
Starfire: The Shadow of Titan

"In your lifetimes has anyone ever worshipped you? Ever prayed to you? I know you're not the being you once were, and now is your chance to prove it..." "You may meet the being I once was." "... And what kind of being is that, Reaper?" In the vast expanse of space, where stars flicker like distant promises and civilizations rise and fall like cosmic waves, there exists a man haunted by his own choices. Once a protector, a guardian of those he held dear, he found himself forced into the shadows by the merciless demands of fate. In a universe teeming with threats, he made a pact with the darkness, trading his warmth for a cloak of ice, his compassion for a blade of steel. Now known only as the Reaper, his name evokes fear even among those he once safeguarded. He moves like a wraith through the void, a silent sentinel of death, his heart encased in frost as he carries out his duty. He is both hero and villain, protector and predator.

Batman117 · SF
7 Chs

The Pursuit of Shadows Pt. 1

Arredondas III System, Quadrant 3-Delta-Zulu

The massive 215MM cannon swivelled with a low, ominous hum, its sleek metallic surface gleaming under the harsh lights of the warship's command center. The turret rotated slowly, tracking its target with deadly precision, as if sensing the impending destruction it would unleash.

With a deafening roar, the cannon fired, unleashing a torrent of energy that surged through the vacuum of space with a thunderous boom. The sound reverberated through the hull of the warship, rattling the nerves of all who stood witness to the impending devastation.

The projectile soared through the vast expanse of space, hurtling towards its target with breathtaking speed. It left a fiery trail in its wake, a streak of light slicing through the darkness as it zeroed in on the enemy ship with unerring accuracy.

Then, with a blinding flash of light, the projectile impacted against the ship's shields, sending shockwaves rippling through the void. The shields flickered briefly, as their energy reserves effortlessly absorbed the brunt of the attack.

Silence filled the bridge. The cannon's devastating firepower had been met with resilience, leaving the warship's crew to grapple with the grim reality of their situation. "S-sir."

"Execute Order 223." The Admiral says interrupting his Lieutenant.


"Huuuh. I made her cry again." Linus breathes to himself, his right arm draped across his eyes. Since he had dreamt of one of her most traumatizing memories, that meant he made her cry. He looks over to his left, and as expected, the blanket-wrapped sniffling girl who he had left to eat fruit was laying beside him, occasional tears dripping down her cheek. He leans across her body and looks at the scar that started just below her neck. She had a shirt on at the moment, but if you removed it, you would find a scar that travelled down her spine, ending just barely above her sacrum. He let out a long sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Very well." He mutters as he slightly turns up the heat just enough so he can sleep comfortably without a blanket, but still cool enough to where she could still sleep with one.

"Wow. Did something happen?"

"I'm kind of scared."

"What's the occasion?"

The entire class slowly became filled with whispers and murmurs as the first person to be in attendance was Linus. Even Dr. Cherry was shocked by this. Normally he would be back after three days or so, but here he was at 0748 in class wiping off the holoboard. She watched in silence as he finished up the task that she had assigned to one of the other students yesterday. She nervously ran her tongue between her lips as they seemed to suddenly turn bone dry. As did her throat and mouth. "Linus, you may take a seat now." She says to him and involuntarily steps back as he turns his head in her direction.

"Yes ma'am." He answers simply, putting down the Bluetooth-based eraser pad. All the students follow him with their eyes as he obediently returns to his seat.

"Oh, um. Ah. Aherm. It seems like everyone is here. Let us take roll shall we?" Dr. Cherry says as she clears her throat and begins roll call. "David Dill?"


"Frost Bold?"

"Present." ….


Shortly after finishing up roll, the bell rings signaling the start of class. 

"Linus, um... May you please come to the front and read page 36, then solve the answer at the bottom?" Dr. Parks, the U.S.C.S's Math Teacher asks her golden eyes, eyeing the young man suspiciously. It'd been about three weeks since his change and all of the teachers were still on edge and doubting if he had changed. He looks up from the book and she jumps slightly as he lets out a long sigh.

