
Stranded On A Dead Island

5 teens want to enjoy their last summer together before college, when they decide to go on a cruise everything seems sketchy but fine until it crashes leaving them on a weird island mysterious island.

Jonathan_3471 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Things get better

Once back in their rooms, they decided to inform each other of what they found while they explored the boat. "Guys we will have no reason to go to the back of the cruise for the rest of the time here." James said, "Yeah when we went downstairs we just got kicked out by another short blonde white girl that had way too much attitude." Jonathan followed up, both of them looking incredibly uninterested in doing any more exploring. "Well we didn't find much, except for a pool, a basketball court with no balls, and a dance floor with no DJ or floor," Toby said, informing them of the barren wasteland this cruise felt like.

After explaining to each other what they found on their adventures the captain overtook the speaker, "Hello my wonderful passengers, I know it felt like we were very unprepared" The captain said in the overhead speakers, "That's an understatement of how unprepared yall were." Jonathan said, seemingly trying to argue with a speaker as the other boys looked at him like he was a little coo-coo crazy. "But I deeply apologize for all the inconveniences presented to you all, in compensation we have prepared a feast filled with every food imaginable, that a 4-star cruise could afford, so I humbly invite you to stuff your faces and enjoy a feast you all deserve." The captain said, "OK I know this hasn't been the best start, BUT OH MY GOD LET'S EAT PLEASE!" Toby said as he bolted to the door as fast as he could, looking like gremlins the rest of the boys followed him despite the earlier conversation of not being able to run they ran looking like a pack of hungry wolves. "ME NEED NUTRIENTS" Clayden yelled, sounding like a goblin, running through the halls forcing everyone else attempting to attend the feast to back off or get run over.

Before they knew they were in front of the doors of the cafe, looking in they saw many people sitting and enjoying the food looking like they were in heaven. As they reached for the doors tears of happiness ran down their faces as they finally were able to open the door. Rushing in their noses was the smell of amazing food, except for Jonathan who couldn't smell anything on the account that he was nose blind. "Boys, let's eat and never look back at any poor health decisions we might make tonight." James said to all the boys as their anticipation to get a plate to fill it with food grew, then all together they yelled "LET'S EAT!" so loud the entire lunchroom went quiet and just looked at them like they were crazy, which they were. "So sorry about that, everyone just pretend we aren't here," Toby said out of embarrassment for making a scene.

Before they could eat they had to wait in line which only spiked their hunger more making all of them shake with anticipation to finally try the food. One person after another they were getting closer and closer to the tables, from what they could see there was lobster, crab, steaks, chocolate-covered strawberries and so much more. Their mouths water intensely at just the thought of trying the food. Finally, Toby was the first of the 5 boys to make it to the tables filled with delicious meals, first he grabbed a large helping of coconut shrimp, then he grabbed 3 steaks cooked to perfection, and the last thing he got on his plate was a large slice of cherry pie. After grabbing his helping of food he excitedly hopped and skipped to find a table big enough for all of the boys. Next Kymani grabbed a plate and grabbed 5 legs of fried chicken, then 4 pairs of king crab legs, and to top it all off he grabbed 6 tacos, after he was done he happily ran to the table Toby had picked out. James was next, grabbing 16 hot dogs and nothing more, following Kymani to the table he couldn't help but bust a couple of dance moves out of pure joy. Clayden eagerly grabbed his plate and skipped all food and went straight to the dessert to grab 3 kinds of pie, 4 cups of ice cream, and 6 donuts of all kinds, he then went to the table. Jonathan was last in the group to get a plate, though he was hungry before he couldn't find the appetite for anything too big, so to keep it small he grabbed 18 lobster tails and a pound of shrimp with melted butter.

"Going a little light today aren't we Jonathan, thought you could eat more than that," James said mockingly knowing that Jonathan could out-eat all of them at any chance. "Yeah guess I'm just not that hungry right now" Jonathan answered as he sat down, before eating the boys bowed their heads to say a quick prayer. When they were done they started eating so fast that even Flash couldn't run around the world before they were done, the boys forgot all table manners and ate like pigs, yet somehow got no mess on the table. After all 5 finished Kymani, Clayden, Toby, and James went back to the line for a second round while Jonathan stayed back at the table. *I really am lucky that I have amazing friends aren't I?* Jonathan thought to himself as he watched friends laughing with joy waiting in line, couldn't help but smile. "This is a great trip so far!" He said aloud as he went back to the line to join them in eating seconds.