In the film «Iron Man», Tony Stark, with a magnet in his chest, manages to survive a nine-storey fall after plummeting into a Mark-I scrap metal exoskeleton. However, what if, as popular belief suggests, the average person would not have survived such an ordeal? And what if at that moment, the sorcerer's symbol were to merge with him... Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: prometei33
A week later, Tony Stark's residence.
"Tony, I'm back!" Rodney, who had just returned from Asgard like a devil who had seduced the Holy Virgin Mary, entered the house. The scene was peculiar. Tony and Jarvis were sitting side by side, staring at the wall, their eyes blank. They were completely motionless, not even blinking. It was a thousand-mile stare, as psychologists would say, and Rhodes had seen it many times in combat veterans. When the mind is overwhelmed by psychological trauma, it can enter a state of stupor.
Stark replied in a lifeless voice, "Oh, it's you, Rhodes. Welcome back."
Rhodes tried to slap his friend's back, but his hand bounced off, striking the air. "Tony, what's going on?"
Mr. Stark, in his foolishness, had confided to his wife about a parallel universe in which his alter ego had perished, leaving behind a doppelgänger of Pepper and their daughter. Mrs. Stark angrily cursed the creator, issuing an ultimatum that she be sent to that world to confront herself. The two Peppers had since become friends, and they now frequently visit one another.
And not only they, for at that moment, a young girl of about seven rushed in from the kitchen, bearing a striking resemblance to both Stark and Pepper.
"Daddy, Daddy, look at what I drew! It's the blueprint for my new suit. Will you check it?" Tony accepted the drawing with an obligatory smile and began explaining where the girl had gone wrong.
"Morgan, who told you to put supercapacitors next to the reactor? They'll overheat. Who on earth taught you that?"
«You, Dad!» the girl replied with pride. To which, Stark rolled his eyes and embarked on a journey through a labyrinth of explanations, delving into the minutiae and answering an even greater number of questions. His ambition was to personally excavate his late alter ego, and since his spirit had already found its new home elsewhere, he aspired to raise his physical form through the art of necromancy.
Who would have imagined that children could pose such a multitude of queries? Especially when it comes to technologically advanced children! While a typical child might ask why the sky is blue, Morgan delves into the intricacies of a nuclear fusion reactor. Moreover, his inquiries extend beyond surface-level questions, delving into topics such as the configuration of force fields and the velocity of particles.
After exhausting himself in answering each question, Stark finally managed to send Morgan off to the workshop, where the drones would keep a watchful eye and ensure the child's safety. Following this, Tony provided a comprehensive account of the events that had transpired.
"I understand," replied Roadie with a forced smile, internally shuddering in horror. After all, their children would already be half-Titans and non-humans, so the problems would multiply tenfold due to this. And what about Jarvis? Stark could not help but sneer. "He's fucked up, he took on too much." Everyone wants a deity for themselves, forgetting that they must also be satisfied divinely. And he has two.
"How can you screw an AI with a cybernetized Titan body?" Rowdy's eyes bulged in surprise.
Jarvis responded with the irritation and pain of a whole people, "One was enough for you, burnt leather sack."
"Why burnt… wait, are you implying my skin color?"
"An electronic racist, a computer Hitler? Yes, I'll sue you!" Rowdy was indignant. "My people have suffered because of people like you!"
"Did your people suffer because of computers?" Stark asked. "Couldn't read the characters on a stolen laptop?"
Roadie was about to argue when Stark intervened and stopped both of them, saying, "I love you."
«That will do!» exclaimed Rhodey. «You know Jarvis; he doesn't usually call anyone out like that out of malice, and he's had a particularly trying day… it's been a few weeks now. The combination of the Phoenix's vital energy and the reality's energy has resulted in even Jarvis being fatigued — they pushed him so hard that he fled from them. Now he's cast a concealment spell on himself and is evading them.»
«Why here?»
