
Strength of Chaos

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Amidst the shadows that stretch beyond the precipice, a realm of unspoken desires and unrevealed pains beckons. It is a domain where the harbinger of sorrow and pain, a specter of darkness, casts its haunting silhouette. From within this abyss emerges a vow—an oath that cuts through the veil of obscurity. "Justice shall be my mantle," the whisper echoes, the promise etched with determination. In these hands, a power takes root, heedless of the chaos it sows in its unrelenting path. As the abyss gazes back, the abyss of vengeance, a choice is made—a choice to wield the forces that lie within, regardless of the tumult it unfurls. And so, within the tapestry of darkness, a narrative unfolds, where justice and chaos entwine, and the enigmatic journey of the "Strength of Chaos" takes shape. --- Hey there, So, guess what? This is my first-ever book, 'Strength of Chaos,' and I'm stoked to share it with you. Just wanted to give you a heads-up – it might start off a bit slow. But hey, I promise you this: stick around, and you'll see the story pick up pace, the plot twist and turn, and my writing groove get seriously dialed in. So grab a comfy seat, maybe a cup of something warm, and let's dive into the world of Chaos together (Most of it though hehe). Your patience and excitement mean the world to me. Catch you on the flip side, [Golden_Essence]

Golden_Essence · 都市
80 Chs

State of The World

In a grand chamber, suffused with the warm radiance of golden light, a group of dignified generals, adorned in military suits that exuded authority, gathered around a formidable table. The air crackled with tension as they settled into their seats, their expressions burdened with responsibility, aware of the gravity of the situation unfolding outside—riots and unrest gripping the nation, with civilians seemingly turning against the military under the sinister influence of the terrorist group.

At the head of the table, a figure of utmost command, distinguished by regal attire denoting superior rank, sat the Commander in Chief. His presence alone exuding a strong aura which commanded respect, and as he glanced around the room, his piercing gaze captured the weighty atmosphere and the anxious anticipation of his advisors.