
Strongest butterfly with a system

He was betrayed by the person he trusted most. Now he wants revenge, but he's a butterfly, so how can he get his revenge?

RiverGoat · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Never ending thoughts

After dealing with the goblins he got back at using his mana to control the wire for several hours until it was fully used, but even mana exaustion did not stop him, looking at the wolves bodies, he absorbed the first, until his mana was completely regenerated. Already with his mana full, he returns to do his training, once again lasted several hours, but showed results.

[Intelligence +1]

[Intelligence +1]


In all he earned six status points with this training, but it wasn't the only thing he won.

[Technical developed. Would you like to name it?]


[Tecnica 'Puppeteer' added to his list of techniques.]

Trying once again to use the technique he realized that after being added to his system it was stronger and easier to control.

'Really, if it wasn't for the system...' Thinking of the system his mouth bent slightly up. Memories of when he awakened the aura, his dad said that it was a system of ancient earth games, but quickly shaking his head to get rid of his thoughts. It was only delaying his training.

Looking at the sun rising, he's preparing himself to fight again, but before that he wanted to find something.


At the same time in a black hole right at the bottom of the lost galaxy.

"HIHIHI, so fun, they're struggling with they miserable force to escape from my net. AHHHHNNNN, grow up soon, I want to crush them so badly, destroy 'em, love em?"

"Shut up"

"Shut up you"

"How am I going to shut up if I'm you, asshole"

"Asshole is you"

"All right guys, we all know we're all shit people, forces, actually i don't know what we are, but we better play with other toys while those ones aren't not ready yet."

"Tch, you're so boring, I'm so boring, I don't know, fuck."

"I'm curious how long it's going to take, until they find out, a hundred years? thousand years? Will not even going to find out? AHHHHHHH this excitement coming from despair is delicious, but they're not ready yet. I long for the day they find out that they world turning upside down didn't even begun yet."

"As soon as it's all over we'll find our zenith."

If we got a little closer we would see that only a black shadow spoke, but voices of children, adults, even women came out of that shadow. When the shadow laughed all the voices overlapped in a single laugh, but several emotions were found in these voices. Gradually this image disappears, but one could still hear the discussions, or I must say, the monologue, all over that black hole, how the voices echoed in the vacuum is a mystery.


He's flying for about an hour searching for a certain monster, until he finally saw him, he followed him everywhere it went. He watched him as it killed boars, set traps, fought other goblins, followed it for hours, until it finally looked tired and went back where he came from.

When the sun was at the apex of its twilight the little goblin ran to its destination, looking around seeming to be afraid because goblins are the lowest beasts in the jungle hierarchy, so they are always afraid, especially at night where the strongest predators come out.

After an hour of racing he arrives at a small cave, from within resounded completely macabre laughs, several footsteps could be seen at the entrance, but Alex immediately followed the goblin when he got in the cave.

As he got in he realized that the insides were a little too elaborate for what simple goblins could do, a bad feeling went through it, but he already knew what he had to do, and nothing was going to stop him.

Torches made of carved wood and perfectly tied ropes were on the walls, the laughter he heard did not look like those of goblins, a path made of stones led him to the center of the cave, where was a throne, seemed to be able to withstand a creature of two meters of stature. To his unhappiness he hears a resounding noise coming from the entrance.



His heart was beating faster, as the sound got closer.

"KI KI KI" A laugh with lack of breath was heard

A goblin-looking monster, but approximately 2.20m tall, his body is completely thin, but a large belly that could fit dozens of goblins contradistinguish his skeletal body , two bones bent up out of his mouth and in one of them was a golden ring, his big nose was full of holes.

When he walked it was possible to see his body swinging from side to side, a large hump was visible in his spine, Alex began to think how tall this monster would be if it were not hunchback. The red eyes of the goblin, contrary to what its appearance indicates, demonstrate wisdom.

"I ki-kill gobrins if don't get fo-food"

The monster spoke a language that was not Slorvian, the common language of this world. It was hard to understand exactly what he said, but Alex could understand the main point.

Looking at the huge monster Alex had no other reaction than shaking, hide in a dark corner, and wait for the monster to go out, maybe in his past life he could've fight him, but now, even more being a monster who is more sensitive to mana, he knew he couldn't fight a monster that expelled a ton of mana.

Only one word appeared in his mind when he thought of facing this monster:


He trembled, his breath grew heavier and heavier, flew as fast as possible to escape death. When he flew trying to escape the monster looked at him, Alex felt the look, and flew as fast as he could, but because of the fear could not even look back at the monster.

