
Strongest butterfly with a system

He was betrayed by the person he trusted most. Now he wants revenge, but he's a butterfly, so how can he get his revenge?

RiverGoat · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Lucida Anseris.

'Shit, my body won't stop hurting. I overreacted yesterday, I could have died if something went wrong.'

A vision took him out of his tiredness and reminded him that he had not yet made a choice.

[ Mage ;

Battle mage ;

Swordsman and

Poison invoker. ]

'Well, Swordsman, and mage are the safest options.'

'As I was once a Swordsman, I can quickly get over my past life, but mage is an extremely versatile class that can help me do a lot of things.'

'Wait... This class... HAAHAHAHAA That's it, you're dead.' The scene of Alex killing his enemies and torturing them began to repeat itself in his mind, and a rare happy appearance was seen on his face.

'Choose Posion Invoker'

'Class description: Poison invoker is a rare class unique to beasts, use their natural poisons to turn their prey into allies, it is said that they are never alone, a high mana control is required, understanding the enemy body structure, but in compensation for the high difficulty is given the epic skill @!#%$ when reaching level 50.'

'What the hell is that? Why can't I read the name of the skill? I've had the system for two lives, and it's still a mystery why I have it.'

'I think it's time to eat'

He thinks as he begins to go towards the wolves and begins to absorb them until all are dry with grayish tufts. While he absorbed was sharp, the paw/arm that was injured being healed at a visible speed.

'Phew, now I'm much better, but I wanted this to work on my mi...'

'Well, I have a few things to check and test'


Name: Alexander Smith

Level: 10

Hp: 35/35

Mp: 150/150

Class :Poison invoker.

Race: Poisoned Tears Butterfly

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 35

Vitality: 20

Charisma: 45

Intelligence: 130

Skills: Confusion, Venom wing, Transmutatio, Poison Raising.

While Alex is looking at the wolves his wings hit and a powder begins to go towards them, when the powder touches the skin she begins to melt quickly.

'Did something go wrong?'

The skin of the wolves continued to melt until only the bones were left, Alex closes his teeth and tries again on the next wolf. When he sends the powder, this time he directs it not through the skin, but through the wolf's nostril. Closing his eyes he can see several paths within the wolf's body, he takes a path that leads upwards and continues through several intersections until he sees a large rough structure. The poison comes into contact with this structure and then instantly the wolf rises.

[First beast raised]

[Do you want to name it?]


It's too early to name, I have to find the perfect monster, I can't waste it on a weak ling like that.

Gradually the wolf began to rise, it was a disgusting sight, a creature that was supposed to be a wolf, but its skin was attached to its bones, only a few tufts of hair were scattered all over his body, his eyes and his rine were melted, leaving only a green glow in those cavities.

After this, he repeats the process with the other wolves, spending 2 hours to finish all the wolves. After some time resting to retrieve his mana he hears something.

A sound of struggle happening in the vicinity, imagining that he could find a good prey, he flies to the direction from where he heard the noise. The newly acquired wolves followed him slowly, moving to avoid making any noise that could ward off his prey.

Arriving there were noticeable two blond, muscular men, of 2 meters in stature, apparently twins. A bald man with approximately 2.20 and a woman who appeared to be an Antariana. They surrounded her. Punches flew, kicks passed near the woman's face, the men tried to grab her, so she couldn't swerve. Even with a numerical advantage, they couldn't match the woman who wore aura.

The difference in experience became increasingly obvious with each blow exchanged, but fighting several big, muscular opponents who used reinforcement aura was not an easy thing to do. Even if it was a low-level aura like that of a fundamental Apprentice, it was still totally different from fighting someone who still didn't use aura.

At one point in the fight she punched one of the blond men, the twin who was a few inches taller dodges the punch, but only to realize it was a feint and a kick completely full of aura reached her chest and a snap is heard.


"Brooooo!" The lower twin screamed. He ran to the woman's direction, trying to take her down with a low kick, but she dodges and throws a hook at the chin that sends the man to the ground.

"Crack" Once again the sound of something breaking was heard, but this time were the teeth of the man who was now knocked to the ground without being able to move; The bald man did not stop and while the woman was on her back hit a high kick in the head, she tried to dodge, but did not react too late to the blow. She falls to the ground with no strength to get up, her right ear now bleeding, and a buzz made it difficult to hear anything that was being said by the bald man.

"Hahahahah, did you think you were going to get away from me after everything that happened? It seems that the heavens still know justice."

He begins to kick the stomach of the fallen woman, kicking after kick, blow after blow. The woman tried to escape, but the kick to her head had left her completely bewildered, it was impossible to do anything to defend herself. The man, seeing that her conscience goes off, picks up a rock that was nearby, looks at her and then...

The man's body began to roar from the pain of large ulcers appearing on his skin, she was being torn apart. A butterfly hovered above the man. When he looked at his companions who were knocked out by the woman, he realized that his companions were completely dead. The body of his formerly healthy companions were now like the deceased who were days in decomposition.

"You damn, you're a witch, what kind of poison have you used on us?"

"It had to be a damn Antarian, her cursed race should die soon..."


With no time to speak a word, it was the bald man's turn to die. A pack of wolves with bright green eyes, hairless and so thin that the ribs were visible, attacked him. He hits a kick at a wolf that came running up to him, the wolf not caring about the pain, bites the leg that hit him.

"HELP" He screamed as another poison entered his body, only this time by the wolf's fangs. The woman was stunning, she never saw a pack of wolves like that. There were still other wolves, but only one took care of this man. She felt a chill just thinking about facing something like these wolves.

'Will these wolves try to kill me after him? I don't stand a chance against them in this state,' Antariana thought. Pain spread all over his body.

Looking at that scene, Alex thought only one thing: humans are obscene. Perhaps by finally getting rid of this cursed bark called 'Humanity' he could now see from a totally different perspective and understand that the problem of the world was not the Antarians, the beasts, the Aoids and not even the Spider, but humanity.

Humanity destroyed their home planet in a fife war, now reside on a strange planet, but even so in a few hundred years they have taken the force of the planet, in addition to treating the inhabitants who have been on this planet millennia to be inferior for simply not being human.

'transmutatio' said while enduring the pain of his body taking the humanoid form, he walks to the woman. The woman who had not yet noticed his appearance, totally focused on the wolf that devoured that man. After a few seconds he saw a man going towards her, looking at him it was obvious the coldness that radiated from his eyes. Maybe because she realized that man wasn't human, she lets out a sigh of relief.

The beautiful man with platinum hair, narrow eyes, sclam sclin, his ice blue iris, a thin nose, rosy mouth, piercing pupils like those of a cat. Looking at him made her feel chills in her spine. His body was humanoid of 1.85, blue wings with tears yams everywhere.

Immediately she gets up, stands in a military pose and says:

"Thank you so much, my name is Lucida Anseris. I suppose i'm an Antarian just like y..." Looking at Alex, she thought she might be an Antarian due to his humanoid characteristics.

Without even letting her finish talking, Alex says:

"I don't have time for this, tell me something, have you heard about the death of the heir to a stellar conglomerate in this region?"

Instantly, she widens her eyes and says, "Death of an heir?!" She looks at him with suspicion.

After a second thinking, her eyes sparkle.

"Oh, yes. I didn't hear directly about the death of an heir, but I heard they were sending a large troop to this planet. That's probably what this is about." The woman still seemed suspicious, but it was no part of her problems.

"Well, thank you." Alex says and runs towards the forest. The wolves disappeared and also the corpse that was previously being eaten also disappeared. The woman stayed in that thoughtful place.