
Story Of Love - Minsung

Lee Minho, a rich and popular boy, enters the life of college scared and alone. His trust and love for everyone is near gone until Lee Minho finds a new kind of love with his new college classmate, Han Jisung, the quite fan boy. [story is completed]

eggshop_7 · セレブリティ
9 Chs

#1 Fan (18+)

-Lee Minho's POV-

I didn't want Han to think I didn't like the kiss. I put my phone down after texting Bang Chan. I was going to take his advice. But I was going to do it my way. I arrived at Han's door. Breathing hard from running. My heart was about to explode. Shit, I am really about to do this. I knocked on the door and waited for Han. The door opened so that I could see Han's freshly wet hair. Did he take a shower? That question popped into my head but soon was pushed away by the dirty thoughts that took control of me as I looked at him in just a towel.

"Shit Min. Why are you here." His words brought me back to why I was here. I pushed my way in and closed the door behind me.

"Is anyone else here?" My heart was about to pound out of my chest.

"No, Felix just left-" I cut him off.

(⊙﹏⊙) <<<<< (this is what I will use before there is more than a hand holding is involved in a scene)

"Good." I pinned him up towards the wall and looked into his eyes before kissing him. His lips were so soft, his breath fresh from the minty toothpaste. As we kissed longer, our tongues began to collide. His arms were now wrapped around my neck. I slowly put my right hand onto his stomach, slowly tracing up to where his heart was beating. I pulled away and giggled.

"I am glad I am not the only one."

-Han Ji-Sung-s POV-

As Min's hand hovered over my beating heart I blushed. He kissed me back. At that, he came to my house to kiss me back. FUCK. I was just in a towel, still wet from a shower, I was so glad I took one, or else I would be so pissed I would have stunk. As he looked into my eyes I decided not to hold back anymore. I kissed him again. I pushed him away after I kissed him. Fuck Jisung why are you hard right now? He'll think I am gross!

Minho looked down. Fuck he noticed. I am done for. Hey grandma I am about to meet you soon. But Minho began to kiss my neck. Was he as well? I looked down. Thank the goodness. Our lips interlocked again. This time Minho pushed his body close to mine.

"Min, Felix should be home soon." I sadly said. I felt like the kid who tells the teacher they forgot to hand out homework.

"Then tell him to stay gone." Min locked the door and handed me my phone. Kissing me once again.

(⊙﹏⊙) <<<<< (it will also show when said scene is done)

-Instagrams POV-

Post by: Oficial Lee Minho

 (a picture of Lee Know)

-I hate selfies and don't normally post but you are worth it ♥ -

Liked by Lee Know #1 fan and 12363 others


-Han Jisung's POV-

"Hey Han, I have a #1 fan," Min said to me as he lay there next to me in bed. He looked perfect. Even though we just... anyway he still looked beautiful. I never realized how good my hoodie looked until he wore it.

"What? I thought I was?" I said pouting becoming jealous that he even acknowledged another fan.

"Yeah, they liked my insta post. Turns out you still are my #1 fan." He kissed me again smiling. Shit, he found out about my fan account.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to deny it.

"Don't try to hide it, love. I think it is cute. But you lied to me. You said you didn't know me." Minho said with a smile turning into a frown.

"It was a way to talk to you! What if I had said I did. Would we be here now?" I got scared because he went quiet and didn't look at me. Did I make him mad?


"I guess not." He smiled and got on top of me. He took off the jumper and began to kiss me.

"Again?" I asked, "Yes, Again." He replied

He intertwined his fingers with mine pulling them above my head. He started to kiss my neck, slowly moving his soft lips to my stomach. He kissed my thighs and looked up at me.


"May I?"He said in a deep sexy voice.

"Mmm," I mumbled quickly. But Min shot up instantly.

"REALLY!" He said with a huge smile, "You will be my boyfriend?!"Shit Han you were thinking dirty. Wait, fuck, he just asked me out.

"What? Um well, I mean y-yes! Really you want to date me?"

Min giggled. "Fuck yes. You thought dirty before I could finish my sentence." he gently kissed my cheek. I hadn't realized it but I was crying from happiness

We looked into each other's eyes. The pupil of his eyes was like a black hole sucking me in. It felt like an eternity of us just staring into each other's eyes. I wouldn't mind staying like this for eternity. As the thought came into my head Min began to smile and spastically kiss my face.

"What are you doing." I laughed


Min stopped suddenly. "I like Han Jisung. And I don't care about the problems we will face. I like him and won't let him go." His words made me speechless. So I just smiled. "Don't worry I know you like me too. You don't have to say it." He smiled and kissed me. I let him kiss me before I pushed him away. "I like Lee Minho. In fact, I like him so much that I let him steal my first kiss and -" I stopped mid-sentence feeling embarrassed.

Min looked at me with a very seductive look. "At that you let me steal it twice," He kissed me and slowly trickled his fingertips down to the rim of the boxers I wore. "Should I steal it a third time?"

I bit my lip becoming speechless again. Holy fuck he is good at this. "I'll take that as a yes." He slipped his hand into my boxers, making me moan for the billionth time tonight.
