
Strongest in the Omniverse

James King is a poor young man with no exceptional talents or abilities. He has always been bullied and looked down upon by others, but he has never given up on his dreams. One day, he encounters a mysterious system that grants him the power to become the strongest being in the omniverse. With his newfound power, James sets out on a journey to show everyone in the omniverse what true power is. Will James be able to achieve his goals? Or will he succumb to the power of the system? This novel will be updated when I feel like it, which will be at least weekly. Please note it takes a long time and creativity to create a chapter of 2,000 words. Thank you!

DaoistGmcGOC · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Chosen One

In the martial artist world, strength and success were often linked with natural talent and inherent abilities. However, James King, a 23-year-old man, was not blessed with such gifts. He was a poor person with no exceptional talents, no remarkable physical attributes, and no special advantages.

James King had always been aware of his lack of natural talent. He faced taunts and teasing from his peers since childhood, but he never let it affect him. Instead, he used it as motivation to work even harder.

One day, while at the martial arts dojo, James overheard a group of guys talking about him.

"Look at that guy over there," one of them said, gesturing towards James. "He's been coming here for years, but he still looks like a total beginner."

"Yeah, I heard he's been trying to learn martial arts for ages," another chimed in. "But he's so untalented that he can't even get the basics down."

James felt embarrassed and frustrated. He knew he wasn't the most gifted person in the world, but he didn't think he was that bad. However, he looked the other way, ignoring them completely. This only made the group of guys laugh even harder.

Just as he was about to leave, a big jock named Benard, around 6'2 with a muscular build, called out to James.

"Hey pip-squeak, are you still looking to learn martial arts? HAHA!"

James frowned, trying to ignore him. He didn't want to get into a needless conflict. However, his efforts were in vain as Benard continued.

"Hold on there, kid, let's have a match in the arena."

James hesitated. He knew he hadn't even broken through the Qi Gathering realm, yet Benard was at the fourth level stage of the Foundation Establishment realm, much stronger than he was. But before he could decline, the jock grabbed him by the arm and dragged him towards the arena.

"Come on, don't be shy. Let's see what you're made of," Benard sneered.

James attempted to pull away, but the jock's grip proved too strong, forcing him into the arena. On one end stood Bernard, wearing a face of excitement, eager to pummel this weakling. James stood on the opposite side of the arena, aware of his predicament.

"Kid, don't you know that if you can't break through the Qi Gathering realm at your age, you have no chance of becoming a martial artist at all? I think my ten-year-old sister is stronger than you!" Bernard taunted.

James was well aware of this fact. There were numerous realms beyond his own, and he was only at the beginning. After the Foundation Establishment realm came the core formation realm, nascent soul realm, spirit severing realm, void refinement realm, and the immortal ascension realm. He knew there were even more realms beyond those, but he was ignorant of what they were. They were far too powerful for him to fathom.

James took a deep breath and stood up straight, knowing that he was outmatched, but refusing to give up without a fight. "Let's just get this over with," he said, attempting to sound confident.

Bernard laughed and charged at James, shouting, "Dragon's Flame Punch!" as he gathered his qi into his fist, causing it to burn like fire. James attempted to dodge, but Bernard's fist connected with his jaw, sending him crashing to the ground. James lay there, dazed and in pain, while Bernard continued to taunt him. "You're nothing, kid. Just give up already."

However, something peculiar began to happen. James sensed a surge of energy coursing through his body, unlike anything he had ever experienced before. His eyes began to glow, and he stood up, feeling a power unlike any he had ever known.

"What...what is this?" James muttered to himself, bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

As he spoke, a voice resounded in his mind, echoing with an otherworldly power.

"I am the Omniverse System, James King. I have traversed the vast expanse of the omniverse to find a worthy master. My purpose is to bestow upon you the strength to surpass all others throughout the omniverse. I will remain by your side until the end of time, granting you the power to be unkillable, to create and destroy universes with a mere thought, and to surpass even the greatest gods in existence. You possess the gift of unlimited wishes."

James was at a loss for words, yet he could sense an immense power coursing through his veins. He balled his hands into fists and charged towards Benard, whose expression was a mix of shock and confusion.

With newfound agility and speed, James dodged Benard's attacks with ease and unleashed a barrage of blows that sent the jock reeling back.

"What the hell...how are you doing this?" Benard gasped in disbelief.

James remained silent, concentrating on the strength that surged within him. His strikes landed with an unprecedented force, and he realized that he was now capable of achieving the impossible.

At last, he delivered a blow that sent Benard hurtling across the arena, crashing into the wall. James stood over him, feeling an unprecedented sense of might.

"Why are you lying there like that?" he asked confidently, emboldened by his newfound power.

The group of guys who had taunted him earlier stood watching in disbelief. They had never seen James move with such grace and skill before. His sudden transformation left them awestruck.

As they watched him in amazement, most of them wondered, "What the hell? Had he been hiding his strength all along?" All they knew was that he was far stronger than any of them had anticipated. It was evident that Benard was already in a critical position, almost half-dead, and they couldn't believe what they were witnessing.

