electricity that instantly knocked her out.


Thank you for reading another Chapter of Super-Hero System. I really appreciate you all taking the time to read and hopefully enjoy my work. If you do enjoy my work please leave a comment and tell me what you liked or what I did wrong. I'll always appreciate constructive criticism and new ideas.