
Strange Vampire System

The world is now at chaos since the introduction of arcana(inner power), Humans learn to unlock their arcana which has lead to the evolution of animals into strange and dangerous beasts and creatures the world has ever seen, which roam all over the world. Xander is a little boy who is abondoned in this world, atleast no one knows where his parents are. In the world where the strongest will survive Xander failed to unlock his arcana...how will he survive???

SammyChaos · ファンタジー
57 Chs

Afraid of me?

When Xander's palm touched the crystal, it shine brightly before the light fainted and disappeared completely. It now seemed just like an iceberg with nothing special, and at the time he detouch his arm from the crystal, it regain it's usual natural glow.

[Crystal detected]

[Your level is low to absorb this crystal]

[Grow stronger]

"What... what does that even mean?" Sergeant Ryder asked.

"To be honest, I also don't understand." Sergeant Jax answered.

"You acted as if you knew everything and here out of all, you don't understand." Sergeant Embrose said.

"Are you putting all blames to me now?" He complained.

"No one is blaming, what we are trying to say here is reality and nothing else." Sergeant Ryder said.

"Are you challenging me now?" Sergeant Jax asked as he turn, looking at Xander's side he asked. "I asked you before and still I am asking you again... who are you?"

"I told you before, my answers never changes." Xander answered with a serious plain tone.

"He sure is interesting." Sergeant Embrose said. "I've start to like him."

"He has no manners." Sergeant Ryder said. "I hate him."

"Don't mind them too much, you may go." Sergeant Jax allowed him to leave.

"Before I left, I have a question." Xander said.

Allowing him to proceed Xander asked. "If I am not wrong, you told me this crystal is also used to detect someone's arcana. From what I've seen what does it mean."

The Sergeants exchanged their gaze before one of them decides to answer.

"To be honest, we have never seen or heard of something like that. We don't know." Sergeant Jax said.

Xander walked past them to the staircase all the way to wherever he was heading without say a single word. But just one thought was running in his head.

'How the hell did these guys became friends from first place, It's obvious they are the worst match ever.'

"Can't you say something Jax?" Sergeant Ryder said.

"What else should I say? I have no an idea." Sergeant Jax replied. "I thought he is a Mage... but it turns out I was wrong... he is something else."

"You should stop on whatever you've planned now." Sergeant Embrose said.

"I guess so, but what is he?" Sergeant Jax said with this concern on his face.

"To be honest, I am now also enterested in this boy. But mind you, let's not butt into the way of the Barons." Sergeant Ryder said.

"What are you suggesting?" Sergeant Jax asked.

"We observe what will be their first step before we made ours." Sergeant Embrose replied.

Hearing this, Sergeant Jax smiled.

"It seem we are all in it." He said.


Walking toward the dorms, Xander was still wondering what was the meaning of such event. He sure was bemused by everything occured recently.

Getting inside Squad 11 dorm, he found everyone in a meeting point but sitting at scattered positions. They turn their heads looking at whoever has getting inside, and when they saw him they divate their gazes. Even Claire seems not to be bothered by his presence. Looking at them closely he could tell they were not ignoring him at all, instead they were frighten of him.

Xander tried to approach Aston who was nearby him, instead Aston stand up and walked toward Ethan while trembling.

'This looks odd. What happened hear... or did what happened back then in the forest made them like this.' Xander wondered. 'If they are all frighten of me, then it's okey.'

Turning around so he can leave, he heard someone.

"Xander." Ethan called out.

Hearing his name Xander stoped his move, looking at whoever had called him he asked with a plain voice. "What?"

"Would you mind tell us what you are?" He asked. "How did you manage to do it back then."

Altough Ethan seems to be confidence in asking Xander, still he could hear some tremors in his voice.

"You know what guys... I just don't get it, are you really afraid of me?" Xander asked with his usual plain voice. "It's not that long when we were walking together calling me useless and all sorts of names you liked, but I still saved your damned ass and now out of all... you are freaking avoiding me."

"It's not like I care. I will mind my own things."

Walking toward the staircase someone get on his way.

"Claire?" Xander wondered when seeing Caire intervene in his way. "Aren't you... afraid of me?"

"I don't care anymore." Claire said while taking a step forward, reaching a few inches away from him, she raised her hand and place it on his cheek. "I even don't know if I am afraid of you or not. But listen you need to tell us, we need to know the truth. We are now a team."

"Listen everyone." Xander said. "If you ask me who am I, then I don't know. All I know is I am an orphan, I don't know anything about my parents or anything relating to them."

After such a revalation Xander went to climb the stairs to his room while Claire followed him behind.

"Did he say he is an orphan?" Aston said. "I mean I was so frighten of him when I saw him killing but now after hearing his background... I feel sorry for him."

"I think this is why he likes to seat alone." Raya said. "We should stay by his side."

Raya went to his room, opening the door she stepped inside. Xander was at the casement facing outside and at his left side was Claire who stood by his side silence. Joining them Raya went to stand by his right side without saying a word.

Just a moment later, the other boys came and join them too.It was an awkward moment though everyone bear the situation until...

*knock *knock

Someone was knocking


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