
Chapter 35-36

Chapter 35: The September Visit

September 2003 brought with it the transition of seasons. The sweltering heat of summer was beginning to give way to the mild cool of autumn, bringing a welcome calm after months of intense operations for John Hawke. He had taken a rare break, and as usual, his first impulse was to visit Peggy. The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and one of his most respected mentors, always offered him wise counsel and a perspective that he valued.

John drove along the quiet streets that led to the nursing home where Peggy lived. His thoughts wandered as he gazed at the trees along the way, their leaves already beginning to change color. The break gave him time to reflect on the past few months, the successes of his team, the complex missions, and of course, the enigmatic figures of Alexander Pierce and Gideon Malick. There was something at play that he could not yet fully decipher.

As he parked the car, John adjusted the rearview mirror and ran a hand over his face. He looked more worn, he could see that. The beard he'd grown between missions was fuller, and his skin was deep tanned.

Peggy was waiting for him in the living room. She looked old, but her eyes still shone with the wisdom and vivacity that John had always admired. Even with the years weighing on her shoulders, Peggy Carter was still a force to be reckoned with.

"John, honey!" she said, smiling warmly as he walked in. "Come in, come in! How are you?"

"Hi, Peggy." John smiled as he approached, kissing her on the cheek and sitting down next to her. "I'm fine. Just taking a breather. Things have been… intense."

She studied him carefully, as if she could read every line on his face, every unspoken burden he carried.

"I can see that, honey. The weight of the world seems to be on your shoulders." she said, her voice soft but firm. "Tell me what's going on. How are things at S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

John took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts.

"Things are going well, I think." he began, leaning back in his chair. "Strike Team Omega has been officially recognized by the World Security Council. We've been successfully conducting missions, saving lives and preventing disasters. But…"

He hesitated for a moment, and Peggy noticed the change in his expression.

"But?" she prompted, with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't completely trust some of the people in charge." John admitted, looking at the floor for a moment before looking back at her. "Pierce and Malick. There's something about them that doesn't add up. Fury feels it too, but… they're in power. And I don't know exactly what they're up to. I just have a bad feeling."

Peggy listened to him attentively, her eyes fixed on him, absorbing every word. She knew all too well what it was like to navigate the political and moral mazes of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the intelligence world.

"I get it," she said, her voice thick with understanding. "When you're in the center of power, John, you have to trust your instincts. I've lived it. You're dealing with more than just military leaders now. You're dealing with politicians, with agendas. And many of them don't care about the morality of your decisions, only the results."

John nodded, knowing that Peggy had more experience with this kind of manipulation than anyone else he knew.

"And how is Sharon?" Peggy asked, changing her tone slightly, wanting to ease the tension in the air. "Is she doing well as a field agent?"

A slight smile appeared on John's lips at the mention of Sharon Carter.

"Sharon is doing very well," he said, pride in his voice. "She has a lot of determination, just like you. It's incredible to watch her in action. She's quick, smart, and knows how to handle herself in the most complicated situations. I've seen her in a few rescue and infiltration operations, and she definitely has what it takes."

Peggy smiled contentedly, and there was a nostalgic gleam in her eyes.

"She always wanted to be like me. But Sharon is special. She has her own strength, and her own path to follow. I'm glad to hear that, John."

John was silent for a moment, absorbing her words. There was a connection between him and Peggy that transcended mere respect. She was like a moral compass to him, someone he could always trust to guide him in times of uncertainty.

"You know, Peggy, I'm at a crossroads," John confessed, looking down at his hands. "I feel like things are changing at S.H.I.E.L.D. I don't know if it's for the better. I don't like Pierce, and I don't like Malick either. But the work we do, what my team does, is vital. I see the impact we have on the world."

Peggy nodded slowly, leaning forward a little.

"John, you'll always be faced with dilemmas like this. The truth is, no matter where you are, on the battlefield or behind the scenes, there will always be darkness and light. It's what you do with the power you have that defines who you are. Nick knows that, and that's why he trusts you. Now, as for Pierce and Malick… if they're as dangerous as you believe, you need to be on your guard. But you also need allies you can trust."

"I have my men." And Fury," John replied, feeling a bit of relief as he voiced his concerns.

Peggy smiled softly. "That's enough for now. But remember to keep your options open. Power corrupts many, and some fall into that trap without even realizing it."

The afternoon passed quickly as the two talked. They shared stories from the past, reminiscing about the times when Peggy was still in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. John felt grateful to have such a wise mentor. As the sun began to set, he knew it was time to leave. He stood up, helping Peggy to her feet as well.

"Thank you, Peggy. I always leave here feeling more centered."

She squeezed his hand affectionately.

"And I always feel more hopeful when you visit me, John. Keep being the person you are. The world needs leaders like you, now more than ever."

John smiled, nodding before saying goodbye. As he walked to his car, his mind felt clearer. Peggy's words gave him strength, and he knew that no matter what shadows loomed over the future, he would be prepared to face them.

As he got into his car and started the engine, John felt a renewed sense of purpose. He was ready for whatever lay ahead, with Peggy Carter's wisdom echoing in his heart.

