
Suddenly being transferred to another world and having a broken skill

A world with only war, Robbing, Killing and rape is common A place you don't want to go A place that don't have that much technology, A bow isn't even invented yet, Monster Appears, A labyrinth, our mc, who can buy anything he wants just by thinking about it, He is neither the hero that will save the world nor a Demon lord that will destroy the world He is not a bad person so is a good person, Just your average human, Having no harsh past

KLUX · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Barbaric lands

We stayed At the town for a week when something caught my interest "barbaric lands" I asked Ashley about the barbaric land while were in the inn "Barbaric land, Is a place where things are still uncivilized no public order, you can kill or rape anyone without being imprisoned those who live there are called barbarian who is known for a maniac, wild and dangerous they have no common sense and just follow their desire, many still live there such The empire nor the kingdom can't do anything about it even if they wage a war from that place it's still disadvantages since there are no natural resources it's like a deserted land but the temperature is also normal also many dangerous monster appear there"

"Master, I don't recommend going there since it's dangerous" and here I am wanting to go there even more, I have a shop skill where I can buy everything water food is not a problem, and killing bandits and monster shouldn't be a problem since I have weapons from another world and it's a barbanic world words from our mysterious weapons won't spread.

"I'm sorry Ashley, but I'm going there, If you don't want to I can free you-" "No, I, Ashley have already given you my body and soul this is not because I was force to, this is what I want and desire" She's serious about this huh, "Very well, Then as your master I would do my best to treat you well" "Thank you very much, master"

"I've said all this much, but where exactly is the barbaric land?" "With master's vehicle, we should arrive after a year." "A year!?" "Yes, this barbaric land is really far away" dammit and here I thought it was near. Well, it's given if something that close to this empire, then of course they would take action, I'm really dumb.

If going there by land is a year, then going there by air will be just mere days or even a week! "Hey, this labyrinth, Is it dangerous?" "It depends on what floor you are into, it gets dangerous as you go deeper and not many adventurer have gotten past 100 floor only the gifted, otherworldly and the hero's party have ever go to that floor"

I see... so It's normal in this world to have another world person to be reincarnated here, and a hero, huh... "If you have a hero then does that mean there are also demon lord?" "Yes, but that war has already put to an end, and the emperor himself is the hero who took down the demon lord, now we're at peace with the demon race and other races" "Is that so? It's really a pain to become a hero, huh? well it's not like I'm gonna be one"

"Eh?" "eh?"But, with master's ability, you can be a hero or even more powerful than the hero!" "Hahaha, I might or might not be more powerful than the hero I still don't want to. After all, a hero would sacrifice everything he have just to save the world, right? but for me that's kinds foolish I might be just selfish but I don't want to sacrifice people I love for the world, I will sacrifice the world for the people I love" or something like that I make it sound so cool hahaha that's embarrassing

And so Ashley was so happy that she heard that, "I never really have thought of that, but Master was cool when you said that!" Ahh, that makes me more embarrassed "Alright alright, let's go to bed since were gonna be busy tomorrow"