The monster whispered a few words when he saw Alex running:

"Things will get fun" he said in Slorvian.

as soon as he saw the butterfly coming out he started laughing.


Alex who still ran felt a shiver all over his body, after a few minutes flying he fell to the ground, still trembling, thoughts of why he did not faced the monster were going through his mind, even if it wasn't logical he wanted to face that monster to prove himself, but he knew he hadn't a chance if wining.

His heart began to race, his head was begining to ache, and then thoughts of the treason got passing in his mind, again, and again, it felt never ending.

"I love you, Alex."

"We're going to be best friends forever!"

These phrases were repeated countless times in his mind, the scene of betrayal overcame them leaving these words increasingly painful.

His paws went toward his head and began to tighten trying to crush these memories, even crush his head if it stopped it, he cried feeling that he would never stop those toughts, all his determination was swavowed within minutes.

'No, I have to get even! But will it be worth it? It's going to be worth it! Is it?'


Alex's mind couldn't stand it, but unfortunately for Alex he discovered one thing: butterflies can't sleep! Every time he "slept" it was, actually, a fainting due to exaustion of his body.

'Why can't I sleep? My mind can't take so much silence anymore, I need some noise, something to get me out of my thoughts.' While i thought this a pack of wolves passed around him, because it was a small butterfly the wolves did not notice him.

'Hahahahaha, it looks like the heavens heard me'

'Transmutatio' Once a butterfly body begins to turn into a humanoide with wings, even though the process being painful that pain was a relief to the mental pain he felt. Finally something else than his thoughts went through his mind.

"Dieee" Alex screams trying to disperse his thoughts.

When the body was already in its humanoide form it quickly picks up a stone on the ground, and infuses it with mana. Looking at the wolf that seemed to be the alpha, he runs towards him, and launches an attack down aiming at the wolf's head.

'Ain ain ain' The alpha without understanding what happened was already on the floor with a large bruise on his head, while crying in pain he looked up, and saw a man with a disturbing smile, but that was not the worst part.

That man went down that rock on his head over and over again, after some attacks the alpha was already dead, but he did not stop until another wolf of the pack caught up with him, and bit Alex's arm, looking at the wolf that attacked him he says:

"Do you want to play too? Hahaha, let's enjoy the night."

Once again the stone descends towards the head of another wolf, the wolf squeezed the bite further and tore a piece of skin off Alex's arm, not thinking twice and launches another attack, but this time the wolf went faster and managed to dodge in time, two more wolves came after Alex and attacked his back.

Unfortunately for the wolves and fortunately for Alex, the time of his transformation was over.

The pain of returning to its butterfly form was great, but the relief of having escaped from a possibly deadly attack was even greater.

Returning to being a butterfly he looks at the wolves and throws a red powder towards them, at the same time several stones began to float with wires attached to them. A Wolf immediately launches an attack on the small butterfly, but a floating stone was thrown towards him and crushed his snout

Alex flew around the forest putting some thread in certain trees, the pack couldn't see the wires being laid and chasing him, but he was all the time delaying them with the rocks and managed to hurt some of the wolves.

All the while Alex threw stones at wolves, gradually the poison was more and more effected, perhaps because wolves were larger creatures it took longer to function, but it was noticeable that wolves were increasingly having difficulty running after him.

Unfortunately it wasn't just the wolves that were tired, after approximately thirty minutes of chase Alex's mana was almost ending up trapped among several trees the wolves advance and jump to him, their mouths open ready to swallow the little butterfly, it was clear the anger they felt of this little butterfly, but unfortunately he now discovered why of the wires placed.

The wolves that were further behind saw their comrades fall severed, another enemy came up and cut off his friends? No, that was impossible.

Having lost the alpha and his companions the wolf had no other choice and decided to end up with that butterfly, he jumps with his mouth open to swallow Alex, but he unfortunately was a dumb creature, maybe if the alpha were alive the situation would be different. When the wolf gets close he sees the glow of several extremely stretched wires in front of him, he tries to stop, but was already in the air. His head is cut off by a thread and his last vision is that of a butterfly devouring the body of his comrades.

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level 10 achieved. Looking for host-compatible classes.]

[Classes found.]

'Hahaha, finally' His body began to feel the result of the fight and the tiredness began to take hold of him, struggling to keep his eyes open he saw the classes.

[ Mage;

Battle mage;

Swordsman ;

Poison invoker. ]

Before he could choose mental fatigue hit him and ended up sleeping, fainting, so he had to leave the choice for tomorrow. He got what he wanted, some time of resting.