"Huuuuuuff. Sure thing teach." He says standing and holding his book open with his left hand, and with his right, he made the motion of adjusting his imaginary glasses. 

"Dr. Elliot Strange, an esteemed physicist and visionary, has revolutionized space travel by harnessing the profound principles of Einstein's Theory of Relativity to develop a groundbreaking method known as Warp Space..." The entire class watches as he walks to the front while reading.

"...Through tireless research and ingenious innovation, Dr. Strange unlocked the extraordinary potential hidden within Einstein's theory, enabling humanity to navigate through space at unprecedented speeds. The foundation of this remarkable achievement lies in the Warp Drive, a remarkable invention that propels spacecraft into Warp Space. The Warp Drive is governed by a set of formulas, with one key equation being: Δt = γ * Δt₀"

A blank board populates and Linus picks up one of the display stlyus's and begins to scribble on the board.

 "In this equation, Δt represents the perceived time in Warp Space, Δt₀ denotes the time measured in the reference frame of the spaceship, and γ represents the Lorentz factor, accounting for the time dilation effect predicted by Einstein's theory. This equation demonstrates the dilation of time experienced by objects in Warp Space, allowing for rapid interstellar travel. Additionally, the energy requirements for the Warp Drive can be described by another fundamental equation: E = mc²"

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap

 "Here, E represents the energy needed for the spacecraft to enter Warp Space, m symbolizes the mass of the ship, and c denotes the speed of light. This formula illustrates the profound connection between mass-energy equivalence, as expressed by Einstein's famous equation. Through the ingenious application of these formulas and the profound understanding of relativity, Dr. Strange has opened new frontiers, allowing humanity to traverse the vast cosmos swiftly and efficiently...."

While most the class just boredily read along, there were a few who quickly began scribbling along as he began to write out the question.

"..... To calculate the time it would take for the Warship to reach the Solar System Ranallia, we can use the formulas provided earlier. First, let's calculate the time dilation factor (γ) using the given speed of the Warship:"

v = 985 lightyears/day c = speed of light = 1 lightyear/day

γ = 1 / √(1 - (v²/c²)) = 1 / √(1 - (985/1)²) = 1 / √(1 - 985²) = 1 / √(1 - 970,225) ≈ 1 / 0.01421 ≈ 70.33

Next, we can use the time dilation equation to find the perceived time (Δt) experienced by the Warship:

Δt = γ * Δt₀

Since we are interested in the time experienced by an observer on Earth (Δt₀), we can rewrite the equation as:

Δt₀ = Δt / γ

Now, we can calculate the time experienced on Earth:

Δt₀ = (298,635.3 lightyears) / (985 lightyears/day) * (1 day/24 hours) ≈ 304.01 days

Therefore, according to these calculations, it would take approximately 304.01 days (Earth time) for the Warship travelling at a speed of 985 lightyears per day to arrive at the Solar System Ranallia, which is 298,635.3 lightyears away." 

The soft taps and scribbling noises of the stylus come to an end as he finishes up the equation. He puts the stylus down and quietly returns to his desk.

"Thank you, Linus." She says and he stops. She felt bad as she thought he was about to act up, but instead, he was just adding on to his answer.

"Your welcome Dr. Parks. Oh, also it's important to note that these calculations assume a constant velocity throughout the journey and do not account for various relativistic effects or limitations that may arise in such scenarios." And with that, he continued and sat down in his seat.


The final bell for Lesson 3 rings and the students are dismissed for lunch. " Just two more Lessons. Just gotta get through two more." Linus thinks to himself. As he turns the corner heading towards the Chow Hall he groans in agitation as he runs into his sisters, or to be even more precise, he was ambushed by them.

"LINUSSS!" Titania calls out to him despite being less than a meter away.

"Sup?" Adrianna says tossing him the two-finger salute which he returns.

"What's good you two?" He asks as they come up alongside him.

"Lunch break is what's good with me. I'm starving." Titania says happily 

"I'm just glad to be out of class." Adrianna exclaims sticking her hands in her pockets. "What about you?"

"Same as you. Class is so draining." He replied. "Oh yeah. Catch." 

