
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · 映画
32 Chs

Chapter 25

1x hour later after so-called Martian retreated.

On Dre, main building. In Control Room is V.J. Dax and this colony Governor Aleks Trleych

"I Want a full report and I WANT IT NOW!" Ordered V.J. Dax as he opened door to Control Room to meet Aleks.

"Sir, Yes Sir. This race appeared 2 and half hours ago, and attacked Dre the same moment they appeared -" Reported Aleks, while at the same time saluting to Admiral-General, but was also interrupted by him

"Casualties report! details can wait!" Ordered V.J. Dax, already stressed by incompetence of people to some level, PEOPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN DAMN TIME WHEN ALIENS ATTACKED!!

"3,739x military casualties and 31,324x from civilian side Sir, Aliens side are over 3,192x from ground troops, hundreds of their fighters, dropships. by speculation their losses could very well be over 50,000x" Reported Aleks, nervous as he hoisted his Morita 1 Carbine a little up to his chest.

"HMM!, Did any of our hackers managed to hack their systems, if they did what did they hack?" Asked V.J. Dax as he crossed his arms over his chest in reflex.

"Yes Sir, they did. We already classed their ships and their language already was translated to our. It's so fantas-" Began Aleks to congratulate aliens before he was grabbed by neck and hoisted into air by V.J. Dax.

"I Do not care about their similarities to Martians from old Terra's movies, just tell me damn informations so we can retaliate !" Seethed V.J. Dax, while normally he wouldn't behave like this, but this is urgent, a mysterious race declared war to Humanity, this isn't something you can joke around after all.

*KREK Aleks was dropped down .

It's important to announce that V.J. Dax also has under gone augmentation of Spartan 1s.

"YES SIR,they have 6x systems , their home world is called Marts, hackers also have hacked their coordinates, communications, technology and similar." Reported Aleks rapidly. Tacking out a chip full of informations to V.J. Dax who takes is rather aggressively .


, V.J. Dax turned around and left Control Room

1x hour later, a fleet that's orbiting above Dre is consisting of :

20x Capital-Class Ships or more commonly knows as John A. Warden.

50x Fast Attack Ships.

25x Dreadnought-Class ships.

25x Destroyer-Class ships.

20x Frigate-Class Ships.

10x Auxiliary Ships.

10x Rodger Young Class.

40x Corvete-Transport


A newer version of Arachnid-Class ships was also created, reaching a length of 4km, commanded by osychic and Thunder Warriors.


A fleet is preparing to jump to next closest Martian Colony world, consisting of 30,000,000x Martians, 30x UFO-Ship and slight defences.

Overall, Martians only have 6x colonies(Including their home world as an colony), and their population is 6x billions, counting all Martians in the Martian Republic..

It's just so happens that , this Martian Republic is part of Galactic Community, with over 10x races.


Action : Human Fleet jumped to Martian Colony,

The moment Human Fleet entered to Martian system it was attacked by defending fleet, who unloaded hundreds of UF0-Fighters to meet fleet. But alas , they weren't able to trully destroy any ships from Human Fleet only slightly damaging two Fast Attack Ships, and destroying few shields before UFO-Ships were destroyed and at least 20,000x Tac-Fighters were launched to meet up with UFO-Fighters.

After space battle, fleet moved closer to colony, before bombing it .

Now Humans aren't Martians and tried not to bomb settlements, only military bases, after 10x minute long session of orbital bombardment, across the whole planet hundreds of dropships were launched, from older models to new, even Helicopters were launched.

Thankfully Martian bases aren't close to their settlements allowing Marauder Troopers to be successfully launched from orbit at their positions. Hundreds of Marauder Troopers covered skies,they were launched like in Human-Arachnid War to secure landing positions.

*BOOM! First Marauder Trooper setting his foot on Martian colony before screaming.

"For the EMPEROR!!!" He shouted before opening fire with his Morita 4 Assault Rifle.

On one of many bases a big battle was raging on, this base was main base on this colony, also called A-Base, this base itself had a personnel over 30,000x Martians. Over 200x Marauder Troopers were launched for this base but only 170x survived from continous fire from turrets. But as Troopers landed they opened fire on Martians , but Martians now had different armors, there was no helmet and oxygen was more thick, thus making it difficult for normal Humans to breath but Marauder Troopers has upgraded life-support systems so this was not a problem ..

In close combat, Marauder Troopers are wining as their upgraded Morita 4 rouns easily penetrates Martians head, good for them as they managed to hold their ground for enough time for PS Troopers to arrive in hundreds, followed by Siege-Tanks, Warthogs and Helicopters or even Tac-Fighters.

*BOOM!! Tac-Fighters finally joining the battle and began bombing enemy positions.


Even Mini Nukes were used by PS Troopers.

ON A-Base, Martians are numbering in 11,000 and Humans in 1,300x 5x Helicopters, 20x Warthogs, 15x Siege-Tanks, 4x Aleksandars.

While Martians in overall had advantage in numbers, everything else was on Human side.

One PS Trooper was worth to 5-10 Martians as that is the number of how many were needed to take down one, Power suit and shields were making a huge difference as Martians didn't have even one.

5x Helicopters securing Air superiority and ground support, each of them unleashes hell of missiles at Martians.

20x Warthogs, just running over Martians, giving a mobile support and not letting Martians to surround them.

15x Siege-Tanks are in front of Human armies, they deal most damage and sustain most, but their two cannons and guns were shredding alien's positions, making aliens to constantly retreat or encircle them.

4x Aleksandars in the back are just bombing everything that moves.

This is hard way of how Martians will learn that Quantity won't always beat Quality

Battle for Martian colony lasted for 6x hours, as Humans were constantly destroying EVERY base.

Chapter word count 1000