
Sun Sun Fruit In One Piece[ON HIATUS]

After getting reincarnated with the abilities of sunshine, Ra makes the best of his new life establishing his own path while trying his hardest to ensure that his pride which knows no bounds does not hinder the path that he treads in the pirate world. **This is the first time I am writing a fanfic and I am not really sure where I am headed with it but I'll try my best to keep it interesting. Thanks for reading.**

An_lf_line · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Chapter 7

With Ra after the fight

Waking up after fainting is an experience that I would never desire to go through once again.

The headache that assaulted me felt as though a cargo truck carrying heavy duty machinery which was moving at a speed of over a hundred kilometers per hour had straight up clashed into me.

I don't really know how I came up with that comparison but that is exactly how I was feeling. I tried raising my head but just resolved to getting more rest if the intensifying headache was an indicator of my present condition.

My whole body was in pain but my head held the mantle, winning the position of most painful body part.

I noticed that I was laid on my bed though I was entirely wrapped up in bandages. Some green stuff that was mildly discomforting to look at was under the bandages, moreso across my arms and I attributed it to be my mother's handiwork.

I was still struggling to comprehend my present situation entirely when the door to my room burst open making mother's presence known as she made her way straight to my position.

She looked extremely angry but I could also sense worry and anxiety beneath her angry face. I wanted to greet her but she arrived beside my bed and instead of embracing my mummified body as expected, she pressed my abdomen which was followed by me getting assaulted by a searing pain.

I force opened my mouth to scream but no sound came because a greenish blue liquid was quickly forced down my throat. I wanted to plead my case but the sharp gaze she gave halted my vocal cords' movements.

She took a deep breath in sighed and practically shouted," What the hell was going through your mind when you decided to attack your father? I know he has a very punchable face and can be very annoying most of the time but that does not justify you raising your fists against him."

I wanted to reply but as I thought about it I realized that not much was on my mind at the time. It is indeed true that I was annoyed at him but it wasn't enough for me to attack him. It was only when we were out of the cave an in the open did I punch him, but not much else comes to mind. I raised my head looked at mother and chocked it down to a simple " I don't know."

She huffed and looked ready to explode but then calmed down and sighed once more. I wonder how many times she's sighed today, not just at me but while handling father.

She sat beside me informed me of how gravely injured I was when I was brought home and despite it being an issue in itself would not let me off the hook and that the conversation would continue later on after I had recovered.

After she left, I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to me causing me to lashout at father. The headache promptly returned forcing back my thoughts and after some few minutes resulted in my heading back to slumber land.

Guess I underestimated the injuries I sustained in that fight, proof being that it was only after a full week trapped in my room did I return to a state of normalcy though I still hadn't made a full recovery.

Both dad, mom and some of my friends visited me during the week though mother was giving me the silent treatment which I guess would come to an end when we finally had the promised conversation.

We were now in the living room with me being seated in a sieza position and mother and father at the opposite side were sitting comfortably on chairs. I knew my position in this particular moment so I just kept my mouth shut and head downcast.

Father seemed to be in somewhat the same situation as can be noticed by his now silent and gloomy nature, though he was still in a better position as compared to me.

Mother looked at us with her gaze alternating between us and began her piece. "Ra, I know that you didn't mean to attack your father at the time but that doesn't change what already happened. I had the whole week to think about this situation and ultimately decided that it wasn't yours or your father's fault but something else was at play."

She tensed a bit but then continued. "Your father told me what happened before your fight and after piecing the clues and information gathered, I can conclude that the emotional changes that you experienced were caused by the devil fruit you ate. You probably have no idea what a devil fruit is but in order to lessen the tension between you and your father I will let him explain about them in detail!" she emphasized.

I shifted my gaze to father and after clearing his throat he began. "Boy, as you can probably tell due to the things you are now able to do, devil fruits are mystical fruits which grant the eater a very unique and special ability. They are rare but can be identified due to their vibrant colours, intricate patterns and incredibly foul taste.

These fruits are of mainly three types: the zoan, paramecia and logia. Logia allow its user to transform into the state of the respected element such as fire. Paramecia are known to manifest strange abilities such as creating barriers out of thin air. Finally, zoan allow the user to transform into an animal specie or a hybrid. The zoan is further categorised into two; the mythical zoan and ancient zoan.

Yours in particular, I suspect to be a mythical zoan. They embody mythical and creatures of legend and in accordance to my suspicion, they are known to sometimes have their own will and ultimately have an effect on the user's psyche.

You probably realised that we only allowed minimal contact between you and the sun's rays during your rest period and I guess you know why. Dear that should be thorough enough for now, don't you think?" He asked looking at mother.

That was just...wow! To think there is that much I wasn't aware about one piece and there should probably be much more that dad didn't say, he doesn't know or hasn't been discovered till now. I am starting to realise that the path I want to follow in this new life is slowly begining to unveil itself.