
Strange key

Useless_Child · アクション
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Begin

What is going on? Vic asked himself while walking back to his house. There are two police officers in front of Vic's home that seem to be waiting for him. "What seems to be the problem officer?" Vic asked the police officer as he got close to him. "Good evening, detective Vanci '' said one of the officers. 

"Is there anything I can help you with, Mr.-" he said during the course of fixing his coat "John Marckel, 2nd division EF '' said the officer while taking out something from his pocket. "Do you know this man Mr. Vanci?" he asked, showing him the picture. "Yes, this is Mr. William, my father's lawyer," he answered, looking at the picture. "We were supposed to meet at Cafe El Sala this evening but he never showed up," he added.

"Mr. William was murdered at his home this evening Mr. Vanci" he said putting the picture back in his pocket, "but before he died he left a written message. We might need help from you to decipher it" he added. Vic thought about the situation for a moment before answering Mr. Marckel. "I would comply, Mr. Marckel," he replied. "That is much appreciated Mr. Vanci," Mr. Marckel said while escorting him to the car.

"Do you smoke Mr. Vanci?" Mr. Markel asked while lighting a cigarette in his hand, "yes, sometimes, but not quite often," he answered. He offered him a cigarette but Vic declined his offer as he stared out on the streets of Brooklyn. Marckel smoked his cigarette while gazing out the window of the car. "Do you come across anyone that holds a grudge or anyone that would harm Mr. William in any way, Mr. Vanci?" he asked him, still gazing out the window. "As far as I know, I don't know anyone, Mr. Marckel '' Vanci replied, looking at the cigarette in Mr. Marckel's hand.

Many police officers surrounded the house of Mr. William when the car stopped near the front door. Both got out of the car. "There were no signs of breaking and entering in the house, no reported materials were stolen and no traces of the killer except one" Marckel said, throwing his bud on the lawn. He led Vic to the murder scene. 

"Can you decipher it?" Marckel asked, putting his hand in his pocket, "this doesn't make any sense" Vic replied while reading the blood message on the floor.

 "The light of death, life of darkness. Lifetime is lost as value takes a break" Vic said in confusion as he read the message. "Well, what about this?" Marckel said, handing him a fancy notebook. Vic opened the notebook and was greeted by his past. Slowly memories of his childhood flooded back into his mind without a stop. 

March 15, 1994. "Vicktor!" his father yelled out to him as he dragged him out of his office, pulling him by his arm. This caused him to moan in pain as he looked back at his father's office with the book still open and left on the table. "How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of my office?" Vic's father asked him as he hit his legs with a thin wooden stick. Vic cried out in pain holding his scream because he knew his father would hit him harder. 

Vic was left crying in his room that night, alone, no one by his side, as his father shut the door behind him. Vic curdled himself in his bed hugging the pillow beside him as tears ran down his face. As the night progressed, Vic was woken up by a muffled voice outside his bedroom. Curious, he got up from his bed and slowly turned the knob trying not to make any noise. He walked out of the room tip-toeing through the halls.

As he reached the end, the muffled sound became screams of a man. His eyes widened as he peeked down the stairs into the living room. He was mortified by what he had just witnessed. He hurried back to his room running down the hallway not caring if he had made a noise or not. He shut the door of his room and fell on the floor as his legs weakened from fear of what he had witnessed. 

Catching his breath, began knocking on the other side of his door. Horrified, he quickly locked the door and stepped away from it. "Viktor, open the door, son, it's okay" He noticed his father's voice calling out to him but he didn't respond and stayed still frozen in the middle of his room. "Victor" he heard his sister's voice, turning to her. "Come quickly" she said while crawling inside the vent and Vic soon followed her into the vent. "Father… He..."

 "shh, be quiet or they'll hear you" she said while both crawled out of the vent.

She opened the latch on the vent and made her way out and helped her brother up. "Whatever you witnessed Viktor, you must never say it to anyone or speak a word about it" she said, staring at him with a serious look on her face. "What is happening?" he asked, tears flowing down his face. "My dear brother, you're still not ready, mother still has many things to teach you, but now none of that matters, you need to go to Mr. William" she added while handing him a piece of paper. 

"What is this-" before he could finish his sentence, loud banging on the door filled the kitchen. Vic looked at his sister, eyes now filled with fear.

 "You need to escape now, Vic," she said to him while barricading the door with the table as she pushed it. "I can't just leave you sister" he said while looking at her tears running down his cheeks. "Charlotte, open this door!" their father shouted on the other side of the door. "GO!" Charlotte screamed at him. Vic opened the back door of the kitchen. He ran as fast as he could outside with the only red moon light shining at him. As he ran, he heard his sister's screaming behind him. He never turned back.

"Mr. Vanci?" Startled, Vic turned to Mr. Marckel, staring at him with a grim look on his face. He regained composure and closed the notebook with his entire family picture. "May 14 1964, when the picture was taken, it was a hot summer day, vacationing with my sister and parents" he said, still holding the notebook in his hand.

 "May I step outside for a second? This room is quite stuffy" he said, handing him back the notebook and Mr. Marckel nodded in response. 

Vic walks out of the house, wiping the sweat off his forehead and pulling a cigarette out of his pocket to smoke. He blew out a puff of smoke and collected himself after remembering something he wished never existed. "Vic!" he heard a woman's voice and turned around to see Mary walking up to him.

 "Mary, how are you?" he said while putting out the cigarette "take this" she said handing him a piece of paper in his hand.

 "What is this?" he asked taking the paper out of her hand "My father wanted you to have that, he told me to give it to you once he died" she said to him while looking around, being aware of everything "You must feel agitated, let's get you inside" he said while putting the paper in his pocket.

"Listen to me Vic" she said. "You don't have much time left, you need to find the key before they do," she added while still looking around, "what do you mean?" With a confused look on his face, he asked.

"The Ilave Sagrada," she replied. "The what?" he asked.

"You need to find it Vik, please" she said with a worried look on her face "I don't understand, Mary what is going on" he asked her with a tone of concern in his voice. 

Mary's eyes grew wide and fear could be seen on her face. "You need to go, Vic," she said. "What are you looking at?" Just as he was about to turn, a loud explosion happened. Ringing played in his ears as he was blown back by the explosion. He quickly checked Mary laying on the ground unconscious. "Mary?" he asked, waking her up. The sounds of guns began to fill his ears, as Mary opened her eyes with little strength left on her voice. She told him, "Go Vik, run". She closed her eyes as she took her final breath.