
Story Of Love - Minsung

Lee Minho, a rich and popular boy, enters the life of college scared and alone. His trust and love for everyone is near gone until Lee Minho finds a new kind of love with his new college classmate, Han Jisung, the quite fan boy. [story is completed]

eggshop_7 · セレブリティ
9 Chs

A New Beginning

-No one's POV -

"Lee Minho, or other known as Lee Know which his fans gave to him for his versatile voice and handsome looks, the 18-year-old son of Lee So-Seok, the richest kid in Korea, the child that lost his mom at 10 due to a car crash, the smartest student that lost his twin sister, Lee Soo-il 5 months ago to a startling suicide. Now we await the question of which college he will attend? Or will he take over one of his father's many companies?" Min-ho scuffs at the news article. Why do they even care about my future, plus Lee Know? I only am in choir. It's not like I'm a singer. And what's up with always listing my tragedies? The jumbled thoughts came into his head as he sat down on a stool connected to his large white-marbled kitchen island and sipped his orange juice. Kim Re-eun, Lee Minho's housekeeper who had been working at the house so long Min-ho had considered her as his grandmother and until then so did Soo-il, walked in staring at him with an upsetting look on her face.

"What is it? Why the sad face?" Min-ho asked her.

"Your dad. He won't be here for Christmas, he has to go abroad for work." The old woman frowned.

"Don't frown halmeoni, you will start to look old if you do." She was 51 but she still looked as if she just turned 40.

"Don't make me pinch your cheeks, Young Master." She laughed.

"Don't call me that it is weird!" Min-ho squirmed in his skin.

"Why shouldn't I?-" She looked at the news article, "you are the richest boy in Korea. And that's what they call rich children in dramas, is it not?" She giggled. The handsome boy then stood up from his chair and hugged Re-eun.

"First we are not in a drama, second it is better if he is not here I will have you all to myself."

They both deepened into the hug knowing this Christmas was not going to be the same without Lee Soo-il. Before Lee Minho knew it tears started dripping onto the halmoni's shoulder. He pulled away wiping them away, "I am going to be late for my first day of college." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

-Lee Minho's POV-

Shit Min-ho quit hyperventilating. It is just college, the same as high school. I gazed over at the empty passenger seat that Soo-il was supposed to be in and sighed. I looked at the ceiling of the car trying to hold back tears. I opened the door and shook my head attempting to get rid of all the bad thoughts. As I took a step out, a swarm of girls hovered around me with sweets and love letters. I pushed past them knowing they only liked me because I was hot and rich. "What a great start to college." I thought sarcastically but it was a real relief knowing it was going to be the same as high school.

I made it through the day with only one class to go. Even though each class was the same it still surprised me with how annoying it was. Every teacher would say "Sit anywhere and take your time. Don't push yourself, I know how hard it is." Then the fake pity of the girls would swarm me trying to make themselves noticeable in hopes I would appreciate one more than the other. All any of them wanted was money, even the teachers. It was the most annoying thing ever.

I took advantage of it though, I rested my head on the desk, closed my eyes, and thought I am taking my time teache,r and giggled to myself.

"What are you giggling about?" A hot yet cute boy with his head tilted looking at me asked.

"Hmm?!" I jolted my head up embarrassed, "n-nothing just thinking to myself." I found myself staring into his almost black but beautiful eyes, it was like they were sucking me in. Then I started to analyze his whole face without noticing, his perfect nose, his beautiful perfect lips that anyone would want to kiss, and not to mention his cute soft cheeks. I was snapped out of my admiration when the teacher told everyone to take their seats. I cleared my throat hoping he didn't realize I was looking at him. Wait of course he realized you fucking idiot. He probably thinks I am weird for staring so long. I focused on my paper taking a glance to see his reaction.

"My name is Han Jisung." He broke the awkward silence between us. "What's yours?" I was shocked he hadn't known mine, I mean I was kinda glad but I was all over the news lately.

"Lee Minho," I said looking away from him before I started to stare at him again.