
Strongest in the Omniverse

James King is a poor young man with no exceptional talents or abilities. He has always been bullied and looked down upon by others, but he has never given up on his dreams. One day, he encounters a mysterious system that grants him the power to become the strongest being in the omniverse. With his newfound power, James sets out on a journey to show everyone in the omniverse what true power is. Will James be able to achieve his goals? Or will he succumb to the power of the system? This novel will be updated when I feel like it, which will be at least weekly. Please note it takes a long time and creativity to create a chapter of 2,000 words. Thank you!

DaoistGmcGOC · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Test

James was amazed to discover that his Earth, Earth 001, was a tiny speck in the vastness of the universe. His universe, in contrast, was merely a cell compared to the never-ending expanse of the omniverse. The universe is so vast that it would take light billions of years to travel from one end to the other. He realized that other universes housed gods and godlike beings, similar to himself but considerably weaker in power. Nonetheless, these beings were still deemed divine compared to the rest of their universe. These gods were incredibly powerful beings, who were worshiped by the people of their respective universes. The prospect of fighting such beings and establishing his superiority exhilarated him. Nevertheless, he understood that he needed to first assert his dominance here and become a living legend.

"Maybe they will even worship me as their god! Who knows?"

As James contemplated his thirst for power and the desire to establish his dominance, his thoughts turned to the upcoming event that held the potential to propel him towards his goals—the annual tournament of the champions. This highly anticipated tournament gathered the greatest masters from all corners of the world, a gathering where legends were made and the elite rose to fame.

Traditionally, the tournament had been dominated by a single figure—the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. It was through their unrivaled mastery of cultivation and immense power that the Yuan Dynasty had risen to become the foremost kingdom. The emperor, a once mortal ruler turned immortal realm cultivator, was known as Xuan Yuan, a name that reverberated with awe and respect throughout the land. He was the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and how it became one of the top dynasties.

As a young man, Xuan Yuan honed his skills in secret, studying ancient texts and learning from the most powerful cultivators of his time. He quickly became a force to be reckoned with, surpassing his peers in power.

Xuan Yuan realized that he could use his abilities to create a dynasty that would dominate the world, and he set out to do just that. He started by conquering neighboring kingdoms and expanding his territory, using his unmatched powers to crush any opposition.

But Xuan Yuan's ambition didn't stop there. He knew that the key to long-term success was to have a strong and loyal army. So he created a system of cultivation for his soldiers, training them to harness the power of the Qi and become powerful warriors. With his army of skilled cultivators, Xuan Yuan was able to defeat even the most formidable foes.

As his power and influence grew, Xuan Yuan became known as the Immortal Emperor, and his kingdom became one of the strongest among the top three dynasties in the world. He was feared and respected by all who knew him, and his name became synonymous with power and invincibility.

And so, when the annual tournament of champions arrived, Xuan Yuan easily defeated all challengers, solidifying his place as the greatest cultivator in the world. From that day forward, he was known as the Invincible Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and his reign would be remembered for centuries to come.

James was determined to assert his dominance and become the top cultivator by dethroning Xuan Yuan, the current number one. Confident in his abilities, he decided to register for the tournament. However, he needed to meet the entrance requirements first, which included passing a rigorous test against a group of imperial guards who, together, could rival a peak 9th level spirit severing realm cultivator. This realm was only second to the void realm and the immortal realm. Although power levels varied greatly, a skilled peak spirit severing realm cultivator with a high-level weapon could potentially defeat a beginner void realm cultivator. Acquiring advanced skills and techniques for battle was essential, especially when facing an opponent who was at least three small realms or one major realm stronger.

James decided that he would go to the testing facility the next day to register and take the test. And so, he did just that.

As James arrived at the testing facility, he encountered a long queue of cultivators waiting to take the entrance test.

After a long wait, it was finally James's turn to take the test. He faced a group of five guards, each of them looking fierce and worthy of their titles as the royal guards of the emperor.

The imperial guards wore black robes with intricate golden embroidery, signifying their high status and loyalty to the emperor. Their black boots and gloves matched their outfits perfectly. With their hair tied up in topknots, adorned with small pieces of gold and silver, they presented a formidable appearance.

James noticed the guards' solemn expressions, reflecting their dedication to guarding the imperial palace. They stood tall and upright, exuding a commanding presence that could make anyone tremble. Carrying their weapons—long spears with sharp points and blades on the sides—they exhibited ease and familiarity. The spears appeared to be at least mid-level graded weapons, a rarity among normal cultivators.

However, compared to James, they were like annoying flies. He had the power to play with them effortlessly, but he wanted to test his unlimited capabilities. Activating his omnipotent thinking and using a skill to limit his power to the lowest possible level, which was still far superior to any normal cultivator and roughly equivalent to the immortal realm, James prepared for the encounter.

One of the guards stepped forward and asked in a stern tone, "State your name and your cultivation. Tell me why you are worthy to be in the most elite tournaments."

"My name is James King, and as for my cultivation, why don't we fight? I can beat you with one arm behind my back. I can crush the emperor with just a thought," replied James lazily, exuding confidence and arrogance.

Taken aback by James' arrogance and disrespect towards the emperor, the guard furrowed his eyebrows and stepped forward, towering over James.

"Who do you think you are, speaking of his highness like that? Do you believe you're invincible? Let me tell you something, young man. There is always someone stronger, no matter how powerful you think you are. And if you disrespect his highness like that again, you will face dire consequences."