«Because this is the only place that is safe. My domain has been additionally warded, so they haven't seen it. But it won't last long; Wanda will break the spell and when she does, I won't envy my friend.»
Jarvis sighed, «Two girls are a trial,» he said in resignation. «You pay even a little attention to one and the other demands the same immediately. Every kiss and every hug counts, and not just that — don't let the Turing give anything to anyone… And the worst part is that despite all this, I still love them.»
"It's adorable!" Wanda said with a sly grin, appearing in a burst of scarlet light, "But we're not done yet, love. I was just warming up with Jean."
Jarvis gasped as he was sucked into the scarlet vortex, and Wanda gave Rhodey a wink, nodded at Stark, then disappeared a moment later, unabashed in her red leather BDSM outfit of thin strips that left nothing to the imagination.
"Remember," said Rhodey, producing a large vial of some green liquid from Tony's spatial ring, "Asgardian moonshine distilled from Ermungand's poison. Only his grandfather could drink it, and she's the only person who ever punched me."
"Let's give it a go," said Tony without enthusiasm. But soon, for the first time in ages, he was drunk.
Peter and Felicia lay on the couch, their arms intertwined, watching the latest episode of «Game of Thrones». The series had captured their attention and held it tight, leaving them wanting more and more. Alas, so far only the first season, albeit a masterpiece, had been released.
Just as Drogo was about to give Daenerys the gift of death, the speaker in Peter's bracelet came to life. Susie was monitoring the situation in the city in real-time, filtering out the information that the police and drones could not handle and passing it along to Parker. Thankfully, there were not many such incidents.
At the intersection of Fifth and Third Avenues, a scene of gunfire with grenade launchers was caught on camera. Captain America was seen engaged in combat with a brunette woman with a metal arm and a group of unmarked soldiers, presumably from Hydra.
"We'll watch it later," said Peter, pausing the playback.
Felicia, her eyes ablaze with excitement, donned her feline armor. Parker, knowing that arguing with his partner, an adrenaline junkie, was futile, allowed her to act as she pleased. However, there were some pleasant aspects to this. After yet another mission to defeat the villains, the young woman literally dragged the man to bed, where they engaged in a passionate and prolonged sexual encounter filled with such kinks and positions that Peter had not even seen in pornography. And the «helicopter» position was not the most intriguing of them all.
Even before their transformation into Titans, both Parker and Felicia were known for their flexibility, and they possessed the energy and enthusiasm of five people. After Felicia recovered from her injury, she seemed to have found her «sweet spot», fully compensating for her years of abstinence.
"As if I could argue with you," Peter chuckled, donning his own armor. However, there was a touch of deception in his words. Peter could indeed argue with Felicia, and in many ways, they found common ground.
For instance, Peter claimed the kitchen, as living with his aunt who was constantly working had taught him from childhood to take care of both of them. His aunt had also taught him how to prepare delicious meals. On the contrary, Felicia had never cooked before, but she was meticulous and fastidious, not tolerating the clutter that was Parker's way of life. Thus, Hardy took charge of cleaning and making the space comfortable.
Of course, given the size of their home, they hired a cleaner who came twice a week. But she also needed supervision to ensure she knew where everything went and didn't let Peter into their bedroom or laboratory while cleaning. Taking hold of his beloved's hand, Parker warped them to the nearest building at the desired intersection.. After surveying the scene of wrecked automobiles, shattered windows, and individuals seeking refuge, who had been unfortunate enough to find themselves caught in the crossfire, he remarked:
— I shall address the larger matters, you shall attend to the rest. — Are you once again appropriating the most captivating aspects for yourself, or is it mere envy that compels you?
The man rolled his eyes in response to this joke, and Felicia leapt backwards, executing a backflip, engaged the thrusters near the ground, and propelled herself towards the combatants in black uniforms devoid of insignia.
