
Chapter 78 The Strange Factory

"Maybe it's a conditioned reflex?" Xia Mingyue stuck out her tongue in embarrassment. She just couldn't control it sometimes. Those people's eyes always reminded her of some bad things.

  Su Ruoyun didn't ask again, Xia Yan had already driven over in her car.

  The exit and entrance of the shelter are not the same, so the exit from the shelter went smoothly. It was not as crowded as the main entrance. This time, Xia Yan was driving, and Xia Mingyue sat in the passenger seat, so Su Ruoyun took the initiative to sit in When we got to the back, the car drove out of the shelter, and we could see that there was still a huge flow of people at the door.

  The shelter unconditionally accepts survivors from all over the place, but if you can't come up with a certain amount of crystal cores or contribution points to rent a house, you can only live in the "slum area" on the ground. There is nothing here. They only provide a tent and a piece of land, and they have to rely on themselves for the rest.

  As a result, there are not many people who starve to death in the shelter.

  Xia Yan drove out and, under the command of Su Ruoyun, went straight to the Building Materials City in Xingcheng.

  The building materials city in Xingcheng is quite large, but one thing is that it is far away from the shelter. Under normal circumstances, it takes almost two hours to drive.

  Now is the end of the world, and the time required may be extended. ,

  the car drove into a factory, the surrounding was very quiet, there was no sound at all, Su Ruoyun immediately felt something was wrong, the atmosphere here was a bit strange.

  Su Ruoyun lowered his head to look at the locator on his wrist. There was no red dot on it.

  But even so, Su Ruoyun did not take it lightly, but was secretly vigilant.

  This area is full of various electronics factories and shoe factories. Almost all the electronics factories and shoe factories in Xingcheng are gathered in this area. After this area, there is Xingcheng Building Materials City, which has almost half of Many hours away.

  "It seems like no one is coming here. Ruoyun, should we search here?" Just ask.

  "No..." Su Ruoyun was about to tell Xia Yan and drive away. Before she could finish her words, a group of people suddenly appeared from behind and surrounded their vehicle.

  Xia Yan was forced to stop the car.

  "What should we do?" Xia Yan didn't show much fear about this, but she was a little tired of the behavior of these people blocking the car: "Ruoyun, should we kill them directly..." Xia Yan made a gesture of wiping her neck.

  Ever since Xia Yan killed people in front of Xia Mingyue, Xia Yan no longer hides her personality in daily life, and from time to time she seems to get rid of those irrelevant people who come to her.

  "What do they want to do?"

  Su Ruoyun shook his head at Xia Yan: "Let's see what they want to do first."

  This group of people were still wearing factory uniforms, and Su Ruoyun could still see the words "Xingcheng Jingdao Microelectronics Co., Ltd." on their clothes. Company", these people looked numb, and there was almost no emotion on their faces. The corners of their mouths were chapped, and their hair was messy. Su Ruoyun moved his nose and vaguely felt the smell of blood.

  Knowing that Su Ruoyun didn't want to take action for the time being, Xia Yan lowered the window a little and shouted to the people surrounding the car: "What do you want to do?"

  The people by the window looked numb when they saw that the driver was a cleanly dressed girl. Finally there was a change. He rubbed his fingertips on his clothes twice before asking in a hoarse voice: "Girls, are you from the base?"

  Xia Yan didn't know what they wanted to do, her cold eyes He glanced back and forth at this group of people, and after a while he said coldly: "Yeah."

  "If nothing happens, please leave and make way."

  The man laughed dryly: "Girl, we There are a few little girls here who are similar to you. Can you please help bring them to the base?"

  "Of course, I won't let your efforts go in vain. I will give you some food in return."

  Xia Yan She frowned fiercely, she was not a kind-hearted person, and she didn't want to agree to the requests made by these people. Xia Yan turned to look at Su Ruoyun: "Ruoyun, why don't we just run into him."

  After saying this suggestion, Xia Yan was a little ready to make a move.

  "..." There's no need to be so irritable.

  Su Ruoyun shone with a keen light as the smoke wave circulated: "Follow them first and see what they want to do."

