
  Chapter 11 The Eve of the End of the World

The rain didn't stop until the next morning.

  As soon as the rain stops, almost as soon as it stops raining, you can feel the temperature rising.

  Soon it will reach 50℃.

  Many companies have directly closed the holidays or asked them to work from home, but some leading companies and units are still operating as usual.

  Many people without cars fainted on the road.

  The sound of ambulances has not stopped since morning.

  By noon, news of deaths due to high temperatures appeared on social media.

  Su Ruoyun stayed at home, turned on the air conditioner, and made herself a bowl of shaved ice to eat happily.

  Yutuan and Xiaoli were fighting on the sofa. Every time Yutuan was suppressed by Xiaoli, Su Ruoyun couldn't stand it anymore. You are a cat with awakened powers, how can you be so useless.

  Is it gender suppression?

  Su Ruoyun posted the photo of Xiaoli to the owner group and asked if anyone had lost such a cat, but did not receive a reply for a long time.

  "You must be hungry." Before noon, Su Ruoyun first filled the cat food for Yutuan and Xiaoli, and then gave them a piece of frozen canned cat. Su Ruoyun didn't give them more because they were afraid that they would eat up their stomachs.

  After finishing it, Su Ruoyun started cooking for herself. She first made Korean-style cold octopus.

  Boil the onion, ginger, garlic cooking wine, and octopus together in a pot. Take out the octopus and put it in ice cubes to cool. Pour the minced garlic, chopped onion, sesame seeds, and chili powder with hot oil, and pour in the sauce. Juice, lemon slices, coriander and small pepper, then add light soy sauce, oil, sesame oil and sugar substitute and mix together.

  Then Su Ruoyun used cucumber shreds and peanuts to make a super appetizing plate of cold noodles, and added coriander, white sesame seeds and chili powder. It was appetizing and soothing, and it was so delicious.

  In the afternoon, Su Ruoyun cooked a large pot of mung bean soup and took out a bowl to drink. The rest was made into popsicles by Su Ruoyun and put in the refrigerator.

  At around seven o'clock, she put the little raccoon into the cat bag and prepared to go out.

  She held the jade ball with a rope and led them out of the door.

  Before going out, Su Ruoyun checked the electrical appliances and wiring to make sure there would be no accident due to the high temperature outside.

  She made an appointment with a pet hospital and took the little raccoon to get vaccinated in the evening.

  There are an unusually large number of people on the street. The temperature during the day is too high, so many people choose to go out at night.

  Some shops also choose to open at night.

  Su Ruoyun drove a small tram through the busy night market and came to the pet hospital. In addition to treating pets, this pet hospital also sells some cats and dogs.

  Su Ruoyun was originally afraid that the little raccoon dog would be afraid of people, but she didn't expect that the little guy was quite well-behaved throughout the whole process.

  The little pets in the pet shop also look very lively.

  While waiting for the inspection, Su Ruoyun played with them for a while.

  "Your cat is a little malnourished, but otherwise it's in good condition." The doctor at the pet hospital handed the little raccoon to Su Ruoyun, "Is this stuffed cat also your cat? The color of the tail is really nice, and it was dyed on purpose. "?"

  The doctor noticed the jade ball next to Su Ruoyun. She had never seen a cat with a red tail.

  Su Ruoyun smiled and replied: "She accidentally spilled the paint and it turned into this color."

  "That's it."

  "Well, doctors, you guys are busy first, I'll take them back."

  "Oh, okay."     On the way back, when she passed by the night market again, Su Ruoyun chose a few snacks she liked to eat, bought several portions of each, carried them into the car, and put them into the space at an angle where others could not see them.

  She no longer deliberately collects supplies. She will buy more or less when she meets them occasionally or when she is on the way.

  In this way, more and more supplies are accumulated.


  When she got home, she had already removed the carpets from the floor. She covered the floor with mats and slumped on them when she had nothing to do.

  The two little guys also liked it very much. Su Ruoyun put cold cushions in their nest for them.

  In the next two days, Su Ruoyun stayed at home making delicious food and practicing her powers without anyone disturbing her. Su Ruoyun liked this kind of life. If there was no apocalypse, when she was still the eldest lady of the Su family, she would probably find someone. She can work at home, or she can not work at all and receive dividends from the company, or she can collect rent from a few houses.

  It can only be said that things are constantly changing.

  Su Ruoyun rarely thinks about the events of her past life. Those years of struggle have gradually stopped making her mentally unstable. Living well in the present is more important.


  This high temperature lasted for several days. On the afternoon of the fifth day, the power was cut off in the community.

  The entire community group was in a state of shock, and Aite Property asked what was going on.

  Qunli Property Management quickly responded. It was because the circuit was damaged and the time of the call was uncertain. It might be tonight or tomorrow.

  Su Ruoyun has installed solar panels a long time ago, so the power outage will not have a great impact on her, or the WiFi will not work and she can only use data.

  Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

  In the evening, when Su Ruoyun went downstairs to take out the trash, he saw that there were obviously more people active in the community than yesterday.

  The power was out and the air conditioners and fans at home could no longer be used. Everyone came out to get some air and look for a cool place.

  Some people even spread mats under the trees and brought pillows. It seemed that if there was no call, they would just sleep outside. Although the temperature outside is not low, the stuffy heat inside is even more uncomfortable.

  Su Ruoyun carried the garbage and walked towards the trash can. Just when she was about to get close to the trash can, two figures rushed out one after the other.

  "Yunyun, my Yunyun, I finally found you."

  "Yunyun, my daughter."

  "Mom had a hard time looking for you!"

  Su Ruoyun's eyelids twitched, and she almost threw the garbage in her hand at the other party. .

  The other party may have seen her carrying a garbage bag, so he stopped not far in front of her.

  The two dark figures were Han Yurong and Wu Tao.

  Ever since Su Shenghai came to see her, she had been waiting for these two people to come to her door. She originally thought that these two people would come to trouble her soon, but she didn't expect that she had to wait for so many days.

  Maybe these two people felt that there were more people today, so they rushed out to cause trouble for her today.

  Han Yurong and Wu Tao had been here in Xingcheng for several days. Su Ning opened a room for them in a five-star hotel. The two stayed there for several days and enjoyed themselves. However, Su Ning was impatient to wait. Urging, the two of them just came to Su Ruoyun today.

  Wu Tao took out the briefcase he had been carrying under his arm: "Daughter, we are really your biological parents. This is a paternity test..."