
Summoning Goetia Demon In Cultivation World

Reincarnated as a normal human being in the cultivation world, surely a death sentence... No talent, no system...So no matter how I try to increase this QI thing, surely I won't be in the upper realm... Yet, I remember a book that I read in the previous world; it's Ars Goetia, which consists of 72 demons of Solomon. In this nonsense world where there is immortality, surely summoning a demon of Ars Goetia will work, right? Will Angelic Power be stronger than this cultivation power in this cultivation world?

Yakusu · ファンタジー
19 Chs

15 : Arrived at Xinxing

      Finally, a sign of Xinxing City could be seen in the distance...A sigh of relief that finally I could reach the city, after some days of trip, some rests, and some events...We went to the entrance of the city, where I could see a checkpoint in front of the gate...Our carriage queued up for the checkpoint, I saw there were a lot of carriages that queued up...I turned my face to Seir and Gremory, whose faces showed some impatience...

      After a few hours, our carriage finally reached the checkpoint...As our carriage stopped in front of the guards, I could see their eyes go into Gremory and Seir...I sensed they had some inappropriate thinking about them...Like what I had sensed, they ordered Gremory and Seir out of the carriage, leaving me alone inside...Yet, Gremory and Seir didn't comply with the guard's order... The guards grew increasingly agitated, their voices growing louder as they demanded compliance...

      Gremory looked at Seir as if she wanted Seir to do something...I thought Gremory wanted Seir to use her power, to influence the guards, and just let us pass the checkpoint without any problem...Seir seemed to avoid Gremory's glance...Meanwhile, the guards outside became more agitated and demanded them to get off the carriage...Even, they kicked the carriage's wheel...I saw they tried to take out the horses from the carriage...Seeing that, I immediately asked Seir,

      "May you use your power to resolve this matter?"

      Seir hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and finally said, "*exhale* Fine, I will do it..."

Out of a sudden, the atmosphere in the checkpoint was changed...The guards became not agitate anymore, and let us in...

      Seir said, "There!! Everything is resolved now..." Without getting up from her seat, even moving her finger, she could easily resolve this matter and influence the people around her...Or maybe she was moving so fast to resolve this matter...As the guard opened the gate, our carriage immediately went into the gate...

      Our carriage took a step into the city, and we could see inside the city...Gremory and Seir's expressions didn't show any excitement, maybe because after all the cities we passed by, everything was the same...I asked them, 

      "All of you want to stop by and take some bites of food?"

      Seir was just nodding, and Gremory was just ignoring me...


      We stopped our carriage in front of a sort of restaurant, which Seir told me...It seemed Seir knew everything about where we were and the name of the location...This restaurant somehow had an Inn, which was convenient for us to rest and stay the night...

      As we took a step out of the carriage, I could see all the people around us taking their eyes on us...It could be the carriage, which was weird in the eyes of the people in this world...The eyes of the people became crazier as Gremory and Seir came out of the carriage... Their presence seemed to draw even more attention...

      We went inside the restaurant...As we took a step inside the restaurant, the presence of Gremory and Seir became even more recognisable. The atmosphere seemed to shift as all eyes turned towards them, whispers filling the air...I looked around the restaurant, and it seemed there were some cultivators in the restaurant, their attire was more extravagant and different than normal human beings, and they brought their own weapon in their hips, thighs, legs, or backs...We found an empty table in a corner of the restaurant and quickly made our way towards it...As we sat down, the waitress immediately went to us and gave us the list of the foods and drinks...

      Gremory didn't care about the menu, because she knew that her favourite type of food, desserts would be so bad in this world...Meanwhile, Seir just looked at the menu, and immediately told the waitress who waiting beside us, that she ordered some of the appetizers...As for me, I just ordered one main dish...The waitress took a glance into Gremory, as it was only her who didn't order...I told the waitress, that she was a little bit sick, so she didn't have much of an appetite. The waitress nodded understandingly and assured us that she would bring some water for Gremory...

      I was looking around, as I waited for the food...All the cultivators in the restaurant sat in the group at each table and wore the same attire as if they were in the same group or sect...Out of the blue, a group of people went to our table, as I noticed them, they seemed to be in the same sect... They were wearing matching robes and had a distinct emblem on their sleeves...

      As one of their head leaned into our table, I sensed these people wanted some problem...Their stern expressions and intense gazes made it clear that they were not here for a friendly encounter...

      "May these great people tell us what the intention is?" I asked them...

      The man who leaned his head into my table took a glance towards me, and smirked, "I don't see there is a boy at this table..."

      "So may you tell us what you are doing at our table?" 