She panicked slightly as he tossed her a thin small solid square. "That's the latest 5 volumes. Vol. 23 is going to hit different." He says as she quickly scans it and puts it in her pocket.

"Anyone get clipped?"

"I don't know. I never hand out spoilers."

"Come on. Just a little one. Please, with a cherry on top?"

"Someone does get their arm blown off."

"Oh sick! Who is it? The magicless but swole one? The really super magically powerful one?"

"Can't say more than that sis."

"Phoey." Adrianna whines.

"Hey, I want in. Whatcha'll reading?" The left-out Titania asks not knowing a single thing they were talking about. 

"It's called Charged Output it's a manga about a world with magic and a group of kids who have an unusually low amount of magic in comparison to their peers. Pretty good. I'll lend you the first 20 volumes." Adrianna says giving her a quick rundown of the manga.

"Oh, wow! Thanks sis!" She says happily as Adrianna slings her assault pack over her shoulder and rummages through it until finding four similar-shaped cards.

"Here ya go." She says handing her the cards.

Epsilon Arrendondas XIV System; Quadrant Foxtrot-9-Whiskey

Commander Jadulad'am sat on his imposing throne-like chair, positioned at the heart of the expansive command bridge of his alien fleet. Towering over his crew, he exuded an aura of authority and wisdom. His tall, regal figure was adorned in resplendent armor, intricately carved with symbols representing his esteemed lineage. His iridescent, indigo skin shimmered under the ambient glow of the holographic displays, lending an ethereal quality to his presence.

 As the radar blip emerged on the console before him, Jadulad'am's luminescent eyes narrowed with anticipation. A sly smile curved across his lips, revealing rows of sharp, translucent teeth. The blip represented the elusive target he had been tirelessly pursuing, and now, at long last, it was within his grasp. "Set an intercept course," Jadulad'am commanded, his voice resonating with a deep, melodic timbre that commanded attention. His crew, a diverse assembly of alien beings, worked diligently at their stations, their multifaceted eyes focused intently on their tasks. Their forms ranged from insectoid creatures with chitinous exoskeletons to beings composed of pure energy, each species a testament to the vast diversity of the universe.

 Outside the colossal windows of the command bridge, the fleet of Jadulad'am materialized into view. His ships, a sight to behold, were a testament to the advanced technology and architectural elegance of his civilization. Gleaming vessels, adorned with intricate patterns of luminescent symbols, soared through the cosmos with grace and precision. The hulls shimmered in various hues, shifting from vibrant blues to rich purples, reflecting the unique aesthetics of his people.

 Each ship, an extension of Jadulad'am's formidable presence, possessed an air of majesty and strength. Their sleek, elongated forms bristled with advanced weaponry and formidable shielding systems. As they maneuvered into formation, their synchronized movements were reminiscent of a cosmic ballet, a testament to the discipline and unity of Jadulad'am's fleet. The thrum of energy hummed through the command bridge as the fleet surged forward, closing in on their quarry. Jadulad'am's sharp eyes never wavered from the blip on the radar screen, his excitement palpable. The chase had been arduous, spanning vast distances and countless star systems, but now, his patience and perseverance were about to pay off.

Amid the chaotic command bridge, Jadulad'am remained the epitome of calm authority. His long, elegant fingers tapped on the armrest of his chair, a silent testament to his unwavering focus. His mind calculated the possibilities, strategizing the best approach to capture his quarry and bring them to justice. As the fleet hurtled through the void of space, Jadulad'am's eyes glinted with a mixture of determination and anticipation. 

The pursuit had reached its climax, and he was prepared to employ every resource at his disposal to ensure victory. For Commander Jadulad'am, this moment represented not only the pursuit of justice but also the preservation of order and stability in the vast expanse of the cosmos. With a final surge of power, Jadulad'am's fleet closed in on the elusive ship, ready to unleash their might upon their target. The fate of their encounter hung in the balance, as the universe itself seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the outcome of this momentous confrontation. 

And as Jadulad'am prepared to confront his quarry head-on, his piercing gaze locked onto the radar blip, his smile widened, fueled by the certainty of success. The chase was over, and soon, his target would face the consequences of their actions, under the watchful eye of Commander Jadulad'am and his formidable fleet.