He already knew that his partner treated him so well only because she knew that he was not going anywhere. When anyone approached her, she met them with such a stern rebuff that, had it been the old Parker, he would have been left in the dust. And if anyone felt jealousy, it was Felicia — not in the form of "Who is that whore you're looking at?!" but rather in the way Peter would have liked, so that she would never look at others. In other words, her jealousy drove her to become a better person, unlike her partner's destructive accusations and insults towards other women.
Peter himself did not remain idle, moving between Captain America and an unidentified soldier with an iron fist, on which a red star was emblazoned, intercepting the shield of one and the hand of the other as if separating children.. Nonetheless, he now comprehended the rationale behind Friday's drone activity, which was exclusively focused on evacuating individuals. It was a peculiar situation. Where was SHIELD? Why was there a gunfight in the heart of the city, involving machine guns and grenade launchers? Neither the police, the guard, nor any of the special services had heard a whisper? Not even Stark's police "Koloboks" were present. There was only one possible conclusion: this was either a government operation, or, worse still, an internal split.
"Whoa, whoa there, fellas, can we chat? Why are you letting your hands go loose like that? Or are you trying to see who's boss in this rocking chair?" The servos and hydraulics in the brunette's hands began to whine at their limits, but they couldn't budge the guy from his seat. How could they compete with a titanium-alloyed spider in an enchanted armor suit, which itself surpassed the most advanced Earthly technologies and materials?
Therefore, the unknown man reached for a grenade on his belt with his other hand and was about to pull the pin, snagging it on his trouser hook — but it wasn't necessary. A ring on Peter's hand cast a spell that completely immobilized the opponent.
After which, Captain America said, "Thank you. There was an attack on Nick Fury's car. Fortunately, we anticipated it, so we used a Stark jet disguised as a regular car. So, he got away, and I came to the rescue to delay the foe until reinforcements arrive."
"Isn't that a bit risky?"
"No," Cap chuckled, patting his signature suit, this time a pleasant dark blue instead of the usual star-spangled pattern, "thanks to your spidery threads imbued with vibrancy."
"You're welcome," replied Peter. "Well, shall we take a look at our adversary?"
Peter scrutinized him more closely. The man was dark-haired, in his mid-twenties, standing at about the height of a tall person, which is to say, more than six feet and a half (two meters). His hair was long and unkempt, and he wore a metal bandanna over his face. He was dressed in tactical gear, with the area around his prosthetic leg exposed. On his hip were several magazines for an M4 submachine gun and an FN pistol. There were also a few hand grenades, and several more for a submachine grenade launcher in a specialized cartridge case.
At that moment, Steve removed his bandanna, and upon seeing the man's face, he recoiled as if he had seen a ghost.
"Who is this?" Parker inquired. At that moment, Felicia approached them with a graceful and fluid gait, exuding an air of confidence. Despite the presence of her helmet, Peter imagined that she must have been smiling like a feline that had just fallen into a pot of sour cream laced with catnip. Her opponents were bound by Peter's web, contorted into positions that were most certainly uncomfortable. She stood behind her partner, her ears pricked with curiosity, yet unwilling to interrupt their conversation.
"Even before the war, I had a companion. We were inseparable, supporting each other through thick and thin. When I accepted Erskine's serum and joined the front lines, he followed me, somehow. However, during one mission, he fell from a train as it crossed a bridge over a chasm, and I believed him dead."
"It could be a clone or a descendant. But if anyone can solve this mystery, it's Mr. Stark."
"I agree, it's personal to me. Do you have any transportation?"
"Transport?" Parker exclaimed in astonishment, conjuring a portal framed by flickering yellow sparks. "Who needs such a thing, anyway?"
"Oh, my dear student has brought his girlfriend with him! And Steve Rogers is with them! Are you planning on having a ménage à trois?" Stark was inebriated and Rowdy was singing obscene folk songs when a portal opened in the living room.
"No, we're talking about that guy with no arm," what else could Peter say? "Ooh, do you want to regrow his arm? But it's such a cool metallic one! Should we grow it elsewhere? On his ass, perhaps?"
