

Because of the embarrassing behavior of her sister who ran away right on her wedding day, Daffa Eldaz was forced to take her sister's place in order to save the good name of the Eldaz family. At first Almira refused because apart from she only loved Rian Eldaz, she also knew very, very well how Daffa's temperament was a true Casanova. Especially the second personality who are both stubborn seem to be very difficult to put together. But because of the pressure of the whole family, they were forced to agree to this marriage. "Listen, Almira! I married you only because I wanted to save my family's good name. I can't possibly be attracted to a woman whose body is as flat as a wall like you!" Daffa squeaked with a condescending gaze on Almira. "Hey, good sir Daffa Eldaz! You think I want to touch you, don't you? Don't be too confident! I'm not used to using other people's stuff! It's possible, later my body will itch all over," replied Almira no less fiercely. Will one day be able to get along so that they can live in the household like other normal couples?   Or will they choose to give up because the two are both tough and can't be reconciled?

Azka_Shakila_0714 · 都市
40 Chs

Doing it with my wife

Daffa immediately froze with perfectly rounded eyes. Truly a very adorable expression for Almira.

The girl just chuckled at the behavior of her husband who suddenly turned into stone. while Daffa, who just woke up from her shock, immediately tickled Almira who was actually laughing at her.

"You've dared to play nyosor, yes, you! If I go first, you'll cry again, will you?" Daffa was annoyed because Almira made her look like a bad boy who had never tasted a sweet kiss from a woman.

"Hahaha …. Oh my gosh, Daff! Geez…. Ha ha ha …."

"No! You have to pay for everything!" Daffa said immediately supporting Almira's body under her control.

Their gazes collided with Almira's breath that felt warm against Daffa's face. Their heartbeats are so fast as if they just ran a marathon.

Slowly, Daffa's face drew closer to his wife's. Likewise with Almira who has closed her eyes, ready to feel the caress of her husband.

The kiss that she used to refuse even to tears, now Almira will not do it again. He also wanted to prove that they really deserved to maintain this marital relationship.

The closer and closer the two springy objects finally stuck together. However, just as they were about to land tasting the sweetness of each other's honey, the sound of someone breaking through the door stopped them both.

"What are you doing, Daf?" asked the person making Daffa reflexively distance herself from her wife.

Likewise with Almira who sat back down again. However, the girl immediately snorted when she saw who had come to spoil their romantic atmosphere.

"What are you doing with him, Daffa?" the person snapped with his chest heaving with emotion.

"What did I do? I didn't do anything. On the contrary, what did you do to enter my room without my permission?" Daffa asked with such a sharp look.

"I came here of course to see you. It turns out you're doing something obscene with this shameless woman in your room, Daffa! If I didn't come, surely you would do something disgusting, right!"

"The obscene and disgusting things you say, I will do with my wife, Anjani, not with anyone else! I want to do it in the company lobby, it doesn't matter because I do it with my wife. MY WIFE!" Daffa said emphatically.

Anjani's face was getting redder, her gaze at Almira was only getting more terrifying. However, Almira just relaxed and instead continued to heat up Anjani by clinging to Daffa's arms. Every now and then, Almira touched the man's broad chest, making an abstract pattern there.

Ah, Almira's behavior really resembles that of a woman who is thirsty for caresses.

"So tell me why did you come here all of a sudden, Anjani? I still have a lot of work to do with my wife." said Daffa while catching Almira's naughty hand which might make a loose and really fondle the woman.

Seeing Daffa and Almira's behavior, Anjani immediately snorted. The girl immediately took something out of her bag and immediately put it on Daffa's desk.

"It's Dad's birthday invitation tonight. He asked you to come so you can get to know each other. After all, all this time I have cooperated with Mr. Eldaz, not with you. So, he needs to know you as his new business partner!" Anjani explained the purpose of the invitation given to Daffa.

"Well, looks like it won't be bad. Are we coming, honey?" Daffa asked Almira.

"It doesn't matter, as long as they really want to know you as a business partner, not as a former prospective son-in-law who might still be expected to return." said Almira while raising and lowering her eyebrows, teasing Daffa.

"Hmm, fine. Tell your father that we will come," said Daffa to Anjani.

Anjani just snorted and then immediately left Daffa's room full of anger. It wasn't the kind of scene Anjani had just wanted to see.

Arriving near the elevator, Anjani turned back with an indescribable look at the door, where Daffa was inside.

"I will do anything to get you back, Daffa! I'll get rid of that woman from your life!" muttered Anjani who went straight into the elevator.

Meanwhile, Almira and Daffa, who were in the room, were seen teasing each other again. Moreover, Almira's naughty behavior just now, managed to wake up the kind who had been sleeping for the past few days.

"Daffa, uh, stop it!" Almira whined in such a spoiled voice.

"Who told you to tease me, Hem? Already know that my signal is very strong, so one touch will immediately stand up straight. So, now you have to take responsibility!" Daffa said while giving Almira a small peck on the cheek.

"Hish, Daphne, stay away! Hurry up and do all your work to get home faster! I don't have a suitable dress to come to the party tonight," complained Almira while moving Daffa's body away.

Hearing his wife's words, Daffa immediately stopped his action. The guilty face immediately appeared on the man.

"Is it true that you don't have a dress?" Daffa asked for sure.

Almira nodded in response if what she said was true.

"Geez, I'm sorry, Al. I don't even know what you don't have. I'll finish my work quickly and then we can go shopping as much, Hem?"

Almira nodded in response. Her lips drew a very beautiful smile.


Daffa pecked his wife's seductive lips briefly with a gaze that was so longing.

"Wait for me outside! I won't be able to work if I'm near you," Daffa said while tidying up his wife's messy mane.

"Okay. Happy working husband," said Almira immediately got up from her seat.

"Don't forget to bring me lunch later. I want us to eat here," Daffa asked before Almira actually came out.

"Of course, I'll do it," said Almira then immediately continued on her way.

Daffa who saw his wife's departure, immediately smiled a little. He really didn't expect that they would get closer even at this stage of kissing each other. Apparently, Rian's arrival is not always a disaster, but also a blessing for their relationship.

"Huft, I will patiently wait for our relationship to be perfect. I love you, Almira. You are a great woman who can win my heart in no time. I don't know why I can immediately submit like this to you. In fact, there is nothing special between us other than never getting along," Daffa muttered with a chuckle.

Really, what they did was far from Daffa's imagination. Remembering how they both behaved so far. There are no words of getting along and always offending each other without anyone wanting to budge. But now, they are like two lovebirds who are really in love.

"I have to finish my work soon! I can't be careless because I have a wife waiting for me." muttered Daffa who immediately fought with the files piled up on her desk.