  There was something wrong with the atmosphere of this factory. Under the sunlight, the whole factory seemed like a waiting place. A giant beast that devours people in its mouth.

  In addition to the feeling coming from the sixth sense, another thing is the mission issued by 007.

  Just when Xia Yan was forced to stop the car, 007 issued a mission.

  "Destroy the villain ×100, and the reward points for successful mission ×10,000."

  007 will not issue tasks for no reason, so it can be seen that these people may not be good people. But Su Ruoyun didn't know exactly what they did, so he could only follow them down to see if he could find anything.

  Su Ruoyun opened the car window and asked the people surrounding the car: "Who are those little girls? Why don't you send them to the base yourself?"

  The man in work clothes did not expect that there was another person in the car. But when he saw that it was a beautiful girl, he subconsciously felt that there was nothing offensive about her.

  A smile appeared on his face. This smile was not sincere at all, but made people feel a little weird: "None of us can drive, so we really can't deliver it."

  After speaking, he continued: "Can you help? Do you want to help?"

  "It's okay to let us help, but you must pay us generous remuneration." Su Ruoyun said coldly, "If the remuneration is not up to standard, we will not help you."

  The man smiled: "We There is a lot of food."

  When he talked about food, his smile was much more sincere than before, and so were the people around him. Some people who had numb faces also showed a half-smiling expression.

  Xia Mingyue rubbed her arms, turned her head, and whispered to Su Ruoyun: "They laugh so strangely."

  It always felt like there was something in their eyes that she couldn't understand, but specifically it was What, she couldn't say, she just felt uncomfortable all over.

  Su Ruoyun leaned close to Xia Mingyue's ear, lowered her voice, and whispered: "If you want to get off the car later, you should follow me or your sister closely and don't stay too far away. Got it?"

  Xia Ming Yue nodded: "I know Sister Ruoyun, I will follow you closely."

  Su Ruoyun gave Xia Yan an expression, and Xia Yan understood it immediately. She said to the person next to the car: "Why are you leading the way? How?"

  When the man heard Xia Yan say this, he knew that Xia Yan had agreed to help, and his grin suddenly became wider: "We will take you there right now."

  After saying that, he turned around and walked quickly ahead. Go ahead and lead the way for Su Ruoyun and the others.     Xia Yan drove the car and followed the man. The people surrounding the car saw that Su Ruoyun and the others were indeed heading towards the factory, so they all moved together and slowly moved forward behind the car of Su Ruoyun and the others.

  Xia Yan, who was driving, saw this scene in the rearview mirror and complained: "They are just like puppets on strings."

  Isn't that right? Su Ruoyun looked at the people behind. It is said that the end of the world has only lasted for such a short time. These people shouldn't have such despair on their faces. If they are already desperate now, how can they survive in the future?

  People should have hope. If they can only feel despair, then they really have no future at all.

  Xia Yan drove into the factory gate.

  The gate of the factory has been re-enclosed with iron wire, which is almost two meters high, but this should not be able to protect against zombies, but there is indeed no smell of zombies in this factory.

  There was still blood on the barbed wire fence. Su Ruoyu moved the tip of her nose. The smell of blood on it was probably not what she smelled before.

  "Are you here?" Xia Yan asked impatiently.

  That person took Su Ruoyun and the others to the staff dormitory area.

  "We're here. It's right here."

  "You guys can go up with me. The girls here are timid and they're all up there."

  "The food is up there too. You can move it down together."

  Su Ruoyun didn't say anything . What? Open the door and get out of the car.

  Xia Yan shrugged and got down. Of course, Xia Mingyue couldn't stay on it by herself. She first moved to the cab, then got off the cab, and ran directly to Xia Yan's side, holding Xia Yan's arm.

  As soon as she got off the car, Su Ruoyun felt a lot of hidden eyes falling on her. When she looked over, she could only see the floating curtains in the dormitory.

  Su Ruoyun squinted her eyes. There might be a "surprise" waiting for them in this dormitory building.

  "Let's go." The person responsible for leading the way urged Su Ruoyun and the three of them: "The little girls in our family must be impatient. We have looked for several waves of people, but no one is willing to help us."

