

Because of the embarrassing behavior of her sister who ran away right on her wedding day, Daffa Eldaz was forced to take her sister's place in order to save the good name of the Eldaz family. At first Almira refused because apart from she only loved Rian Eldaz, she also knew very, very well how Daffa's temperament was a true Casanova. Especially the second personality who are both stubborn seem to be very difficult to put together. But because of the pressure of the whole family, they were forced to agree to this marriage. "Listen, Almira! I married you only because I wanted to save my family's good name. I can't possibly be attracted to a woman whose body is as flat as a wall like you!" Daffa squeaked with a condescending gaze on Almira. "Hey, good sir Daffa Eldaz! You think I want to touch you, don't you? Don't be too confident! I'm not used to using other people's stuff! It's possible, later my body will itch all over," replied Almira no less fiercely. Will one day be able to get along so that they can live in the household like other normal couples?   Or will they choose to give up because the two are both tough and can't be reconciled?

Azka_Shakila_0714 · Urban
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40 Chs

Quarrel-Decorated Morning

Netra a beautiful girl seemed to blink, thirst forced her to return to reality. However, as soon as the blinds were exposed, the sight of the unfamiliar room that now swept through his vision.

Obviously this wasn't his room, because he knew every corner where he could rest from his tired activities.

Almira frowned again when she realized there was a sturdy hand that was perched in place. the girl turned to the side, and was surprised to see the figure of the perpetrator who was still peaceful in his sleep.

"Good grief! What did you do to me, Daffa? Have you tarnished me? Are you crazy, huh?" growled Almira who is now sitting down with the smut she pulled to cover her body.

Don't forget that now his heart is also beating very fast, as if ready to jump out.

"Hish, why are you shouting like that? Aren't you afraid that your vocal cords will be cut off later?" Daffa growled, annoyed that Almira had disturbed her sleep.

"Heh, men are less sour! How dare you sleep in the same bed with me all the time with your forehead, you're harassing me!" snapped Almira back with the maximum level of annoyance.

"Harassing what? I didn't do anything to you. After all, I will never be interested in that body of yours! Hish, you're really noisy!" annoyed Daffa pulled the blanket that Almira used to cover her body and then curled up in the blanket with her ears covered with pillows.

Almira who saw Daffa's behavior, of course grew furious. The woman pulled back the blanket that Daffa used to hide and covered her body again.

"Hey, why do you like rioting so much? Let me sleep in peace and don't take me into a fight so early!" Daffa growled, wanting to strangle the girl who was now in the same bed with him.

Ah, if Daffa didn't remember that the girl was the wife he just married yesterday, Daffa would definitely do it. But unfortunately, Daffa is not interested in being a widower on the second day of her marriage.

"Sleep peacefully there in the grave, so you don't have to bother getting up again!" fierce Almira who was just as annoyed as Daffa.

The man who had been harassing her, but also the one who seemed to act like someone who was bothered by Almira's presence, was really disgusting! If you don't remember that Daffa only became her husband yesterday, Almira would definitely prefer to completely circumcise Daffa's weapons so she doesn't always act indecently.

"You really are the most annoying type of woman I've ever met in this entire world!" Daffa grumbled rubbing her face roughly, trying to neutralize the anger that for some reason was so passionate in her heart.

"Do you think you are also not the most pictor (dirty-minded) male species in this world? Ish ish ish.... If only there was a special ranking for men like that, surely you would be the champion. which man would abuse his own wife right on the second day of their marriage?" Almira accused angrily.

"Heh! You said earlier that I was harassing you. What have I done? Don't talk nonsense that will make people misunderstand me, Almira!" Daffa annoyed at the woman who is now his wife.

"Heh, you sleeping in the same bed with me is already harassment! What's more, you even dared to put your hand on my chest!" Almira fiercely fiercely.

But not long after the girl immediately lowered her face. He was really annoyed and embarrassed at this creature called Daffa at the same time.

While Daffa who heard Almira's words, immediately froze. Is it true that he was holding the circle when he was asleep? But how could he do such a shameful thing to an untouchable wife like Almira? Ah, his pride was completely crushed this time.

"Don't make up you, Almira! I can't possibly be interested in holding that flat chest of yours! Maybe you're dreaming right now that I'd do something like that to you, right? Don't dream!" Daffa said so stubbornly.

Obviously Daffa could not admit such a thing because it would damage her reputation as a true player.

It was absolutely impossible for a Daffa to steal a chance on a girl who flatly rejected her. Moreover, all this time, it was the girls who always threw their bodies for Daffa to enjoy. It would be ridiculous if now it was Daffa who seemed to crave for every curve of Almira's body.

Meanwhile, Almira who heard Daffa's words, immediately opened her eyes wide. What a coward who doesn't want to admit mistakes like this Daffa.

Almira immediately removed the blanket that she had been wearing to cover her beautiful body which was only wrapped in sexy lingerie. Of course it also displays the beauty of everything that has been hidden in his body all this time.

The girl's gaze was so sharp at Daffa who seemed to be having a hard time swallowing her own saliva when she saw the beautiful scene in front of her.

"Hey, Daffa Eldaz! Did you forget that your hands were here and your body was close to mine?" asked Almira full of annoyance while placing Daffa's hand on her springy circle.

"You don't be a hypocrite by not admitting your mistakes and not wanting to apologize, okay! I would never give in to an impudent man like you!" Almira continued, full of indignation.

Meanwhile, Daffa, who was still in shock because Almira had placed her hand where she had wanted to eat it, just kept trying to swallow her saliva with difficulty.

Even Almira's fierce words don't seem to enter her ears. Daffa's focus at this time was only on her desire which suddenly increased uncontrollably, until Daffa subconsciously squeezed the soft, chewy difference with longing.

Almira, who only realized what she was doing when Daffa was already squeezing her breasts challenging hers, immediately pushed the evil hand away.

The girl had absolutely no interest in serving delicious dishes to a boy like Daffa.

When the man's hand was released, Almira immediately got up and got off the bed. Of course it made the lower part that was only covered by the Bermuda triangle exposed in front of Daffa.

"You're a pictor!" shouted Almira, running to the bathroom.


The sound of the door closing loudly made Daffa wake up. Of course that made Daffa growl in frustration, especially because of that, her hero was now awake and out of control.

"If it's like this, I might die young because of that Almira. He's the one fishing, he's also the one who throws a tantrum unclear. I should be the one who is angry with the woman of a rare species, because my python has turned into a building like this. What a righteous woman! They are wrong but the men who still have to give in. It's really outrageous!" Daffa grumbled looking pityingly at the creature called the python.