
Story Of Love - Minsung

Lee Minho, a rich and popular boy, enters the life of college scared and alone. His trust and love for everyone is near gone until Lee Minho finds a new kind of love with his new college classmate, Han Jisung, the quite fan boy. [story is completed]

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Now I Know

-Lee Minho's POV-


I rushed to the door thinking it was Re-eun. I stood there like an idiot staring. It was Han Jisung. Why was he here? I began to cry. I don't know why. Was it because I saw him for the first time in a week. Had I really missed him that much? Or was it because of what my dad did? I just stood there crying like a baby. Han pulled me in and hugged me.He didn't say anything. Didn't ask me what happened. Didn't demand an answer. He just hugged me. It was the most comforting hug I had felt.

After I calmed down I asked him if he wanted to come in. Han went to the kitchen and was filling up cups of water for the both of us. As he began to fill the second up I came up from behind, hugging his waist putting my chin on his shoulder. I could hear both of our hearts pounding.

-Han Jisung's POV-

"What are you doing Min?" I asked him.

"Just stay still." Lee Minho was hugging me from behind how am I supposed to stay still?

"Okay," he can probably hear my heart! We sat there for about a whole minute before Minho started to talk again. When he did I began to have tears in my eyes for him. He told me everything that had happened from the moment he left my house till now. All while hugging me like a married couple.

"I am so sorry Minho." I turned around and held his face.

"Don't be. You are here now. I am sorry for being a dick and ignoring you." he smiled

"No! You weren't!" I reassured him.

"Then why are you crying" He smiled and yet again his soft lips touched my cheek.

"Fuck." I accidently said out loud

"What's wrong Han."

"Did I say that out loud?!" Min laughed at me.

"Your really fucking cute you know that Han?"

-Texting POV-


I couldn't hold back! He called me cute and even kissed my cheek!

Felix g

That doesn't mean you have to kiss him!!!!!!


But it was amazing! His lips were so soft and the atmosphere was perfect.

Felix g

If it was so perfect why did you run away after!!!You know how awkward tmrw will be!!!


I know but what if he liked it as much as I did?

Felix g

Well I guess we'll see


Lee Know

You remember those weird thoughts I told you about a while ago?

Bang Chan Cutie

Yeah the ones you keep avoiding telling me about?

Lee Know

Yeah well I figured it out.

Bang Chan Cutie


Lee Know

So I would look at Han and find myself analyzing his face, like really get into it. Then I would think about how perfect his lips are and how cute his cheeks are. Now it is like a thing ig that I started for me to kiss his tears away from his cheek. Which I don;t mind ... the way he looks after is really cute.

Lee Know

And today he came to my house because I hadn't been going to school or texting him. And you know about what happened, when I saw him I cried. We hugged and I told him. But after I told him he um. Kissed me. And I...

Lee Know

Liked it. BUt he ran away straight after.

Bang Chan Cutie

Shit bro. So you are gay? It's not that I mind but like make sure you actually

like him before you say anything and hurt him.

Lee Know

Thanks bro. I am going to do what you said ttyl

Bang Chan Cutie

Wait right now? Are you sure?

Bang Chan Cutie

Don't fuck up. FIGHTING!!