
stars aligned bts jimin

you will love this because everyone loves jimin and no y/n won't be in it i just chose a random name

Amber_Southcott · 音楽·バンド
28 Chs

chapter 3: A Journey to Recovery

But while Jimin's career had soared to great heights, Amber's life had taken a different turn. She had lost her job during her hospitalization, and the burden of unemployment weighed heavily on her shoulders. To make matters worse, her parents, who had always been her pillars of support, were struggling with their own financial troubles.

Despite these challenges, Jimin remained unwavering in his support for Amber. He offered to help her find a new job, promising to use his influence and connections to open doors for her. And as they faced the uncertainties of the future together, they found strength in each other's presence, their bond deepening with each passing day.

Amber, I know things are tough right now, but I want you to know that you're not alone," he said softly. "I have some connections at Big Hit Entertainment, and I can help you get a job there. You have so much talent and potential, and I believe in you."

Amber's eyes widened in disbelief. To work at Big Hit, the company behind BTS, was a dream she had never dared to entertain. And now, with Jimin offering to pave the way for her, that dream felt closer than ever before.

With tears of gratitude in her eyes, Amber nodded, her heart overflowing with emotion. In that moment, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as she had Jimin by her side, she could overcome them all.

From that moment on, Jimin became Amber's guardian angel, accompanying her on her journey to recovery. Despite the setbacks and accidents that seemed to follow her like shadows, Jimin remained by her side, offering words of encouragement and support.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Jimin's care for Amber went beyond hospital visits. He often invited her to spend time with him in the BTS dorm, where she found solace in the company of her idol and his bandmates. They laughed together, shared stories, and forged a bond that transcended the boundaries of fame and fandom.

One evening, as Amber sat with Jimin in the cozy living room of the dorm, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and music, he took her hand in his and looked into her eyes with a tender smile.

"Amber, once you're feeling better, I want you to come and stay with us here," he said softly. "You're not just a fan anymore, you're part of our family."

Amber's heart swelled with gratitude as she nodded, her eyes shining with tears of joy. To be welcomed into the inner circle of BTS was a dream she had never dared to imagine, and yet here she was, on the brink of becoming a part of something greater than herself.

In the days that followed, Amber's visits to the BTS dorm became a regular occurrence. She grew close to each member of the group, finding friendship and support in their presence. And when the time finally came for her to step out into the world once more, she did so with the love and encouragement of seven remarkable young men by her side.