

An awful experience she could never forget led theodora to something that was gonna change her life

e4mareji · Teen
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5 Chs


The frown on Theodora's face was frightening as she glared at the open darkness, her hand clenched into tight fists,her fingers almost digging into her own flesh, nature was really joking with her but she wasn't buying any of it. she searched crazily for over an hour but found completely nothing, causing her whole being to darken in rage.

Little Theodora of the past was the apple of her parents eyes, she was their joy, even her brother Noah was extremely proud of his little sister, she was indeed pampered n spoiled but all this traits had been killed by her captives, the sweet, loving and caring Theodora was nowhere to be found, all that was seen was a teenager burning in rage, she indeed looked more like a ghost, rather than a normal teenager. indeed she was different with blue green eyes and white colored hair as white as snow, she was born different regardless she was a sweet little girl, but a gruesome experience turned her ice cold as all she wanted was clear revenge.

"Hey" an unfamiliar voice called to her as blue green eyes scanned the area like an eagle, sure enough she wasn't strong enough, she didn't even know combat since she was groomed by her mom to become a fine lady all she knew was knitting, cooking and mannerism cause she never once partook in any.

" who are you?" Theodora asked with a deadly glare present on her face as her hand gripped on the pocket knife she had stolen, which laid still on her thigh pocket, The unfamiliar scanned her from head to toe with a smirk on her lips.

"Goody two shoes" The unfamiliar chuckled as she starred at Theodora with her chest nut, brown eyes on the other hand Theodora felt like gagging her mouth out, she sure was night blind but she could clearly see the brown haired slutty b*tch.

"And is that supposed to be your name?" Theodora asked coldly as her eyes glared daggers at the unfamiliar, just in the moment the faint cries begun this time Theodora felt the need to kill someone at the moment.

" you gotta kid on ya?" the unfamiliar asked curiously as Theodora frowned

"Do I look anything like it?" Theodora's words were straight as she starred expressionless at the cold darkness and exactly in the moment the unfamiliar blended into the darkness.

" found it!" the unfamiliar soon re- appeared grinning like a lunatic, irking Theodora to the core.

" found what?"Theodora asked coldly

"The little one!" The unfamiliar grinned as she showed Theodora the little baby