
Chapter 10 Rain

"Su Ruoyun, the Su family has raised you for eighteen years, how can you be so ungrateful?" Su Shenghai was almost angry to death. How the Su family's company is related to his future life.

  If the company is gone, what else can he get?

  But now, the company's shares have been sold by Su Ruoyun. What if it is sold to someone on the board of directors and the other party holds more shares than Su's father? It's all Su Ruoyun!

  Su Shenghai looked at Su Ruoyun with hatred. Su Ruoyun didn't care at all and walked in the door.

  Su Shenghai was left furious and helpless at the empty corridor.

  Su Ruoyun thought that she had to energize the power grid in her yard, and trouble would come soon.

  Su Shenghai returned to the hotel and first told Su Ning about the matter.

  Su Ning's eyes widened in surprise after hearing this, and she half-covered her mouth with one hand, as if she had been greatly frightened: "Sister, how could she be like this? The Su family has raised her for eighteen years. Brother, do you think so? Because of me, my sister wanted to sell the company's shares to others on purpose. In other words, my sister didn't sell the company's shares to others, she just said that on purpose..."

  That's 10% of the company's shares. Who is a normal person? Will you sell the company's shares? Wouldn't it be nice to keep the dividends?

  When Su Ning said this, Su Shenghai felt that Su Ruoyun might be lying to him: "I'll call dad first and ask."

  Su Shenghai went to make a call, and Su Ning was sitting on the sofa with an unclear expression.

  Su Ruoyun, you can really hide.

  The reason why she didn't follow Su Shenghai to find Su Ruoyun just now was because she was busy quietly getting Su Ruoyun's fake parents.

  In the past, Su Ruoyun lived in hotels, leaving them with nothing to lose. Now that Su Ruoyun has a fixed place to live, it really gives her a good opportunity.

  Su Ning used an anonymous card to send a message to Han Yurong, asking her to come and stay with Su Ruoyun, and paid part of the reward in advance.

  Su Shenghai explained the situation to Su's father on the phone. After Su's father hung up the phone, he panted and pointed at Su's mother: "Look at the good daughter you raised. In eighteen years, you have raised a white-eyed wolf."

  " Look at what Su Ruoyun did to our family, you still miss her in your heart."

  Mother Su was silent, only she knew what she was thinking.


  It was night and it was pouring rain.

  The heavy rain continued for a long time, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and it did not stop until noon the next day.

  In my previous life, after a rain like this, the temperature suddenly soared to 50°C.

  This life is almost two months earlier than before.

  Because of this rain, many people were unable to go out.

  Many low-lying areas have been flooded.

  Xingcheng is a city with higher terrain as you move towards the middle. Su Ruoyun's community is located near the central area of ​​Xingcheng, so it is relatively less affected.

  It's just that Su Ruoyun chose the first floor, which was somewhat affected by the floor.

  But Su Ruoyun had already been prepared for this, and rows of sandbags had already been piled up.

  What's more, the drainage design of Fuli Community is good.

  There was lightning and thunder outside and strong winds, but inside the house was very peaceful.

  The network is still running well. There are only a few people walking outside, but Weibo is extremely busy.

  Su Ruoyun quickly browsed through people's complaints today. She thought it was a very interesting thing. Although she doesn't like making friends in the real world, she especially enjoys surfing the Internet.

  [Spring breeze blows]: Does anyone know what's going on this year? It's noon, but it's pitch black outside.

  [Silly Cat]: It's raining really hard. The only good thing is that it's a lot cooler.

  [Chunxiao]: I hope this kind of weather comes more often. It's nice to just stay at home without having to go to work.

  [If life is just like the first time we met]: Are the people upstairs stupid? If they don't go to work, where will they get the money to eat?

  [Chunxiao]: I have money.

  [Thunder]: Such weather is not a good sign.

  [If life were just like the first time we met]: Rich people are amazing.

  …     The rain is still falling.

  The weather outside did not affect Su Ruoyun at all. She should be eating, drinking, and leisurely scrolling through her mobile phone.

  Yutuan, on the other hand, was frightened by the movement outside, so Su Ruoyun comforted her for a while.

  Even if she awakens her powers, she is still essentially a little kitten.

  "Meow, meow, meow -"


  The shrill meow of a cat was faintly heard in the sound of heavy rain. Su Ruoyun couldn't hear it very clearly, but she had always liked cats and was very sensitive to meows.

  Su Ruoyun immediately jumped up from the sofa in the living room, lay on the glass, and shined a flashlight outside.

  There were flashes of light outside, but what Su Ruoyun saw was not very clear.

  "Meow meow meow!"

  Yu Tuan suddenly shouted in one direction. Su Ruoyun turned around and followed Yu Tuan's line of sight. On the railing of the yard, a big raccoon flower was sitting on the power grid.

  Thanks to the rain, her power grid was not turned on.

  Su Ruoyun opened the door to the yard, and a strong wind hit her. She was almost unable to open her eyes.

  In just a few steps, Su Ruoyun walked for a long time before arriving at the fence of the yard.


  The cat trapped up there didn't have much strength anymore. When it saw Su Ruoyun coming, it screamed again.

  "Be good, and I'll take you home."

  "Meow meow."

  The other party seemed to understand, and the honest Ren Su Ruoyun took him in his hand.

  Su Ruoyun held it in her arms and returned to the house through the calf-deep water in the courtyard.

  My whole body was soaked.

  Su Ruoyun carried the little civet cat that had just come down into the bathroom. This civet cat was a little male cat with a slight limp on its front paw. It was not known whether it was a stray cat or someone had raised it.

  But now that it has been brought to her home, she can only take care of it first.


  The little raccoon flower obediently let Su Ruoyun play with it, while Yutuan squatted at the door of the room and tilted her head to peek.

  "Huh, it's finally washed." Su Ruoyun found a hair dryer to blow it's hair: "I'll call you little raccoon from now on."

  After drying, the little raccoon finally showed its beauty. Su Ruoyun thought it looked a bit like a raccoon flower. , and a bit like an American shorthair cat, but its appearance is very good.

  "Okay, let's go play."

  Su Ruoyun rubbed its head and said to Yutuan: "Don't bully the newcomer."

  After saying that, Su Ruoyun carried the new pajamas into the bathroom.

  She had just been caught in the rain, so she had to take a good bath.

  When Su Ruoyun came out after washing up, she saw Xiao Li lying quietly on the side, and Yu Tuan with his legs in the air, sleeping soundly.

  Su Ruoyun took out a new set of cat nests, cat bowls and litter boxes from the space and set them up for the little raccoon.

  I poured some cat food and water and opened a can for it.

  "If no one looks for you, you will be Yutuan's playmate from now on."