
Chapter 79 In the Factory

Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief. If Su Ruoyun's space could be used, there should be no problem in saving their lives.

  After relaxing, Xia Yan leaned against the wall: "What did they want to do by tricking us in?"

  Su Ruoyu said jokingly: "Maybe they saw our big star being beautiful and wanted to hide her beauty in a golden house."

  "Hey, Ruoyun, you You know I'm a big star." Xia Yan's focus was on the first half of Su Ruoyun's sentence: "I thought you didn't usually watch TV. After all, when we first met, you didn't reveal my status as a big star. "

  Su Ruoyun nodded: "Of course I know you are a big star, and I have watched several dramas you acted in."

  I have to say that Xia Yan looks better in person than on the screen. In reality, Xia Yan is better than A little fatter on TV and looks more comfortable.

  "Really?" As soon as she talked about her drama, Xia Yan became energetic and talked about it for a long time.

  Xia Yan's excited look forced Su Ruoyun to remind her that they were on someone else's territory now.

  "..." Xia Yan suddenly wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

  "Ruoyun, don't mention this. We are still good friends." Xia Yan snorted before putting away her playful look.

  Through the girl who was in the room, Su Ruoyun and the others learned that the factory did not take a holiday after the temperature rose, but continued to work. The workers in the factory were stopped and not allowed to leave. Not only that, The evil capitalism has also increased working hours, from ten hours a day to twelve hours a day.

  Many people have lost their lives because of working in high temperatures.

  In the beginning, one or two people died a day, and the factory's top management could use money to suppress the situation. Gradually, the number of deaths increased, and the factory could no longer suppress it. However, there were still no holidays, and more and more people died. Finally, every day More than a dozen people died.

  Then one day, those people in the factory who were heated to death suddenly turned into zombies and began to hurt and eat people everywhere. The factory suddenly became chaotic.

  The oppressed workers took advantage of the chaos to launch a riot, and those at the top were killed.

  At this point, the girl's eyes were filled with fear and disgust. His tone also became a little trembling, and he became more and more excited as he spoke.

  Su Ruoyun and Xia Yan looked at each other. It seemed that those high-level people were not simple.

  Otherwise, girls wouldn't have such a big reaction.

  Su Ruoyun asked the girl: "How did they die?"

  Su Ruoyun's voice was very soft, and the girl seemed to be lost in memories.

  "That day..."

  After the zombie outbreak, most people lost their lives, and some people were assimilated into zombies. All the people in the factory were blocked by the zombies in the restaurant. In the restaurant, the factory executives and workers A fierce conflict broke out. Those people who sat in the office all year round were no match for the workers who often worked hard. In the end, all the senior management were thrown out to feed the zombies.

  But things are far from that simple. Those people were thrown out, only some of them died, and the other part became zombies.

  More and more zombies gathered outside the restaurant. Just as the door of the restaurant was about to be opened, a person suddenly appeared.

  He gave the people in the restaurant something to drive away the zombies, and the workers in the factory drove away the zombies. But there were so many zombies in the outside world, and it was impossible for them to drive them all away. Besides, if they left the factory, nothing would happen. uncertain.

  These workers simply lived in the factory for a long time, but the food in the factory was always eaten up. When they were so hungry that they couldn't stand it anymore, they would try their luck on the road outside to see if they could get some food back. .     Speaking of this, the girl's reaction became even greater, but Xia Mingyue asked at this time: "Well, what next?"

  Su Ruoyun had already guessed that the road outside the factory was not busy, and there were almost no stores on both sides of the road. There is nothing more than the same thing to eat.

  The girl stared at Hei Buliuqiu and shouted at the top of her lungs: "They eat people! They are no longer human."

  Xia Yan and Xia Mingyue were startled. Xia Mingyue reacted the most and backed away in fear. Yi Yang asked: "What?"

  Did she hear it wrong just now? Eat, eat, eat... cannibalism?

  Although supplies are tight now, it's not to the point of cannibalism.

  "Sister, Sister Ruoyun, am I going to be eaten?" Xia Mingyue's face was full of panic. She squatted on the ground and huddled up, looking pitiful.

  Su Ruoyun chuckled and said to Xia Mingyue: "Don't worry, your meat is not delicious, no one will eat you."

  Xia Yan also pulled her up from the ground and pinched Xia Mingyue's face: "Don't worry, My sister and Ruoyun are here, and I won't let you be eaten."

  While the girl was going crazy and her attention was not on the three of them, Su Ruoyun used the cover of her clothes to take out two pistols from the space and handed them to Xia Yan and Xia Mingyue asked each of them to hold a handful.

  After thinking about it, Su Ruoyun took out two more grenades and handed them to Xia Yan.

  She bought these from others before the end of the world, and the effect should be quite good.

  Xia Yan took a look at the things in her hand, but she didn't expect that Su Ruoyun even had this. It seemed that Su Ruoyun's identity before the end of the world was not simple.

  Xia Yan didn't say anything and put the grenade into her pocket. She had participated in a military-related variety show before, so she was exposed to things like grenades and she still remembered them.

  The girl talked a lot intermittently, and it took her a while to calm down.

  Su Ruoyun saw that the girl's condition was much better, so she asked: "What about you, what is your relationship with the people here?"

  The girl whispered: "I am just a junior this year, and I was sent here for an internship by the school. "

  Tsk, this girl is really miserable.

  Su Ruoyun had heard before that there were many unscrupulous schools that would send students to various factories to earn agency fees.

  Unexpectedly, there was a victim in front of me.

  "I don't want to eat people with them. They didn't touch me because I was a co-worker. They just kept me here. Besides, I am a water superpower, so they kept me useful..."

  the girl said more and more. The lower the sound.

  Su Ruoyun ignored her, but observed the dormitory. The dormitory was very ordinary, nothing special, so how were their powers restricted?

  Su Ruoyun checked for a long time, but couldn't find any reason, so she had to give up.

  Those people can't keep the three of them here forever.

  After Su Ruoyun learned about it, he stopped talking to the girl. Seeing that the atmosphere between Su Ruoyun and the three of them was very quiet, the girl silently walked to the other corner and squatted down.