
Story Of Love - Minsung

Lee Minho, a rich and popular boy, enters the life of college scared and alone. His trust and love for everyone is near gone until Lee Minho finds a new kind of love with his new college classmate, Han Jisung, the quite fan boy. [story is completed]

eggshop_7 · セレブリティ
9 Chs

The Truth

-No one's POV-

Shit shit shit. Fuck please be okay Kim Re-eun please. Lee Minho thought as he quickly flagged down a cab and gave urgant instructions to the cab driver. As he got closer to the house he chucked his credit card at the driver and ran the three blocks to his house. He has never ran as fast as this before. He was so worried about his halmeoni. He cared about her so much. She was the only thing Minho had left.

He sprinted into the house. It was trashed. His halmeoni sat there on the couch head in her palms crying.

"What is this! Are you okay! Why the fuck did that michinnyeon, byeong-sin saek-ki, sad exuse of a father get his men to rade our house?!" Lee Minho couldn't stop from cursing. (sorry idk how to spell Korean swear words lol)

"He was looking for a USB." she said with her breath quivering from crying.

"What the fuck kind of USB was so important he had to do this for!" He cursed again but she did not stop him yet again. She knew he wasn't in the wrong to curse out his father.

"Minho, sit down," Re-eun said weakly

- Kim Re-eun POV-

I wasn't sure if he was ready to hear what I was about to say. He had just lost his life support, and his father was pushier about him attending events so that he would look like a good family man. Which Minho did not enjoy one bit. He is 18 after all. He deserves the truth about his mother.

"This USB Minho contains a devastating truth about both your mother and father." I was trying to watch my words carefully. "I have been using it as a backup."

"A backup? A backup for what?" I could hear tears trying to form in his voice.

"In case your father ever wanted to force you to do something, like send you abroad. I was using it as blackmail."

"So what is on it?"

"Your mother died in a hit and run, but they could never find out who. That is because your father paid the person who had the footage of the accident a great deal of money to give it to him."

"Why would he do that?" He was confused for a second but I knew he was smart so I let it roll abound in his head for a moment. He stood up in anger but I pulled his arm before he left to possibly kill his father. He may have had a good heart but he was strong and could kill his father and his men if he went to him now in this state. "Why are you stopping me!" he screamed.

"Calm down first. Let's pick up the house and if you want I will show you the USB." Thankfully he listened. We picked up the house and I began to show him the footage.

"Did Soo-il know?" he asked before.

"No," I reassured him. Soo-il had always felt guilty for her mother's death because she was supposed to pick Soo-il up the night their mother died.

As the footage of his father running into his mother's car played, Minho began to cry. He had just witnessed his own father T-bone his mother and even got out of the car to make sure she was dead. I hugged him and began to cry too. He was always so strong, but when he cried it was the most heart-wrenching thing you could ever witness.

"I want you to have the USB Minho." I said feeling it would make him feel better.

"Thank you." he said and layed on my lap, soon falling asleep like a baby.

-Lee Minho's POV-

I woke up with dried tears in my eyes. I looked up at my halmeoni. She is still awake playing with my hair. I got up to wash my face and suggested that she do the same. After that it was 10:04 am. I didn't want to go to school. Most importantly I didn't want Han to see me this way. I texted him I won't go to school for today. I am sure he was confused but I didn't have the strength at the moment to tell him.

One day turned into a whole week of texting Han that I am not going to school. I was scared to leave Kim Re-eun alone. Now it was Sunday. Re-eun left to get groceries, I had tried so hard to let her let me go but she kept pushing me to stay at home. As I sat there alone in the house I began to feel guilt. Halmeoni had hidden this footage from my dad to protect me. But it just ended up hurting her. In a way it felt as if I had hurt her.