
Strange key

Useless_Child · Action
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3 Chs


March 15, 1994. As William approaches his door, a loud thud can be heard inside his home. Slowly turning the knob of his door, he tries not to make any noise. He walked cautiously inside his home, sharpening his ears for any tiny sounds inside. William's heart raced as fear sinks into his body. He slowly walked around every room of his home checking every corner carefully, trying not to make any noise.

As William entered his study room, a thin wire suddenly wrapped around his neck. He gasped for air and felt a sharp pain as the wire tightened. "Where is it?"  The man said, holding the wire tightly in his hands. With no hesitation William quickly grabbed the wire and pulled it, trying to free himself before losing consciousness. He ran out of the room and into the hallway. As he ran, loud opera music started playing behind him.

He quickly hid under the counter top table clenching a knife in his hand, shaking in fear. William heard footsteps walking down the hallway. "Mr. William, let's not make things difficult for us both" said the intruder calmly. William stayed in silence, still clenching the knife in his hand. "All I want is information about where the key is," said the intruder. William remained silent and the intruder stepped closer. He could feel the intruder's presence looming over him. William's heart raced with every footstep he took.

As his footsteps approached his hiding place, he crawled to the other side of the counter. "Mr. William, what's your favorite color?" he asked, knocking on the countertop and chuckling. No reply is made by William, still shaking in fear, as his sweat slowly hits the floor, with the knife still in his grasp. "Mine is red," he said. William looked down on the floor, dread sinking in his bones as he looked at his blood dripping on the floor. "Hello Mr. William" he said to him smirking. Without hesitation William tried to strike him with his knife, but failed to do so. 

The intruder grabbed the knife edge, blood dripping on the floor. Frozen in fear, the intruder squatted down and slowly took the knife away from him. He warmly smiled at him "kill me" William said firmly glaring into his eyes. "We will get there Mr. William, but you still have something I want" he took out a photo in his pocket and showed it to him "pretty girl, she looks like her mother" he smiled "it would be a shame if something happened to her" he mused with a chuckle.

"El diablo!" William screamed out "shhh, calm down Mr. William, all I want to know is where is the key" he replied calmly.

 "It brings death to life, dark of light as a long shone, a moment to make, a lifetime of break, valued then lost" William said with his trembling voice. He looked in confusion, "please don't answer me in riddles Mr. William, for I am not very proficient with those" he said.  "That is all you're going to get out of me, you diablo" he smirked. He sighed and took out the gun in his pocket and shot him near his heart. "Well, isn't this just becoming difficult?" He walked away from William's body gasping for air as blood filled the kitchen floor.

"Thank you so much Mr. William and have a pleasant evening, traidor" he said with a smile, walking out of the back door and closing it behind him.