  The person said while As he spoke, he sighed: "You college students are better off. You are kind-hearted. You will be rewarded for being good. Let's go up." As

  the man said, he took the first step and walked into the dormitory building. Xia Mingyue Looking at Xia Yan, she called out softly: "Sister..."

  Xia Yan patted the hands they were holding, signaling Xia Mingyue to relax. Seeing Su Ruoyun's nonchalant look, there shouldn't be any danger in their trip. Besides, even if there was any danger, how could she, a fourth-level superpower, be afraid of the machinations of these ordinary people?

  She saw it when these people blocked the road. Among them, there was not a single person with super powers. It seemed that these people had stayed in this factory since the beginning of the apocalypse and had not moved. She didn't know how they survived. Current.

  If they were all ordinary people, it would be a miracle that they could persist until now.

  Su Ruoyun followed the man up, and Xia Yan and Xia Mingyue followed Su Ruoyun. As soon as the three of them entered the dormitory, the people behind them also filed in expressionlessly.

  It was a bit dark in the dormitory building, so it wasn't very accurate to see.

  Su Ruoyun watched as she climbed up to the second floor. The person leading the way hadn't stopped yet. She rolled her eyes and asked with a bit of a smile: "Uncle, which floor do those girls live on?"

  "Sixth floor." Lead the way. The person replied without turning his head.

  Su Ruoyun frowned slightly. This dormitory building has only six floors in total. The temperature on the roof should not be very good. Why are they living on the sixth floor?

  The sixth floor finally arrived. The man walked to the end of the corridor and opened the corridor door: "They are right inside."

  Su Ruoyun poked his head inside, but before he could do anything else, there was a push from behind. But she, Xia Yan and Xia Mingyue were all pushed. The three people entered the room together.

  "The one who wants to die dares to push me?" Xia Yan turned her head angrily, but she only heard a bang on the door and the sound of the lock being locked.

  "What do you guys want to do?" Xia Yan walked over and kicked the door, but she felt that her strength was much weaker. When she wanted to use her powers to break out, she found that her powers were gone. . To be precise, there is no way to use it.

  A flash of panic flashed in Xia Yan's eyes.

  Su Ruoyun asked, "What's wrong?"

  The expression on Xia Yan's face was ugly. The tone was unusually serious: "My power can no longer be used."

  "How could it be?" Xia Mingyue was surprised, how could the power disappear suddenly?

  As she said this, she tried to take something out of the space. She tried several times but failed.

  Her eyes widened even more now. She had never heard of anyone whose powers suddenly became unusable.

  Xia Yan and Xia Mingyue both looked at Su Ruoyun. Su Ruoyun tried his powers, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

  "My powers can't be used anymore."

  "We're not going to overturn, right?" Xia Yan said with a hint of depression in her voice. She didn't show off her talents in the apocalypse, and everyone was watching her. What if she was offline like this? , she must die of suffocation.

  "There must be something weird in this place."

  Xia Yan tried for a long time without giving up, but in the end, except that she was sweating all over, there was no result.

  "You don't have to waste your efforts." Suddenly a strange girl came from the room. Su Ruoyun and others turned to look, and saw a slightly pale girl walking out of the bathroom at the end of the room, "They are in this room. Drugged, specifically for people with superpowers, no matter how powerful they are, after walking into this room, they are no different from ordinary people."

  Xia Yan was surprised: "Is there such a thing?"

  Imprisoning superpowers How is it possible for a capable person to have supernatural powers? Simply unheard of.

  However, a man in a white coat suddenly appeared in Su Ruoyun's mind. Apart from him, no one she had come into contact with could develop such a strange potion.

  Facing Xia Yan and Xia Mingyue, who were a little worried about their current situation, Su Ruoyun comforted them: "It's okay if you don't have powers. Don't we still have weapons?"

  Su Ruoyun winked at Xia Yan as he said that.

  After Xia Yan was stunned for two seconds, she suddenly ran over and lay next to Su Ruoyun's ear: "Ruoyun, is your space still usable?"

  Su Ruoyun nodded and gave Xia Yan a positive answer: "Congratulations, your answer is correct!"