

Because of the embarrassing behavior of her sister who ran away right on her wedding day, Daffa Eldaz was forced to take her sister's place in order to save the good name of the Eldaz family. At first Almira refused because apart from she only loved Rian Eldaz, she also knew very, very well how Daffa's temperament was a true Casanova. Especially the second personality who are both stubborn seem to be very difficult to put together. But because of the pressure of the whole family, they were forced to agree to this marriage. "Listen, Almira! I married you only because I wanted to save my family's good name. I can't possibly be attracted to a woman whose body is as flat as a wall like you!" Daffa squeaked with a condescending gaze on Almira. "Hey, good sir Daffa Eldaz! You think I want to touch you, don't you? Don't be too confident! I'm not used to using other people's stuff! It's possible, later my body will itch all over," replied Almira no less fiercely. Will one day be able to get along so that they can live in the household like other normal couples?   Or will they choose to give up because the two are both tough and can't be reconciled?

Azka_Shakila_0714 · Urban
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40 Chs

understanding husband

Arriving at home, Almira completely ignored her husband. Apparently, her anger that was not channeled to other people, she spilled onto her husband.

"Al, I'm sorry. I ordered you a dress now, yes. I happen to have a friend who…"

"No need! I don't need it!" Almira snapped and entered the bathroom without looking at her husband again.

Of course it made Daffa ruffled her hair in frustration. But as an experienced man, Daffa knew that the word "no need" from a woman was the exact opposite.

While waiting for his wife to take a shower, Daffa immediately contacted her friend who is also the owner of the boutique. He had to make Almira's mood back to good again no matter what.

"Hello, Daph, what's up?" ask someone once the call is connected.

"Mbak Mel, please send me the best dress in Mbak's boutique," Daffa asked to the point.

"For whom, Daf?" asked the person curiously.

"For my wife, Ma'am. I want the best! Whatever it is, send it all here right now. I asked within ten minutes, the dress has arrived. The problem is the money, I'll transfer it later," said Daffa, who really wanted when Almira finished bathing, the woman's dress was ready.

"Well, I happen to have some new dresses that I feel fit your wife's body. Where are you going? Why don't you just come here right away?"

"I have an event with a client, Mbak. Earlier I came to Cici's boutique, but I don't know what Cici said to Almira to make my wife's mood ruined. Even now he still silences me. That Cici is really insolent," Daffa grumbled annoyed.

"Si Cici really can't keep her lips sometimes. He must be talking about your collection, that's why your wife is angry. Well, don't think about it anymore. I guarantee your wife's mood will improve again when she sees these dresses."

"Thank you, Ma'am, I hope so too."


Daffa immediately breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the dress her wife was going to wear would soon come to her house.

While waiting for his wife to finish bathing, Daffa decided to just go downstairs. So that, when the dress arrives, Daffa can immediately take it to her room.


Meanwhile, Almira, who is currently taking a bath, continues to mutter. For some reason he was so annoyed when Cici said that Daffa was hotter than Rian.

Let alone being able to compare the two, even knowing one of them Almira did not know. Moreover, it is about the valor of Rian the former as well as his sister-in-law.

"Itchy little chicks! Could it be that Daffa has tasted that person again?" Almira grumbled in annoyance.

Throughout her bath, the girl kept nagging, bringing out all the zoo's inhabitants to vent her frustration.

Finished with the activity of taking a bath, knowing that it really drained the body and soul, Almira immediately went to wear a change of clothes.

However, his eyes immediately widened when he didn't find his change of clothes. It seems, because she was too upset that the girl forgot something as important as that again.

"Huh, basic! It's always like this," Almira grumbled and then stepped hesitantly towards the door.

Kreeaatt ….

Almira opened the bathroom door slightly, then peeked at what her husband was doing.


The figure of the annoying man was nowhere to be found, making Almira immediately stroked her chest in relief.

"Maybe Daffa was downstairs. I'd better go out wearing a towel like this," Almira muttered then immediately opened the door wide and walked freely into her room.

"Luckily he's not around. I'd better hurry to get dressed before Daffa comes back," said Almira, walking towards the closet.

Kreaat .…

The sound of the closet door opening, along with the bedroom door which was also opened by Daffa.

Almira, who did not know if her husband had returned, looked effortlessly sorting out her clothes.

Meanwhile, Daffa had to watch her wife's smooth body, which was only wrapped in a towel, only able to swallow her saliva with difficulty. Really, the wife's body, is truly second to none.

Daffa kept the dress she brought on the bed. While he started walking closer to where Almira was.


"Aaaaa…." Almira screamed in surprise when a pair of hands hugged her.

The girl's reflex turned around and was immediately stunned when she realized it was her husband.

"Don't scream, I won't do anything. I just want to hug you," said Daffa, sinking back into his wife's arms.

The girl's body stiffened as a warm feeling spread throughout her body. Daffa's behavior managed to make Almira lose all her nerve functions. Until the girl did, just stood still without being able to refuse or hug her husband back.

"I'm sorry, Al. I don't know what Cici said to you. I know I play too much with women so you have to be affected," Daffa whispered right in her wife's ear.


The man gave a warm kiss on his wife's smooth shoulder which was exposed so sexy. If their relationship was like a husband and wife in general, it is certain that by now Daffa will devour h

However, his sanity was still working fine. Daffa doesn't want to make Almira harder for her to reach just because of her perverted behavior. So, the man was desperately holding back his desire. So as not to continue to struggle and blind the eyes of his heart.

"I have a dress for you that I bought from another boutique. I deliberately chose a few out of fear that you might not like them. A moment!" Daffa immediately turned around leaving his wife who was still frozen.

The man immediately brought all the dresses he had just ordered.

"Just take a look at this! I don't really know what your taste is like. Later, if there's something you don't like, you can tell me right away and I'll return it again," said Daffa, handing her how many dresses in her hand.

Almira just nodded and immediately accepted her husband's gift without saying anything.

Daffa smiled and ruffled her wife's hair.

"I took a shower first because it was almost late for us to come to the party. Dress up as beautiful as possible for me!" Daffa asked then kissed his wife's cheek before actually entering the bathroom.

Almira who just realized from her surprise when she heard the bathroom door being closed, immediately rubbed her face roughly.

Sometimes he submits so easily to Daffa that he surrenders himself when Daffa hugs him and even gives him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Hish, if you don't remember we're trying to have a new relationship, I've already given you a raw bogem!" Almira grumbled as she immediately walked to the bed to try on her dresses one by one.

It turned out that the dress that Daffa chose was really very beautiful.

"Hish you crocodile! You know he has a woman's taste. It must have been because he was too skilled at pleasing his mistresses so applied to his wife too. But it's okay, thanks to that experience, Daffa was able to buy me a dress that suits my taste," Almira muttered with a small smile that graced her lips.