
Suddenly being transferred to another world and having a broken skill

A world with only war, Robbing, Killing and rape is common A place you don't want to go A place that don't have that much technology, A bow isn't even invented yet, Monster Appears, A labyrinth, our mc, who can buy anything he wants just by thinking about it, He is neither the hero that will save the world nor a Demon lord that will destroy the world He is not a bad person so is a good person, Just your average human, Having no harsh past

KLUX · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Lucid dream

A world with only war, Robbing, Killing and rape is common A place you don't want to go A place that don't have that much technology, A bow isn't even invented yet, Monster Appears, A labyrinth, our mc, who can buy anything he wants just by thinking about it, He is neither the hero that will save the world nor a Demon lord that will destroy the world He is not a bad person so is a good person, Just your average human, Having no harsh past A world with only war, Robbing, Killing and rape is common A place you don't want to go A place that don't have that much technology, A bow isn't even invented yet, Monster Appears, A labyrinth, A job that you assign with, our mc, who can buy anything he wants just by thinking about it, He is neither the hero that will save the world nor a Demon lord that will destroy the world He is not a bad person so is a good person, Just your average human, Having no harsh past

I was just sleeping yesterday so why am I here!? Pinching my cheeks if this is just a dream but I couldn't wake up, Wait wait is this the thing that is popular at the internet now? The lucid dream or something I never thought I'll be inside of one! Well since I'm already inside I should Explore this dream more right? But still I'm still on my school uniform, I was busy at school that I immediately go to sleep

I walk around, This dream is not that weird but I can say that I'm really inside a dream by looking up, because this dream has two Sun? Moon? I don't know, Anyways I've been walking to this path a while now and I can't even find a Town or Village... Ohhh, Speak of devil I spotted a Village, I run towards it, When I got closer to the village Is it being attack?

I got in the village and it's indeed being attack, Holy shit what am I supposed to do? As i hide Can I really do something? I mean I'm just a student what do you expect me to do? But still many of the villager fights back but it won't be long before they will be killed, What now? Should I run? Ahhh! If only I have a gun then suddenly A blue panel appeared [ Do you want to purchase a gun? ] huh? What's this?

Emm... I clicked yes, [ With the bonus points you acquired from the starting point you now only have 120 points Do you also wish to purchase the knowledge on how to use guns? ] I again clicked the Yes option, [ With that you now only have 20 points left in your account thank you for your purchase ] "Damn, this is a great dream to have!" And so while the bandits are busy dealing with the villagers I Run towards them and starts shooting them

With the help of the knowledge of gun, All of the shot I shoot hit and I never missed one. They start screaming and running away I can't seems to understand their knowledge but no matter I don't really care since I'm gonna wake up sooner or later, After an hour I killed all of the Bandit I was so exhausted from running around that I can only sit on the ground that have corpse all around it

As I try to catch my breath an old man came to me and try to talk to me but I can't understand him, [ Notice, with all the bandits you killed you have earn 5,000 points, Recommend Item: this world language 800 points ] oh? He couldn't see it? I clicked the yes, "Emm Mister" "Oh, I'm sorry can you understand me?" "Yes?" "Oh nothing, what is it again?"

"You must be exhausted from all the fight, I the village chief would like to thank you for saving our village from the bandits" "Ah, don't worry about it" "Do Mister have a place to stay? If you want you can rest to my place for tonight" "gladly" while walking towards his house he ask me "May I ask your name?" "I'm Asami" "Emm Mister Asami can I ask you a question?" "Yes?" "The thing that you use to kill those bandits are those a magic tool?"

"Well it's something like that" "I don't recommend to use it mindlessly, since magic tool is extremely valuable and rare they even might hunt you for that well my warning might be not necessary since you already know this" I dont I got inside a guest room to stay for the night "Ahh this is one of a hell dream, now how should I go back... I just need to sleep right? Yeah... I should be able to go back if I go to sleep"

And that's what I thought, early in the morning and I'm still in this "Dream" In the first place is this really a dream? Those blue panel that appeared what's that called? "Shop" It appeared, various of things are in the shop, there is a search bar on top so I search various of things, After experimenting for an hour I figured out many things for this "shop" first they sell everything I have knowledge with except living thing, second to aquire point to buy things at the shop I need to kill something neither human or monster the harder to kill the more points it will give

Lastly It sells anything I mean anything, Nukes, House even an entire ocean! Now that it can sells anything I should be able to [ How can I go back to my world ] none [ How did I go here? ] none [ Am I dead on Earth? ] oh there's one it's called explanation? I bought it and it's free?