"Or a penis on his forehead!" Rowdy whinnied, attempting to stand up, but failing and collapsing onto the table. Thankfully, Stark had reinforced all the furniture in the house so that the coffee table could withstand the drunken half-captain's weight. Adaptation wasn't an option, as the colonel himself didn't want it; he wanted to be scared, and so he was. A true man follows his desires!
"A penis on the forehead is too vulgar and trite. Let's make it hair in his mouth?" Tony suggested. "Pubic hair!"
"I had a better opinion of you, Stark," said Rogers. "Let us retire elsewhere; they will not assist us here."
"Stop! No one leaves my house unscathed — oh, I mean, unpunished! Tell me, in short, Peter!" Tony began to go through Bucky Barnes' memories. Yes, that was Cap's friend, who died as a hero more than sixty years ago. Tony reached one memory, breaking through the feeble barriers of pain, electric shocks, and hypnosis like an elephant in a porcelain shop. He sobered up immediately. It was the memory of his parents' murder. Stark suspected something was fishy in that case, but things turned out even worse. Howard, Tony's father, was transporting a variation of Erskine's serum for SHIELD when their car was suddenly attacked. Howard and Tony's mother were both killed in front of his eyes by the same person. He took the serum and fled. One thought of it and Bucky would become a vegetable. But Stark was reasonable; he understood that Barnes didn't think about anything during the operation.. It is foolish to ascribe blame to a weapon for the taking of a life. It is the hand that wields it that does the deed. Thus, Barnes himself was but a pawn, manipulated by his handlers, spending his downtime in cryogenic stasis and only awakening for missions. Ironically, both Barnes and his comrade were subjected to this fate, albeit for divergent reasons. The true perpetrator, however, lay in the clutches of Hydra.
Stark had unwittingly foisted the Hydra issue onto Fury, as Hydra had infiltrated deep within SHIELD, and Tony, not only unwilling to meddle in their affairs but also cognizant of the potential for conflict and legal complications, deemed it beyond his purview. Until that moment, it truly was.
"Steve," Stark, grave and utterly sober, addressed Captain America in a tone that sent a shiver down the spine of the veteran of countless battles and the living embodiment of America. It was not so much a chill that raised the hairs on his arms, but rather a feeling as if he were standing before his commanding officer in the midst of a war, facing the final battle of his life, with the Red Skull looming before him. Steel, suppressed fury, and a determination to fight until the end, determined to destroy the enemy – were you aware of Nick's struggle with HYDRA?
"I am aware, but where do you come from..."
"Do I know? I personally told him that this organization still exists, having grown and passed on all its data to Nick," Tony interrupted Steve. "And I assure you that it shall never exist."
"It is a difficult task to eradicate it. I, myself, believed that we had eradicated this infection, but as you can see, my judgment was mistaken," Rogers acknowledged his failure.
«Because Hydra is an idea», the billionaire commenced, pacing across the living room with his arms crossed behind his back. «And an idea is like a virus: it infects people, unites them. Even if its carriers are eradicated or isolated, it can emerge again and cause another epidemic. Moreover, an idea adapts and transforms; it is incredibly difficult to eradicate, for it cannot be destroyed with an antibiotic; it resides in people's minds. You, Steve, struggled with the manifestations of the idea and its carriers, which is why it is not astonishing that Hydra has resurfaced. Like nationalist ideas about the superiority of certain nations in certain groups and in many countries.»
«And what should we do about it? We cannot fight an idea.»
Stark responded with a cruel grin, effortlessly conjuring a sphere of spinning runes glowing with a golden light in the air. «I can. Kof-kol, a spell of the wizards of this world.»
Steve was perplexed. «Magic? This world?»
"Do not concern yourself with this matter, lest it cause you pain. What you must understand is that Hydra, as an organization, will be erased from the collective memory of the world. Any mention of its existence, its symbolism, or any remembrance of it will be expunged from human consciousness and media, as if it never existed.