Unfazed by the guard's words, James smirked. "I'm merely stating the truth. The emperor may be powerful, but he's not invincible. And I'm not afraid to face anyone, no matter how strong they are."

The guard clenched his fists, ready to teach James a lesson, but another guard intervened, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Brother, calm down. Let's not waste our time on this arrogant kid. We'll teach him a lesson during the battle, and he will learn to respect our emperor."

Reluctantly, the first guard took a step back, his eyes fixed on James with anger and contempt. Meanwhile, the second guard glared at James with fierce eyes and began to speak.

"Listen, kid. We understand you're young and may be arrogant at times, but don't get too ahead of yourself. This tournament is only for the strongest and elite, and you're too young for this. If you choose to continue with the test, don't complain if you end up getting killed. We have been trained not to hold back, so it's your responsibility to ensure your safety by being careful of whom you fight."

James laughed, showing no sign of fear. "I'm not scared. You guys are jokes. Let's fight. Don't blame me if I accidentally kill you."

The second guard sighed, resigned to the situation. "It's your choice, then," he said, as he and the other four guards prepared themselves for the upcoming battle. Suddenly, the first guard spoke up, addressing the second guard, who appeared to be their group leader.

"Let me fight him alone,"The first guard's voice carried a hint of malice as he continued, "I want to teach this punk a lesson about respect."

The commander nodded, understanding the first guard's desire. He felt a sense of regret for James' ignorance but knew there was nothing he could do to dissuade him. Another young and foolish cultivator would likely meet their demise.

With a malicious grin, the first guard, named Amon Anubis, walked about 50 meters away from James. He proudly declared his name and rank, proclaiming, "I am Amon Anubis, second in command of the imperial guard of His Majesty's personal guard."

Amon signaled to the commander, indicating that he should be ready to activate the forcefield if necessary to prevent any major damage. James stood confidently, his expression unyielding.

"Come at me with your full strength; let's see what you've got," James taunted, his voice filled with provocation.

Without hesitation, Amon charged towards James with incredible speed, his spear aimed directly at James' heart. James, pretending to be weak, remained motionless, appearing as an easy target. The spectators watched in anticipation, believing that this would be a swift and decisive victory for the imperial guard.

As Amon closed in on James, he couldn't resist mocking him. "Is this all you've got? I expected more from someone who claims to be invincible. You're nothing but a weakling."

But just as Amon thought he had won, James unleashed an overwhelming display of power. The space around them cracked and shook from the sheer energy emanating from James, revealing slightly of his true strength. A wave of force surged outwards, stunning Amon and freezing him in his tracks. The spectators gasped in astonishment, realizing they had severely underestimated James.

Wearing a sly smile, James spoke with commanding authority, his voice resonating through the battlefield. "I warned you not to underestimate me. Now, witness the true power of a god."

The crowd gasped in awe as James effortlessly disarmed Amon and sent him flying into the air. Amon struggled to regain his composure, his arrogance shattered by James' overwhelming strength. He couldn't believe that he had been so easily beaten by this young man.

Recognizing the dire situation, the commander swiftly activated the forcefield, enclosing the area to prevent any collateral damage. However, James had no intention of stopping there. He continued to unleash his power, clearly demonstrating his dominion over the battle.

The forcefield shimmered and crackled under the immense energy, struggling to contain James' might. The commander observed with a mix of fear and awe as James defied the limitations of the forcefield, his power radiating beyond its confines.

With each strike, James displayed a level of mastery and finesse that surpassed anything the guards had ever witnessed. It became evident that James' skills were honed to perfection, making him a true force to be reckoned with. Some even questioned if their emperor could defeat him but quickly dismissed the thought.

The battle between James and Amon had transformed into a captivating spectacle, capturing the attention of everyone present. The once-confident imperial guard now fought desperately to defend himself against James' relentless assault.

Finally, with one last devastating blow, James sent Amon crashing to the ground, defeated and humiliated. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, astounded by the immense power they had just witnessed.

James stood triumphantly, his aura radiating strength and confidence. He looked towards the commander, who stood in stunned silence, and spoke with an air of authority, "Now, do you still doubt my worthiness to participate in the tournament?"

Realizing the magnitude of James' power, the commander bowed respectfully. "You have proven yourself beyond any doubt, James King. I apologize for underestimating you. You have earned the right to enter the tournament of champions and face the greatest cultivators of our time."

The commander, aware of the implications of James' power, felt a tinge of unease. He knew he had to inform the emperor about this extraordinary challenger. Anyone who could make cracks within the air was at least an immortal cultivator; it was a blessing that this man didn't kill Amon. With a mix of respect and caution, he addressed James, "Sir. James King, your display of strength is truly remarkable. I will personally inform His Majesty of your presence and request an audience for you. Please wait here while I make the necessary arrangements."

James nodded, acknowledging the commander's words. He stood confidently amidst the defeated imperial guard, his eyes scanning the surroundings. The spectators watched in awe and whispered among themselves, awestruck by the unprecedented power James had showcased.

As the commander departed, James took a moment to collect himself. He reflected on his encounter with the imperial guard and the attention it had garnered. It was clear that his journey was going to be fun.

"I have made my mark," James whispered to himself, a determined gleam in his eyes. "Now, it's time to seize every opportunity and surpass even my own expectations. I'll show them all what true power is."

As the tournament of champions approached, he eagerly anticipated meeting the emperor, eager to witness the extent of his power firsthand.