

An awful experience she could never forget led theodora to something that was gonna change her life

e4mareji · 若者
5 Chs


it was a dark still night, the still darkness completely fogged the whole atmosphere blinding theodora's sight completely, she starred left and right as she took little steps towards a destination unknown, her whole being trembled greatly as the coldness of the night stung her already pale skin.

The thunder clapped loudly and menacingly as the pale moon starred down at the poor thing in the midst of thick darkness

"urgh" she groaned at the discomfort her body felt, how did she get here? where was she? this questions ran through the mind of the sixteen year old as she walked through the glaring darkness "wuah, wuah, wuah" the faint sound of a little baby could be heard as theodora froze, she had been running non stop for the past 4 hours and now this? she was certain that it was a trap from her captives. The thought of her captives made her body tremble as goosebumps appeared on her skin, she could never go back to that agonizing place there was certainly no way she could endure the torments, the memories of how her parents and only sibling was ruthlessly killed by those heartless animals. Indeed she felt like spitting on their faces as her blood boiled with bottled rage, but there was nothing she could do,she was powerless in comparison to those muscular bastards. The distant faint cries could be heard causing theodora's frown to deepen as her face turned deadly cold, the aura she emitted could suffocate a living human as her phoenix blue green eyes scanned the area like an hawk after it's prey surely she wasn't gonna fall victim to anyone not until she avenges the gruesome deaths of her family members but how sad the cries continued and theodora stood rooted to the ground with conflicting emotions

why wasn't her attacker attacking her yet? she frowned and let out a loud hiss but all she heard was her own echo causing her to feel uneasy

" what's going on here" she scoffed annoyed at her situation, but like the first she only heard her echoes and the faint agonizing sound of the cries, her heart twisted her her hands clenched tightly, gritting her teeth in anger, why on earth was nature playing with her at a moment like this, she deadpanned as she began to search the area.

if her enemy was unable to attack her, she'll attack first and give the bastard a taste of death itself.