      "We just saw these beauties and couldn't resist coming over to introduce ourselves..."

      "Well, if you want to introduce yourself, you can just be standing beside the table, not just lean your head into our table..."

      "It seems we have a brave boy in here...So what are you? their servant??" He tried to intimidate me, and his face suddenly was in front of me, I could see his mischievous smile...

       "I am not their servant, yet I warn you, don't do any disturbing in our table, and calmly leave our table..." After some passed by in some cities from our trip, some idiot people tried to flirt with Gremory and Seir, yet their fate became disastrous...

      I could see his face it seemed to hold a laugh after I said that...In a second, he was laughing at me... His laughter echoed through the room, causing a few heads to turn in our direction...

      "I just tell you the thing for your own safety..."

      "MY OWN SAFETY HAHAHAHA..." he burst into uncontrollable laughter, his voice echoing even louder. The people around us grew more curious, their eyes fixed on the spectacle we were creating...Until he suddenly slammed the table in front of me..."Listen here kid, I don't need your advice, especially from kids like you...What are you going to do to me, huh?"

      "*Exhale* Whatever, I just gave you some advice...If you want to take it, go on, for you keep alive, but if you don't, it's your life..."

      Then he took a look at Gremoy and Seir..."So these beauties, are you--"

      Suddenly, the waitress came to our table with the food...Some appetiser for Seir, and one main dish for me...Nothing for Gremory...Seeing Gremory without any food, the man took an opportunity, yet Gremory was fed up with it...

      Immediately he went beside Gremory, and said "Why there is no food in front of you? Is it because this boy not taking care of you?"

      Gremory took a glance at him, and immediately smirked at him, like she was mocking him...She looked into another view...The man with his entourage looked offended by Gremory...Yet, he was looking for some opportunity to impress with them...The man tried to take his hand, into Seir's shoulder, yet Seir quickly pulled the shoulder to the front. Avoiding his hand on her shoulder... Seir's actions made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with the man and his entourage...

      Seeing disagreement from Seir, the man didn't give up and took his glance with Gremory...In my mind, don't try to mess with Gremory, or you will fucked...The man tried to lay a hand into his hand, yet Gremory immediately pulled her back without looking at him... Gremory's swift reaction conveyed her unwillingness to engage with the man...

      After getting rejected by both of them, the man started to brag and said to them, "Do you not know who we are?" 

      Here we go again.

      He continued, "We are from Brilliant River Sect or JiangJiao Sect..." Familiar name...Hearing that, I looked at Gremory, and she was a little bit mad..."We aren't just the members of the sect, we are the inner disciples, who go here with a mission, trying to scout or find a new member who is suitable to join the sect..."

      "Does that job not entrust for you, the inner disciples, but instead for the elder or the senior of yours?" I asked them.

      "No kid, we are here to do the mission; surely we have one senior with us, but she just watching us to do this mission..."

      "Okay got it..." I replied...

      "What you see in front of you, beauties, a man who can get you into the JiangJiao Sect, so do these beauties want this invitation from me?" The man grinned confidently as if he had a key to save the world...

      Yet, his words didn't get any response from Gremory or Seir was doing what she doing, it was eating, and Gremory in her bad mood was looking in another direction...

      I said, "It seems these people don't want your invitation in here, so may you leave our table?? And let us enjoy our meal..."

      The man's confident grin faltered for a moment, yet he became more agitated, "DO YOU KNOW–"

      "BEHAVE YOURSELF!!!" Suddenly, the loud voice of a woman came from another direction...We looked at the voice; it was a woman with a stern expression and a commanding presence...She approached our table with authority, her eyes fixed on the man...She had better cultivator attire, more like a high-ranking official or a person of importance...Yet, they had the same colour of attire, purple...

      The woman's arrival seemed to have a calming effect on the man, as he quickly regained his composure...The man and his entourage were immediately silent in a thousand words...The woman took her eyes to our table, and said,

      "I apologize for these idiots...It's my fault that I couldn't control them. Please accept my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience they may have caused..." 

      Seir and Gremory just looked at her without saying a word, so I said, "It's alright, we appreciate your apology..."

      The woman nodded gratefully, yet she showed a smile to us and said, "I heard disturbing news from my other disciple, that he had encountered some trouble with a group of unruly individuals... He mentioned that they were causing a disturbance in the city...leaving him full of wounds... the group just left the city, but he warned me about their presence in the area..."

      "Well this group surely sounds dangerous," I replied...

      "Yeah, so dangerous, that they annihilate the entire mountain bandit in a second..."

      Ah! She is talking about us...