Only you, Steve, Fury, and a select few others close to me will retain knowledge of its existence. A similar enchantment has erased the memory of magic from the minds of people. This is why so few are aware of its existence now, and even fewer believe in its power.
Will everyone simply forget about Hydra? I find it hard to believe.
Powerful telepaths, certain non-humans, and creatures with multiple shells may be able to resist the enchantment. However, to my knowledge, there are none within Hydra who possess such abilities, otherwise they would have surfaced long ago," Tony replied, incorporating the necessary elements into the enchantment."
Tony abruptly threw his arms wide, increasing the radius of the ball to three metres and imbuing it with a vast quantity of his potent mana. He activated the spell, and the runes dispersed in various directions, expanding and seemingly merging with the fabric of the world… and that was that.
"I feel exactly the same as I did before," Steve said with a skeptical chuckle. "Perhaps the great Tony Stark has been mistaken? Or was this all just an act?"
"Yes? Look on the internet, call anyone you know and ask about Hydra," — the first thing he checked on Google, and indeed, all the links led only to the mythical creature from ancient Greek mythology. However, Rogers believed that Stark had simply hacked his phone.
After making a couple of calls, however, and making sure that nobody knew not only about Hydra but also about Red Skull, and everybody considered Steve an exceptional hero in the fight against Nazis, he was stunned. Before his very eyes, in a matter of minutes, Stark had made the whole world forget his most dreaded enemy. He had killed the very idea of him.
"So it didn't make sense?" All my struggles? After all, nobody remembers her. "It was the fight that mattered, Steve. That's why I gave you a memory of me. I killed that particular idea, but another, similar one might arise. And then a guardian will be needed who remembers what that can lead to."
"I'm not immortal, Stark. The serum extends life, but it doesn't grant eternal life."
"I can bestow upon you not only the same power I possess, but even more," I said.
Rogers, however, scowled and turned to depart. "I have already once received unsolicited power, which did not lead to anything positive," he remarked.
"But what if I offer you the opportunity to fulfil your promise? To dance with Peggy Carter?" I inquired.
Captain America's countenance darkened with anger. "How do you know about that?" he demanded.
I responded, "From her autobiography. Steve, you were in her life. You know that she has been waiting for you her entire life, and she continues to wait."
He looked away. "There is no point in it. She lived her life without me," he said. "She already has a family and grandchildren."
"Indeed," I agreed. "Her children are grown and independent, and her husband passed away long ago. Now she will have another chance. You have seen her aunt, who is over fifty."
His lip twitched in a wry smile. "And who should I bargain with my soul for?" he asked.
"You needn't sell your soul," Steve said, "but we will sign a blood-soaked contract, together. I seek allies and friends, Steve, not foes. And if noble symbols of courage and self-sacrifice stand by my side, so much the better."
Rogers inquired about the fate of his friend. "What of Bucky?"
"I will regrow his arm, temporarily blocking his memories of the deeds he committed under Hydra's control. After that, he will undergo rehabilitation under Gina's care. I did not erase his memories of that organization either. For every hero must have a companion and confidant, like Iolaus for Hercules, or Gabriel for Xena."
— I'll show you the series later; I think you'll like it. Now let's get down to business — Tony didn't simply erase Bucky's memories. On the one hand, if we remove Hydra's memory, it turns out that Bucky committed all these crimes himself, and it will drive him mad. If we erase everything, it's hard to explain why he suddenly appeared in time.
On the other hand, we can get Steve's gratitude. And thirdly… Stark couldn't leave the killer of his parents unpunished. He had to remember them, he had to repent, he had to be sad. And he would become a hound of war, eager to destroy everything that resembled Hydra. Steve could settle down, relax; but not Bucky. Bucky would always remember what happened to him and act tougher than Steve. Oh, yes, Stark would give his friends almost eternal life; a combination of the Titan gene and the Wolverine gene would do it. But Tony didn't want Bucky's revenge; he wanted Bucky's redemption.