
Story Of Love - Minsung

Lee Minho, a rich and popular boy, enters the life of college scared and alone. His trust and love for everyone is near gone until Lee Minho finds a new kind of love with his new college classmate, Han Jisung, the quite fan boy. [story is completed]

eggshop_7 · Celebrities
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Meeting You

-Han Jisung's POV-

    "My name is Han Jisung." I broke the awkward silence between us. "What's yours?" I of course already knew his name. I had been fanboying over him forever. But it was an excuse to talk to him.

"Lee Minho," he said, avoiding eye contact.

"Am I that ugly?" I asked him jokingly.

"What! No no, that's not it, I promise," he said waving his hands in a panicky manner.

"Then what is it? You won't look at me." I started to panic thinking he didn't like me. Shit, what if my idol thinks I'm ugly.

Lee Minho stayed quiet with his head down focused on his pen and paper. He whispered, "You are the opposite of that."

I had heard every word but pretended I didn't. "What was that?" I asked, trying not to freak out. Holy fuck thee Lee Minho just called me the opposite of ugly!

"Oh nothing, nothing," he said, taking back his words instantly.

"Mmm." I didn't want to push it out of him. Mostly because I would probably faint if he did repeat it louder.

-No one's POV-

The two walked out of the classroom side by side. They waved goodbye and began to walk opposite ways. Jisung turned around and grabbed his idol's wrist.

"I forgot to ask for your number." Han had an internal panic develop making him blush.

"Mmm, o-okay." Lee instantly began to blush as he handed his phone over to the boy.

They both waved goodbye and separated once again. Both of the boys had huge smiles on their faces, but not for the exact same reasons. Han Jisung had just met his idol and even got his number. Lee Minho was smiling because he had just met someone that didn't recognize him and didn't bombard him with the stupid shit they normally would. Minho suddenly had a confused expression on his face. Why the hell did I think those things about his face... but shit his lips- what the fuck Minho! He slapped and shook his head. This was a new feeling for the richest kid in Korea. And he wasn't sure if he liked it or not.

When Han Jisung got home he flopped onto his bed and squirmed around spastically. He picked up his phone and had a debate in his head about whether he would text him or not. But before the debate finished Minho texted him. Holy fuck! He texted first! Jisung chucked his phone across the room. He stared at it blankly for a moment. He then hurriedly rushed over to pick it up.

-Texting POV-

Lee Minho

      Hey this is Han Jisung, right?

Han Jisung

    Yes this is him.

Lee Minho


                                                                                     Han Jisung

 Did you need anything?

Lee Minho

      No? Just wanted to make sure it was you.

                                                                                                       Han Jisung

     Oh okay. Well see you at school tmrw :)

Lee Minho

      Oh ummm there is one thing

                                                                                                       Han Jisung                                                               Feel free to ask :)

Lee Minho

      Well, do you want to have lunch with me tomorrow? If you are free of course.

                                                                                              Han Jisung

           Yes! Of course I would love to!

Lee Minho

      Okay see you tmrw Han.

                                                                                                 Han Jisung

        See you tmrw!



      Heol heol heol heol heol!! FELIX HELP! I AM ABOUT TO PASS OUT!!!

                                                                                                       Felix g

                                                                                    Wae? What is wrong?!



                                                                                                       Felix g

  WHAT! The one dude you are going off about non-stop?



                                                                                                       Felix g

  Fuck. You're screwed


      What why!!! Ya! Felix don't make me more stressed!!

                                                                                                        Felix g

     Im sorry but you said you never want to meet him because you will get

                                                                                        greedy did you not?


      B-But I couldn't hold back. He was just so perfect.


      Shit! I also forgot I have a story!

                                                                                                       Felix g

    What is it squirrel?


      So well he wouldn't make eye contact with me so I was like "Am I that ugly?" And then he was like "You are the opposite of that" and then I pretended not to hear because I was about to flip out!!!!!!!!

                                                                                                       Felix g

 It is official Han Jisung has broken his first-ever promise.



                                                                                                       Felix g

 You fell for him, more than you had started off with.


      No! We are just acquaintances! I won't become greedy!

                                                                                                       Felix g                                                                              Uh Huh sure.



                                                                                                       Felix g

                                                                                                          Read. 5:07pm