With a slightly fearful expression towards James, they hurried over to Benard. One of them produced a bottle of white pills and withdrew one before forcing it down Benard's throat. His wounds began to close and heal, but he groaned in agony as he felt as if all the bones in his body were broken. He knew his cultivation core had been damaged beyond repair; this angered him greatly.

He got up with a painful expression and glared at James.

"James, you bastard!" Bernard spat out, his anger palpable. "I don't know how you managed to pull this off, or what your cultivation level even is, but mark my words, you won't get away with it!"

He continued, his voice rising in fury, "My father is the head of this city's martial arts group, and he's a 9th level void realm cultivator! Just you wait!"

James listened to Bernard's outburst with a passive expression. He knew exactly who Bernard's father was; it was none other than Theodore Gray, one of the most respected elders of the city. A peak void realm cultivator, Theodore was just a half-step away from the legendary immortal realm.

James felt empowered by the system, as if he could crush the old man with a single thought. And in truth, he could. The mere mention of Theodore Gray had once made him tremble with fear, but now that he had undergone his transformation, he was fearless.

He scoffed at Benard and sneered, "Stop your blathering, weakling! Speak to me only after you've defeated me; all talk but no bite!"

With that, James strode out confidently, astonishing Bernard and his gang. They never would have imagined that a mere peasant like James would dare to speak ill of the elder's son.

After James walked out, he decided to go to a secluded part of a park to explore more about the system. He decided to first open his system panel and he was a bit nervous, wondering if it had all been just his imagination. But it couldn't have; he truly had power back there. He decided to give it a try.

"Open my system panel!" he said into his mind. A blue screen suddenly appeared before him.

[Master: James King]

[Race: Absolute True Omnivastance]

[Power: ∞]

[All Skills: ∞]

[Wishes: ∞]

[Servants: None]

[Civilizations: Earth 001]

Seeing the stats, James covered his face with one hand while letting off a smirk as he comprehended the significance of such stats, which by all right proclaims him as nothing but a god above all gods.

James gazed curiously at the 'wishes' section before addressing the system, "System, could you enlighten me on the concept of wishes?"

With a prompt response, the system chimed, "Ding! Wishes are as the name implies. They grant you the ability to acquire anything you desire, be it skills, possessions, or even godlike power. Your wishes are virtually limitless, save for two restrictions. You may not wish to eliminate the system, nor to bestow upon another a fraction greater than 1/1000th of your own might. Other than that, the possibilities are endless. Does this explanation suffice, master?"

James nodded, striving to comprehend everything the system had just imparted. "Very well, then, dear system. First, may I offer you a name? Referring to you as 'system' seems too impersonal."

The system chimed melodiously, "Ding! Yes, master, you may christen me with whatever moniker you fancy."

"Excellent," replied James, "Hmm… henceforth, I shall refer to you as "Ava". And if possible, kindly eliminate the notification 'ding!' as well."

"Certainly, master," Ava replied obediently. "The settings have been modified accordingly. Is this arrangement more satisfactory?"

"Yes, significantly better," James affirmed with a warm smile. "Now then, let us proceed to try out some of these wishes."

James cleared his throat, carefully choosing his words before making his first wish to Ava. "Grant me the ability to bestow systems, similar to those found in ancient novels, upon those whom I choose."

"Affirmative, master," Ava replied. "However, please note that there are already several users with less advanced systems than yours. You have the ability to bestow a minor system upon anyone, if you so desire."

Satisfied with Ava's response, James knew that this was only the beginning. After spending an hour with the system, he realized that his power was increasing at an astonishing rate, which left him perplexed.

Seeking answers, he turned to Ava once again. "Ava, why do I feel like my power is still growing, even though I am already infinitely powerful?"

"Master, your power triples in strength every zeptosecond, making you infinitely stronger with each passing moment. Your strength will continue to grow indefinitely," Ava explained.

James was taken aback. "But why do I need to triple in strength if I am already infinitely strong?" he inquired.

"Master, you are infinitely strong because your power has no upper limit or boundary. It means that your power is immeasurable and incomprehensible, and it will never diminish or fade away. As for the reason why your power continues to triple, it is because you have the ability to manipulate time and space to your will," Ava explained.

"Manipulate time and space?" James repeated, astonished. "What do you mean?"

"Ava replied, "Master, your power transcends the laws of physics and the constraints of the universe. You have the ability to bend and manipulate the fabric of time and space, allowing you to control reality itself. Your power triples in strength because you are not just infinitely strong, but infinitely versatile and adaptable to any situation or circumstance."

James was left speechless, trying to comprehend the scope of his power. He realized that he could use his abilities to accomplish anything he desired, from shaping the course of history to creating entirely new universes. With his infinite strength and control over time and space, the possibilities were endless.

James decided he would pause on testing for now, planning to walk back home. But, in an instant, he was already at his front door. He realized at this point that his speed was also infinitely fast, both in mind and body. He didn't think much of it. He decided to also activate one of his godly skills: Omnipotent Thinking which allowed him to see both the past, presence, and future. He saw everything at once.

This is my first cultivation novel. This should only be for those who want less complex stories and want to chill. I hope you like it!

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