

Because of the embarrassing behavior of her sister who ran away right on her wedding day, Daffa Eldaz was forced to take her sister's place in order to save the good name of the Eldaz family. At first Almira refused because apart from she only loved Rian Eldaz, she also knew very, very well how Daffa's temperament was a true Casanova. Especially the second personality who are both stubborn seem to be very difficult to put together. But because of the pressure of the whole family, they were forced to agree to this marriage. "Listen, Almira! I married you only because I wanted to save my family's good name. I can't possibly be attracted to a woman whose body is as flat as a wall like you!" Daffa squeaked with a condescending gaze on Almira. "Hey, good sir Daffa Eldaz! You think I want to touch you, don't you? Don't be too confident! I'm not used to using other people's stuff! It's possible, later my body will itch all over," replied Almira no less fiercely. Will one day be able to get along so that they can live in the household like other normal couples?   Or will they choose to give up because the two are both tough and can't be reconciled?

Azka_Shakila_0714 · 都市
40 Chs

Horrible Wedding Night

Because it was already night, Almira decided not to linger in the bathroom. Could catch a cold if he did that.

But as soon as she finished bathing, Almira realized that she didn't bring a change of clothes, not even a towel.

It seemed he was in too much of a hurry to forget such an important thing. Even wearing a used dress doesn't seem possible because Almira has already stored it in the laundry and it's bound to get dirty. If she decided to go out like this, it would make Daffa misunderstand and think she was trying to seduce him.

Almira was really confused, she kept pacing incoherently with her bald body.

Tok....Tok.... Tok....

"Al! Almira! Have you finished your shower? Why is it taking so long?" Daffa shouted who probably couldn't wait to take turns bathing with her.

Almira was confused about what to answer. Looks like he has to suppress his ego hard and ask Daffa for help.

"Erm, Daf I forgot to bring a change of clothes, can you help me?" Almira asked hopefully.

There was a snort from outside, it seemed that Daffa was annoyed that she was asking for help.

"Where are your clothes?" Daffa asked finally.

"It's in the suitcase near Daf's cupboard," Almira answered quickly.

There was the sound of footsteps moving away from the door. Looks like Daffa is getting her clothes right now.

"Al, but why do you only have lingerie and clothes in your suitcase? You accidentally brought your usual nightgown?" Daffa shouted again.

Hearing Daffa's words, Almira immediately rolled her eyes perfectly. She remembers well that she didn't put any lingerie in her suitcase and everything was just normal nightgowns. Could it be that the suitcase has been swapped?

"That's impossible, Daph! I remember very well not carrying any clothes like that in my suitcase! Could it be that my suitcase got mixed up?" Almira asked anxiously.

"It was impossible, because the suitcase had Almira Chandra's name written on it. It really is yours!" Daffa denied it because in Almira's suitcase there was a big inscription of Almira Chandra's name.

It was deliberately Almira who ordered it because she didn't want her luggage to be exchanged with anyone while hanging out or anything with her friends.

"Duh, how come the contents are different, huh? So what's going on?" Almira asked anxiously.

"Yes, just wear that dress anyways I won't be able to be attracted to your flat body!" Daffa said in the end.

Hearing Daffa's words, Almira again growled annoyed. The man's lips always have no filter when insulting him.

"Alright, please choose one of the clothes for me!" Almira annoyed.


Daphne's footsteps were heard walking away from the door. Maybe the man will return to get a change of clothes for Almira.

Not long after, Daffa's footsteps came back. Immediately Almira opened the door slightly and reached out her hand to take a change of clothes from Daffa.

"Where is it?" Almira asked.

Dafa immediately gave the clothes into Almira's hands and then back away from the door.

Meanwhile, Almira, who had received clothes from Daffa, immediately rolled her eyes.

It turned out that Daffa didn't get her a change of clothes but also complete with her bra and underwear.

Almira's cheeks immediately blushed. This is the first time anyone has seen even holding her underwear.

Almira is indeed a woman who is very difficult to reach, so far her relationship with Rian has never crossed the line. Don't even play wrestling, don't even fight lips

Just holding hands was more than enough for Almira, she really took care of herself for the man who would later become her husband.

So when Rian decided to leave her, Almira had nothing to lose except her broken heart. He is still pure and this is the purpose of the principle he has always held to his life.

Even on the day of the contract, if that person is not a match, they will still be separated like him and Rian. So Almira didn't want to be stupid by giving anyone access to enjoy what should belong to her husband.

Is that boy Daffa? I don't know, Almira wasn't sure about that. Moreover, their equally stubborn nature, coupled with the way they see a commitment it feels like they haven't or will not even find a match for each other.

Tok.... Tok.... Tok.....

A knock on the door brought Almira's thoughts back into place. He hastily finished putting on his clothes and immediately stepped out of the bathroom.


As soon as he opened the door, his eyes accidentally met Daffa, who is now not blinking her eyes and continues to scan her entire body, which is not completely closed.

"Why look around until you don't blink?" Almira was annoyed when she saw Daffa who seemed to want to swallow her whole.

"No! You're really confident!" Daffa annoyed and immediately went into the bathroom.

Arriving inside, Daffa immediately cursed her stupidity which was even stunned to see Almira's curves which did look very charming.

Daffa couldn't lie to herself if Almira was really so charming. He didn't expect it either, if behind the clothes that Almira had been wearing, hidden the beauty that she had seen for the first time.. He had never found the perfect body Almira from his toys so far.

"Hey, Johnny! Why did you wake up at the wrong time? Don't you know that that woman out there you can't explore even if it's your own wife? Ishh, it sucks!" Daffa grumbled, who was forced to play a solo career because of the actions of Jony, her little brother.

Unlike Almira who takes a minute to take a shower, Daffa even has to be there for an hour.

The man came out with a bent face and was even more annoyed when he saw Almira who had fallen asleep deeply home in their wedding bed.

The fate of the wedding night was indeed very pathetic, unlike the nights in fairy tales with a million heavenly beauties.

Daffa snorted in annoyance and then entered into the blanket that rolled Almira's body.

He looked at his wife's peaceful face, that feeling spread into his heart.

Looks like his little sister is really going too far! He had thrown away diamonds like Almira just for his silly behavior.

Whatever the reason Rian left Almira, it still can't be justified. Because no matter how difficult or difficult a problem is, there will always be a way out if it is discussed properly, not running away like it is now.

Is it luck for him to get Almira as his wife? Or is this the beginning of the pain he will feel again because of a disappointment?

Daffa doesn't know and doesn't want to know. He just had to keep his heart from falling for Almira, especially when there was another man in her heart.

It is not easy to forget a long-standing relationship as well as with Almira.

Daffa only hopes that if there will be a separation between them it will not scratch the wound for each other.

Slowly, the handsome man's eyes began to close. Fatigue in fact so quickly led him to follow Almira to dreamland.

Tomorrow is a new day for him and Almira and I hope they get through everything well.