[ you're dead, A Robberer Goes in your house and killed you on your sleep, Your sould have been transferred to this world, you're one of the "rare" people who got transferred here although it's not "luck" either This world is harsher than your original world every otherworldly have a skill when they got transferred to, and yours is "Shop" as you already know you can buy anything from this shop that's all ]

"What!?? I died!? And here I thought it's just a dream damn I feel so dumb there.... wait... then What I did was... I killed people? From this world? But... why am I calm about this as if it is normal?" *knock knock* "Come in" "Good morning mister Asami, the breakfast is ready" "Thanks" And so we eat breakfast and talk about the rewards the village chief said that he will took the equipment of those bandit who got killed by the villegers and the left was all mine

After all that they wrapped the Bandits equipment and I leave the village, I ask him about a town nearby but it seems like there is no town nearby hahh walking while carrying all of this is a pain, "shop" I search for Item box and there is! Since I read manga and anime too much my knowledge for this should be good, I bought it for 1000 points

"Item box" A black square appear, its thin but wide, I carried the bandits equipment and drop it all at the blanck thingy, And a blue panel appear with all the equipment I put inside the item box, Boots, gloves, Copper sword. Hmm Swords huh... the village chief said that it's rare to have a magic tool so it's better if I equip a sword rather than using this gun, I might use it as a last resort.

I bought a Iron sword and knowledge for it for 2000 points now I only have 1,200 points, I continue to walk to kill sometime as I think more what I want to do in this world, Should i become a hero with my skill shop? A merchant will be a good idea, or an adventurer since killing monster would give me points, harem? I'm in another world but still... harem... nah that's only on those manga there is no way a girl will agree to a harem as I laugh

But then a merchant pass though and suddenly stop and talk to me, "Hello there mister, your an adventurer aren't you? Then would you like to look at my merchandise? They are new since we just took them" I don't have anything to do anyways "okay" We go to the back of his carriage and when he opens it many girls appeared "That's right slaves, A young adventurer like you should have considered purchasing a slave have you not? Then here is a good chance to do it"

[ Item recommend: 30% cut off and 30% pays for anything you buy you get 30% off and for anything you sell you get 30% more ] I clicked yes for 1000 points But still a slave huh... I don't know the common sense here I can just buy it if I want but it's better if someone who live in this world will guide me, also a companion is also nice, "alright, I guess I'll buy one" he lined them all out "What is sir looking for?"

"Hmm... Someone who is knowledgeable for combat" "A combat slave huh... then we only have one, She is A from the cat tribe, they are known for their agile and flexibility, she should be able to protect you and lastly she's a virgin, you should have to worry about disease" I blushed and pretend I didn't heard that looking at her, she should be 5'8 having a gray hair, woah those ears just move and she even have a tail just like a cat she have a slender body that even have a big Boobs ahh no no I shouldn't think such a thing

"Okay, I will buy it" "Thank you very much, Since We offer them to you instead of 15 gold coin I'll give her to you in 10 gold coin" ah, I should be able to buy money from this world right? And so I search for gold coin and it's rather cheap, for 1 gold coin it's only for 10 points? I Bought 10 and paid it "Thank you for your purchase" and the merchant leave

I look at her, "Hey, what's your name?" "A slave doesn't have a name" "is that so? Then can I name you?" "Yes, master" master huh, that's unusual to hear but a name... her hair is gray so "Ashley Do you like it?" "Thank you very much, Master" her tail just move Is she happy? Now "we need to find a place to stay, where is the nearest town here?" "It should be a week worth of carriage"

"That long!?" "?" "You see I came from a very very far place that I don't know the common sense here so could you teach me more about this place?" "Yes master" now what should I do, I can't summon a car now since all the points have been used and I only have 100 left that's not enough to buy a car "Is there a monster around here?" "Monster? Monster only appear inside a Forest but you may see them at the road if your unlucky, they are more active at Night"

While walking I asked her more about this world, There are so called Labyrinth here where you can get item from it, most people usually go there, and this world is at mess but thanks to the "Hero" who creates "kingdom" and "empire" public order have been established and that was 50 years ago, slave are still legal and many place are still not covered inside on this empire nor kingdom that's where the bandits and many bad organizations are

After walking for many hours we stopped at a Tree near the road, I buy our selve a food and drink for lunch, Ashley was stunned from what she saw "Keep it a secret okay?" Seems like I can trust her, Since she's a slave, A slave can't deny their master nor run away from them they will be punished after all, I brought a Ready to eat food for us to eat, I give her portions

She look confused "Am I going to eat with you?" "? Of couse" "but, I am a slave eating with my master is-" "It's fine" "I can eat your leftover or something" "sighed, it's an order" "Yes... master" After taking a bite she becomes extremely happy "What's this? It's tender and juicy! It's supper tasty!" "Right?" It's just a random meat I picked thou After eating we continued to walk and saw a forest "Master, I wouldn't recommend going inside a forest Like I said earlier, Monster usually appear inside a forest"

"well I need to kill a monster so we need to go, We need to see if it's strong or not, if it's too much for us to handle we will run" "Right" "Oh yeah, you have have any weapons right? Here" I give her my sword, As I look at her closely "Wait, You don't have any shoe or anything?!?" "Yes?" "Why didn't you tell me! I Open the Item box and get a boots for her, "Wear this" she's not surprised on the item box it might be normal in this world

Since the forest is dangerous I pull out a sword from the bandit as well, we got inside the forest it's pretty wide but we immediately encounter some enemy, Goblins, 5 of them and they are dragging... A dead body? I can only pity the man who got killed "Let's go Ashley" "Yes, master" As the slave trader said cat tribe are famous for their agility that in seconds she already killed two goblins

