
Let bygones be bygones pt.2

Cass's pov

I followed my younger self towards the entrance and watch her greet the guards who didn't recognize her at first.

Understandable though, since I've always been commanded to wear girly clothes and pretty hairstyles to catch the only heir's attention every single time I visit their mansion.

Having a short back and sides haircut and dressed like an office worker, carrying a large black case on my back made their jaws fall in awe as soon as she mentioned my name.

It was even more awkward now that I'm viewing it as a third person. My mind was full of worries that time and never paid that much attention on their reactions.

"Good evening Missy." Beomgyu's mother's personal assistant greeted and lead me into the lounge while she ordered a waiter to bring me some food and nonalcoholic drink. "I'll let the Master know you're here."

I quietly nodded and put the guitar case over the glass table. The smooth jazz music Beomgyu loves filled the air and it was more than enough to get my troubled heart at peace.

However, the relaxing ambience separated from the location of the party by a wall of clear and wide glass windows was suddenly surrounded by intense excitement of the guests coming from the poolside, once the main guest showed up at the entrance.

That popular girl in his school dressed in a princess seams lace dress, with hem extending just under her knees graced the party like an entity that cannot be ignored.

She has that long, dark brown hair freely flowing down her chest and a voice of an angel.

"Lee Ji!" Beomgyu appeared from the crowd and blushingly welcomed her like the big fan he is. I have been always aware of it but never thought seeing how whipped he was would cause my heart to sink at my young age of thirteen.

Now it all make sense at how strict he was on how I'm supposed to care for my hair among other things. And I can't even imagine the disappointment once he sees me ruining it for reasons I can't disclose.

And what's worse is her gift to him was the same as mine, the electric guitar he has been saving up to buy by himself, which I bought using the money I garnered after my last mission that involved in exposing a former company manager who has been swindling one of their resorts for years.

As messed up as it is, Beomgyu's father thought it was easier to get them lower their guards by bringing my brother and I when his trusted men tried to question suspicious behavior over there.

My father had no knowledge over this because he's still training us both and refuse to let us do anything dangerous till we reach the age where we can already control our selfish urges at the very least.

And he was proven right when my long hair got caught up from an unexpected explosion and almost burnt my scalp if my brother wasn't fast enough to push me into the pool nearby.

Looking back at the sight of his special treatment and her equally sweet gestures had me suffocated so I grabbed the guitar case and left the hotel as quickly as possible.

I called my brother while hugging the guitar as I walk down the empty streets, avoiding the main roads that could light up the mess out of my face.

My mind was in such turmoil to notice that a van stopped just behind me and two men with black masks grabbed both my hands to bring me in.

My younger self knew how to exactly counter that kind of assault. My father and big brother does it all the time. Yet my younger self was distracted and that distraction caused me a lot.

"Take that case away from him!" The one holding a handkerchief over her mouth reprimanded the other, who in threw the guitar case into an open park nearby and crushed my phone right in front of my eyes.

I fought back but it was too late. The grogginess kicked in and my vegetable body was carried into the dark, smelly van.

The scene just blackened and the air I breathe is thinning out. The memories I have of this day are coming back to me in full force and the view of their violent acts are just as painful as they are in flesh.

To be continued…