The clash of cosmic forces ignited as Commander Jadulad'am and his alien fleet descended upon the small, unsuspecting human armada. The space around them crackled with energy, the air heavy with anticipation and fear. The humans outmatched and outnumbered, desperately rallied their defenses, their ships forming a tight formation in a futile attempt to withstand the onslaught. 

Jadulad'am's fleet, resplendent in its regal glory, surged forward with calculated precision. Energy pulses and plasma beams erupted from their weapons systems, illuminating the darkness of space with brilliant streaks of vibrant colors. The alien vessels weaved through the battlefield with remarkable agility, their movements fluid and harmonious, a testament to their advanced technology and skilled crew.

The humans, though overwhelmed, fought valiantly. Their smaller, more agile ships darted through the chaos, utilizing hit-and-run tactics to strike at their colossal adversaries. They unleashed a barrage of laser cannons and guided missiles, their projectiles streaking towards the alien fleet with determination. But their attacks, while spirited, were akin to ants attempting to halt an avalanche. 

Jadulad'am's forces retaliated with brutal efficiency. Their energy shields flickered with each impact, effortlessly neutralizing the human weapons' onslaught. In response, the alien ships deployed devastating salvos of concentrated particle beams, tearing through the human fleet's defenses with relentless precision. The humans watched in horror as their ships were ripped apart, engulfed in fiery explosions that marked their demise. Realizing the gravity of their situation, the human fleet's commander initiated a daring maneuver in a desperate bid to escape the clutches of Jadulad'am's onslaught. 

The remaining ships broke formation, scattering in all directions, their engines roaring in defiance. They employed evasive maneuvers, executing intricate spirals and unpredictable barrel rolls, hoping to evade the deadly precision of the alien weapons.

Jadulad'am, however, was not easily deterred. His ships pursued the human vessels with ruthless determination, their weapons locked on target. They unleashed volleys of tracking torpedoes, their pathfinding capabilities honed to perfection, tracking the erratic movements of their prey. The torpedoes homed in on the human ships, detonating with explosive force, and decimating their fragile hulls one by one. In a final act of desperation, the human fleet's commander ordered a risky gambit.

"Execute Order 223." He commands his fleet.

One ship broke away from the chaos, executing a daring slingshot maneuver around a nearby asteroid field. It raced towards an uncharted nebula, its hope resting on the nebula's dense particles that could potentially obscure their pursuers' sensors. Jadulad'am, relentless in his pursuit, pressed on. His fleet closed in on the remaining human ships, determined to crush their resistance once and for all. The alien vessels unleashed a devastating attack, firing a volley of concentrated antimatter beams that carved through the void, searing through the human ships' shields like paper. Yet, unbeknownst to Jadulad'am, the human ship that had ventured into the nebula had found temporary respite within the swirling mists. The nebula's particles disrupted the alien fleet's targeting systems, shrouding the humans in a cloak of stealth. It bought them precious moments, fleeting seconds of reprieve in the face of imminent destruction.

With renewed hope, the surviving human ship surged forward, making a daring escape through the gaps in Jadulad'am's fleet. They vanished into the depths of space, disappearing from the alien commander's sensors, leaving behind a trail of shattered wreckage and the stench of defeat. Jadulad'am's expression hardened as he watched the humans slip from his grasp. Though he had decimated their fleet with brutal efficiency, he knew that the battle was far from over. The tenacity and resourcefulness of the human race had impressed him, leaving an indelible mark on his mind.

As the human ships disappeared into the vastness of space, Jadulad'am contemplated the encounter. He knew that their paths would cross again and that the next confrontation would be even fiercer. In the depths of his soul, he felt a newfound respect for these resilient beings who refused to surrender in the face of overwhelming odds.

With the battle won but the war far from over, Jadulad'am turned his attention to the next challenge that awaited him, his indigo eyes gleaming with determination. The cosmic dance continued, the struggle for supremacy unfolding across the vast expanse of the universe, where countless battles would shape the destiny of civilization