
Stuck in love

Laura a regular girl met Jason a formal superstar, who is now dragged into the business world due to some family crisis. And how she got entangled in his world.

Joy_Michael_ · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Chapter 20 Kisses

"Why do I have to see his face now?" Laura complained. "Yesterday he was all James Bond and now he's behaving as if he didn't kill someone yesterday what kind of person is he?" After contemplating for a while she came to a decision.

"Here goes nothing" She took the files and went to Jason's office.

Laura nocked at Jason's office.

"Come in," he said. Laura walked inside with the files not daring to look at his face.

"Si... Sir, your signature is needed for these files"

"You can leave them on the desk," he said busy going through one of the files on his desk.

"Okay sir" Laura quickly dropped them on the desk and turned to leave but was whirled back by Jason and fell on his lap. She tried to get up but Jason was firmly holding her by the waist.

"Let me go," Laura said between her struggles.

"Why should I?" He bent down and sniffed her neck. "You smell nice " he added with a smile on his face.

Laura wanted to revolt but was dazzled by his smile. Before she knew It she has slammed her lips against Jason's. Realizing what she just did, she pulled away looking shocked but before she could compose herself Jason have already pulled her into another kiss. She wanted to refute but she found herself slowly giving in. He slid his tongue inside her mouth demanding entry until she fully gave in while his hand was roaming around her body sending an electric wave through her and she unconsciously wrapped her hands around his neck pulling him closer and then Jason softly grabbed her ass earning a soft moan from her.

Hearing her moan was like a tip and he went boisterous on her leaving her swollen lips to suck on her neck. Laura was having the pleasure of her life.

"Hmmm Jason" she released another moan.

She was feeling hot despite the air con. And she wasn't thinking straight. One part of her mind screamed at her telling her that what she was doing was wrong but she can't help but wants more of whatever Jason was making her feel right now. without warning, Jason pulled her buttons open and Laura was jolted back to her senses.

"Stop we can't be doing this" Laura tried to stop him but he was too concentrated on those well-molded boobs in front of him to hear whatever she was saying.

"Jason I said stop!" Laura scream. And Jason just froze on the spot not knowing how to react.

Laura stood up and tried to organize her clothes.

"I'm sorry" she heard him say with his head down. "Is he apologizing" Laura was surprised but, her expectations were cut short by what followed his apologies.

"If you want another round you just say it 'cause I'm up for it," he said with his usual smile.

"You're sick," Laura said disdainfully before running away. When the door closed behind her, the smile on Jason's face faded.

"What just happened? What has gotten over me? Why is she so addictive? I need to get hold of myself I can't let any woman into my life" Jason kept wondering to himself how he easily lost control. Jason has never kept any woman close to him over the past three years except his mother, because of the betrayal he felt from Aria, he didn't want to endanger Laura's life by getting close to her. Even as that, he still can't stop thinking about Laura. He just can't shake the feeling that she is different.

Laura took a sigh of relief when she got to her station still wondering how things got out of hand and what she was thinking when she kissed him.

"Laura, what took you so long?" Kate asked bringing her out of her daze.

"Huh? What did you say" Laura was disorientated.

"Why didn't you hear me where was your mind?"

"I'm sorry " Laura apologized.

"Why are you apologizing? Wait! What happened to your face? And why is your hair all messy like someone who just made out?" Kate teased her. Laura just started coughing instantly to avoid the question.

"I am right aren't I?" Kate got excited immediately. "Tell me, how did it happen? Did he fall for your charm and kissed you?" Kate rise her eyebrow waiting for a reply.

"Hmm. Hmm," Laura cleared her throat "I was the one who kiss him," she said almost in a whisper.

"What????" Kate shouted drawing the attention of everyone. Laura immediately covered her mouth with her hand.

"Stop shouting" Laura whispered.

"Why..? When? How come?" Kate couldn't believe that her sweet and naive friend made the first move.

"Not here follow me" Laura dragged her to the restroom.

"Now start talking 'cause I don't want to lose my job because of what you've done" Kate demanded.

"You know you're not a real staff right?" Laura asked her just to make sure she was not thinking ahead of herself.

"Yeah yeah, whatsoever. Now tell me what happened"

Laura told her everything including what happened the other day except the incident at the restaurant.

"That means you were not at fault, he also reciprocated right? So there's no need to be scared okay " Kate felt convinced that her analysis was right.

"I can't even look him in the eyes right what should I do?"

"Well, I must say you were quite bold to kiss your boss. So tell me how was it? Is he a good kisser?" Kate teased her.

"Kate.... can you please help me out?"

"Okay... Ma'am, I will think of something so don't stress yourself "

"Okay thank you " Laura was grateful for having Kate as a friend. And they both went back to their duty post.

Laura was really happy that all through the day he didn't ask of her nor does she have anything that will require her to go to his office. But she was quite concerned as to why Jason have been calling Sarah and not her. She even wondered if it was because of what happened but she was okay with it as long as she don't have to see his face.

It was already closing hours and people are starting to leave but Laura was still sitting thinking of what to do if she should go with him or go alone, she knew he won't agree to it but she has to try.

She went to his office to tell him about it.

"Si... Sir I... Think I should..." She didn't finish her sentence before Jason interrupted her.

"You can go back with the driver first he will come back to pick me up later. Jason said without looking at her.

Laura was surprised "Well this was easier than I thought," Laura said to herself.

" Okay sir " she replied before turning around to leave.

A/N: please vote for this book.