Chapter 36: Special Training

It was late 2003, and John, now well established in S.H.I.E.L.D. and leading Strike Team Omega, was in his usual training routine. He had always been disciplined, both in his operational duties and in his physical training. Life at S.H.I.E.L.D. was unforgiving, and he knew that each agent needed to be prepared for the most demanding missions.

After a long morning of tactical planning, John was leaving the conference room when he was approached by Maria, the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"John, can you wait a moment?" she asked, her tone curious and a slight smile on her lips.

"Sure, Maria. What's going on?" he asked, stopping and turning to face her.

Maria looked at him for a second, hesitating before continuing.

"I was talking to some of the field agents, and we all came to the conclusion that... we need to improve our hand-to-hand combat skills."

John arched an eyebrow, already knowing where this was going.

"Hand-to-hand combat, huh?" he said, crossing his arms and assuming a relaxed posture. "You're already excellent agents. But you're asking me for something specific, aren't you?"

At that moment, other familiar figures appeared beside Maria: Melinda May, known for her combat and piloting skills; Bobbie Morse, the famous "Mockingbird", excellent with batons and an infiltration specialist; Isabelle Hartley, an experienced and tough agent; and Victoria Hand, always controlled and meticulous, but clearly interested in the physical and tactical development of the team.

"The point is, John, you're a super soldier, right?" Bobbie said, with a mischievous smile. "And a master of several martial arts. So we thought... why not learn from the best?"

Melinda May gave a slight nod, agreeing with Bobbie.

"That's true. Your skills are far beyond ours. We can learn a lot from you, John," May commented, always serious, but with a focused look.

John observed the group of agents in front of him. They were all highly skilled, true professionals, but he understood their constant search for improvement. And there was something in their eyes, a mixture of challenge and curiosity, that made him unable to refuse.

"Okay, I accept," he said, with a slight smile. "Let's schedule a special training session. You can meet me at the S.H.I.E.L.D. dojo tomorrow morning. I'll teach you some hand-to-hand combat techniques that might be useful. But I warn you, I won't go easy on you."

"We didn't expect it to be," Maria said, with a confident smile.

The next morning, the S.H.I.E.L.D. dojo was prepared for the special training. Soft lights illuminated the spacious space, with mats spread out on the floor. John was already warming up when the agents entered. Each of them was dressed in training gear, ready for action.

"Well, here we are," John said, adjusting the cuffs of his gloves as he watched them prepare. "We're going to focus on realistic hand-to-hand combat. I know you're already skilled, so we'll go beyond the basics. I'll show you techniques that work in extreme situations, when strength, speed, and precision are essential."

The agents positioned themselves in a semicircle around John, ready to learn. The training began with demonstrations of direct strikes, blocks, and immobilization techniques. John, as expected, demonstrated superhuman efficiency. His movements were fluid and powerful, with a precision that made it clear how much he mastered the martial arts.

"Melinda, let's start with you," John said, calling May to the center. "I want to see how you react to a direct attack situation."

Melinda didn't hesitate. She positioned herself, and John advanced with a quick strike. She blocked skillfully, but John took advantage of his superhuman speed to quickly unbalance her and, in one fluid movement, knocked her to the mat with an armbar.

"Good block, but you need to adjust your center of gravity when fighting someone stronger," he said, helping her to her feet.

"I'll keep that in mind," May replied, with a smirk. She was rarely knocked down so quickly.

Next, it was Bobbie Morse's turn. John and Bobbie exchanged blows, and she showed why she was one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s best, with quick and precise movements. But, just like with May, John managed to knock her down with a more powerful and agile blow.

"You have great technique. But when you fight someone with superior strength, you need to use the environment to your advantage. Remember that," he said, smiling at Bobbie as she stood up.

"Yeah, I think I'll start carrying extra weight to withstand this kind of opponent," Bobbie joked, laughing as she fixed her hair.

The training continued with John demonstrating a series of combat techniques with Maria, Isabelle and Victoria. He taught them the best way to neutralize opponents, how to use speed against a stronger opponent, and the subtleties of immobilization maneuvers that few mastered as well as he did.

As the session progressed, all the agents began to sweat, but were fully engaged in the learning process. John showed patience and focus, ensuring that each one understood the nuances of the movements he demonstrated. After more than two hours of intensive training, John finally called the end of the session.

"Great work today, guys," he said, taking a deep breath as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "You are excellent fighters, and that will only get better with time. It was a pleasure training with you."

The agents began to relax, thanking John for his time and the training. But as he turned to leave the dojo, he could hear muffled laughter and whispers behind him.

"He's good… very good," Bobbie commented, with a playful smile, as she looked at the others.

"You could feel his body on top of us, couldn't you?" Maria said, half joking, half admiring.

Melinda May, usually reserved, couldn't help but smile as well.

"The training was definitely worth it. " May added, fixing her hair as everyone nodded.

Victoria Hand shook her head, a rare smile appearing on her lips.

John listened to the comments and, with a slight smile on his face, shook his head as he left the dojo. He was used to being the focus of comments like this, but he knew it was all in jest. The important thing for him was that the agents had learned and left better prepared.

"I think I'll have to prepare a more intense training session next time." John muttered to himself as he walked through the halls of S.H.I.E.L.D., satisfied with his work that day.

He knew he was surrounded by the best, both in skill and character, and that only reinforced his confidence in what was to come.