I shouldn't be falling behind, With the knowledge of swordsmanship I bought I should be able to use sword, for a goblin they are like humans in terms of strength I should be able to kill them with a single strike, I killed two and Ashley killed the remaining "Good work" "Well done master" "Should we bu-" The goblins and the man who got killed suddenly dissappear like a burning paper

"Those who have died cannot be buried, they are consumed by the forest, earth nor wind no one can actually explain this this also goes to the labyrinth" "I see..." [ You have earn 2,500 points ] 2,500 that's not enough "Can you still go?" "Yes, master" we met bunch of goblins for the day [ Current points 11,000 points ] "That should be enough, lets go" We go out the forest but have nowhere to sleep to, I bought a tent for 500 points, and 2 sleeping bag for 500 I know that sleeping with a girl is bad but endure it for today, hence the car cost is 10,000

"Am I going to sleep with master?" "Your not going to sleep outside are you?" "..." this world is really harsh "It's an order" she blushed "yes, Master" "?" And so while I was sleeping I heard the zipper from my sleeping bag being open I, I feel something is eating me wait this world is harsh I immediately get my gun from the item box and get up just to see Ashley doing something with my thing.

"Master, are you not satisfied with my performance? I'm very sorry since this is my first time" I got hard without my notice, "No, it's not like I don't like it but..." she get happy and start being rough, Ahh shit. I come, I hugged her as I breath heavily and say "I'm sorry Ashley but we can't do this, You also don't want to do this with the person you don't love right?" "But..." "No buts, let's sleep" Although I really want to do it but I can't just force her just because she's a slave doesn't mean I will do everything to her I'm not that kind of a man

In the morning I woke up, she's right beside me, but still I don't know what she's thinking about me now, for a slave It should be normal in this world but I still feel guilty, for a slave you should do your best to serve your master or else you'll get sold again you might get unlucky and get sold to a bad master who treats you harshly "Good morning, master" "Good morning"

We eat breakfast and fix the tent, We stop by to kill some goblins and bought A car, It's a car that is good with off-road, and It runs without any gas. Again Ashley was shocked, I told her that she keep it a secret. We got in the car and Ashley can't stop being amazed, but seriously This Other world Is really beautiful.

The week carriage only took us 2 days of travel with the help of the car, Before we arrive at the town we stop and put the car inside the item box, we walk towards the town and for the entrance, you need to put your hands in an orb that will identify you and see if you have any criminal record, the pay was 1 silver coin I don't get the money in this world yet.

After going inside The town was busy and full of people, beastmen, elves, and many races are gathered looks like discrimination have been solved that was a relief, After looking around the town I found out that 1 bread cost 3 copper coins. There are 4 coins copper, silver, gold, and platinum, platinum is the highest which is 100 gold coins 1 gold coin = 50 silver coins 1 silver coin = 10 copper coins I kinda get it now

After looking around the town we stayed in an inn when we got in the only bed is inside the room "what? I asked for two people" it's a double bed "It's fine master I can sleep on the ground" "There's no way I can allow that, You will be sleeping on the bed I'll just get the sleeping bag and sleep on the floor it's an order" "no" "what?" "It might be an order but for a slave to be treated the most other than their master is a sin, If master is going to sleep on the ground then I would rather kill myself"

Augh this troubled some, "Alright, We will sleep on the bed together" "Yes, master" her tail move someone know on our door, "dinner ready" I walk outside the door and noticed Ashley didn't come with me, "Ashley are you not coming?" "Em... I'm not hungry" Grool her stomach make a sound that she was hungry and she blushed

I smiled, "Don't be shy, let's eat" and so we got to the first floor I sit down and noticed that she is sitting on the floor next to me, "What are you doing?" "?" Don't ask me with that face like hell I know! "Sighed, Sit on the chair" "but master, Slave don't usually eat with their master and only eat their leftovers" "Sit on the chair, it's an order" "Master your reputation will get ruined if you let a slave like me sit and eat with you please consider this one more time"

Well looking at the people here their slaves are either standing next to them or sitting, and no one is eating with them. "Alright" "Here's your meal, You ask for two portions correct? Do you have a companion with you?" Tsk, one after another they don't treat slaves here well I get the food and sit in front of Ashley "No, I will be eating with Ashley, my companion"

"Master" "Oh my, is that so then please excuse my rudeness" "Let's eat shall we?" as I smiled at her everyone is staring at us, then she started crying "sob sob, nobody has every treat me this kind before, Master thank you very much" I bought a napkin and pretent I have it on my pocket and wipe her tears "Don't cry, After all this is only being me, I'm not the kindest nor I'm a bad person I'm just doing what I can as your master" "Master sob sob grool" I giggled  "Let's eat alright?" "Yesh, mashter"

I don't think that with that incident I would change the whole world, those who have slaves also order them food and eat with them but not all follow me, they might feel guilty or something but I don't really care since I only care is for my companion to be happy