
Summoning Goetia Demon In Cultivation World

Reincarnated as a normal human being in the cultivation world, surely a death sentence... No talent, no system...So no matter how I try to increase this QI thing, surely I won't be in the upper realm... Yet, I remember a book that I read in the previous world; it's Ars Goetia, which consists of 72 demons of Solomon. In this nonsense world where there is immortality, surely summoning a demon of Ars Goetia will work, right? Will Angelic Power be stronger than this cultivation power in this cultivation world?

Yakusu · Fantasy
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19 Chs

16 : A Duel Challenge

       "The group is so dangerous; they surely annihilated the entire mountain bandit..." I said to her, pretend not to know about it...

      "Yeah, so dangerous...It's even so dangerous for you that you take the same route, as the mountain bandit got annihilated..." said her to me...

      "Really? That's odd, we didn't encounter the single thing that slowed our trip, right guys?"

      Seir looked at me with some food in her mouth, and Gremory looked at others...

      "Maybe you guys were lucky not to encounter something like that; maybe some mountain bandit..."

      "Maybe we used our luck this year to avoid that. ha ha ha!" I slightly chuckled to make the atmosphere lighter...

      "Ha ha ha..." 

      In front of my eyes were a foot and a chopstick out of blue...In a second, followed a medium shockwave that made my hair blow out...

      "Listen here! We don't want any problems...Right now, you are disturbing our meal. You may get out of my sight right now...But if you want to play, I can play along with you..." said Seir...

      She lowered her foot from my face as Seir pulled her chopstick...The man and his group couldn't say a single word after witnessing what had just happened...

      "I didn't know if you have strong beauty..." said she while looking at me...

      Seir smirked, "But let me assure you, underestimating me would be a grave mistake." 

The man and his group exchanged nervous glances, realising they had tried to flirt with someone far more formidable than they had anticipated...

      "With this, I know who the group is that harms my disciple..." 

      "Are there any you want? Maybe you want revenge on your dumb disciple!? Like the bunch of idiots behind you?" Seir's voice dripped with icy disdain as she taunted the woman, "Because of your action, you disturbed other guests in this restaurant..."

      I saw the woman's hand go to her robe like she was trying to take something from it...In a few seconds, her hand was out from her robe with something...She threw it onto our table...The sound of the object she threw was like a metal object...I looked at it, it was a token or an emblem coated with gold...The token gleamed under the restaurant's dim lighting, catching the attention of everyone at our table...

      As I looked closer, it was 江 word, which means "river" in Chinese...It seemed to be a token or emblem representing her sect. Could this be her formal address to duel Seir? Finally, the woman spoke some words about it, 

      "With this, I, Qin Qiang, challenge you to a duel to pay back what you have done with my disciple...I will wait for you at the city entrance in three days. The rules are simple: a fight to the last breath..." The woman's bold declaration hung in the air, leaving a sense of anticipation among the guests. Her eyes locked onto Seir's, her determination unwavering. It was clear that this duel would be a battle of honour and vengeance, with no room for mercy...

      Yet, what you declared to challenge was Seir; there was no way you would win from her...I saw Seir, she was treating the woman's challenge casually... Seir's eyes flickered with a hint of amusement as if the woman's declaration was nothing more than a mere inconvenience...

      "Why do you need three days to challenge me in a duel? Why not right now?" asked Seir with some amusing tone, mocking her... 

      The woman's face flushed with anger, her determination unwavering. "As Cultivators, you need a lot of preparation, both mentally and physically," she replied, her voice steady. "I want to ensure that when I face you, I am at my best and give you the battle you deserve.".

      Seir's smirk widened, "Take your time, and I want to give you some words, don't disappoint me in the duel, because I haven't experienced a great duel for a while..."

      The woman's eyes narrowed, and she leaned her face against Seir's, her gaze piercing through Seir. "Rest assured, I won't disappoint you,". After that, the woman, Qin Qiang with her group of disciples left our table and walked to leave the restaurant...

      "HEI, YOU LEAVE THIS!!" said Seir to the woman while holding the emblem...

      At the restaurant entrance, Qin Qiang casually said, "I will take it back at the duel..." and she left the restaurant...

      In just a matter of seconds, after they left the restaurant...Immediately, the inside of the restaurant erupted as people started whispering and speculating about the significance of the emblem and the upcoming duel. The atmosphere became charged with anticipation as everyone wondered what would happen next and who would emerge victorious in the impending battle...

      Another day, another commotion from these demons. I was amazed that Gremory didn't give a single fuck about her, yet it was Seir's turn to cause the commotion...I took a deep breath, *exhale* 

      Seir asked me, "Is there something wrong?"

      "Yeah, you...every city went; there must be a problem, before Gremory who did all the problems, and this time is you...It seems both of you have schedules for these types of things..." I replied, frustration evident in my voice, "It's just exhausting having to deal with these constant disruptions...And this time, we cause " 

      "HEI, the root of this time is Gremory, yet Gremory seems not to want to deal with it, so I guess it's up to me to handle it..."

      "Yeah, I know...But, you two seem so sensitive, you easily make a small commotion into a big commotion..."

      Out of nowhere, Gremory turned her head towards us and said, "Because they are humans, Yu Lei...And these humans somehow have more powers than other humans...Do you know how these types of humans will act towards others? They will act with a sense of superiority and entitlement, believing that their powers make them better than everyone else..."

      "And those words came from a demon; I am astounded by it..." said I...

      "Now, I want to ask you: you have lived in two different worlds, this nonsense world and the other world. What do you think of the humans in this world? than your other world?"

      "What about your answer? You have lived in this world now...so what's your answer to your question?

      "Their greed!!"


      "When you lived in the other world, the greed of humans was just focused on material things, such as money and possessions. But in this world, their greed seems to extend beyond that. It's not just about accumulating wealth but also about this nonsense power, status, and control over others... It's a never-ending hunger that consumes them, driving them to do whatever it takes to get ahead, even if it means trampling over others in the process...And they sacrifice the development of this world for their gain. The pursuit of power and control blinds them to the potential for growth and progress, leaving this world stagnant and lacking in innovation...So they have this nonsense power, yet they are narrow-minded..."

      "I get what you have tried to say..."

      Now, Seir tried to ask me a question, "While we were on a trip, you talked about Dao...I don't quite understand or follow about this such thing..."

      "Because you follow different things...Dao or Tao, also known as the Way, is the core of Taoism...It is a concept that emphasises living in harmony with the natural order of the universe. It teaches us to let go of our ego and desires and instead focus on finding balance and inner peace. It is a path that leads to self-discovery and understanding, allowing one to transcend the limitations of power and control..." 

      "Is there any purpose for them following this?"

      "Ultimately, the purpose of following this path varies from individual to individual and group to group. Some may seek a deeper connection with nature and strive for harmony with the environment... Others may focus on achieving a balanced and fulfilling life, prioritising well-being and contentment. Still, some pursue the path in search of longevity and immortality, hoping to transcend the limitations of mortality..."

      "From where do these humans gain the Qi power to prolong their lives?" 

      "Inner strength, meditation, and energy cultivation practices are some of the ways humans can gain Qi power to prolong their lives..."

      "You mean these humans harvest these powers on their own, without help from above?"

      "Above??? Oh! You mean God...No, this world doesn't believe in a singular God or central God, yet they believe in some deities, like spirits...A powerful one, that they can try to know these spirits' power or try to harness their power..."

      Seir and Gremory were astounded and in wide disbelief. Now it was Gremory's turn to ask me, "Wait! You mean there is no God in this world, right? You know what I mean about God..."

      "I don't know about that. Is God's existence and power still reaching this world or not? So I can't say there is no God in this world...Like your existence in this world..."

      "You are right, Seir and my existence surely indicates there is a powerful one being in this world or universe, because without this powerful one being permission, surely we can't live or be summoned in this world or universe..."

      "It seems you two are so scared of God..."

      "Of course, we do, know our limits and boundaries, so to no fuck with God...I can fuck around with Angel but with God, that's a no-zone to fuck around...Maybe that's the difference between humans in this world and demons like me, that we know our limit and boundary to fuck around, yet the humans in this world don't know it, like the woman earlier...She doesn't know the boundary of her power, there is a huge gap between her and Seir...Surely she must know it..."

      "Well, if you know your boundary, surely there would be no War in Heaven, right?"

      Suddenly, Seir choked on her food, and I looked at Gremory's face, her eyes were wide open in disbelief at what I had asked her...I realised that my question had struck a nerve...Gremory's reaction made it clear that the topic of the War in Heaven was sensitive and held significant meaning for her. It seemed as though I had unintentionally touched upon a painful memory or unresolved conflict...

      Gremory turned her face, backing me, and I could hear her say with a low voice, "I just follow my father..." 

      Father? Is she talking about her own father or her father figure...Her father is Asmodeus, and her father figure is Lucifer...