

The next afternoon, Lucy arrived early at the student council meeting room. The place was decorated in a simple yet professional manner, with photos of past student council presidents hanging on the wall, each revealing an air of leadership. Her eyes lingered on the photos, trying to find Mars in them.

The door opened and Mars walked in, wearing a dark blue suit with an elaborate student council badge pinned to his lapel. His steps were steady and rhythmic, his gaze lingering on Lucy for a split second before quickly moving away as if assessing something. "Lucy, you're here." His voice was calm, devoid of any unnecessary emotion.

"Yes, I got the message." Lucy replied, her eyes looking straight at Mars, trying to find answers in his eyes. She noticed an imperceptible hint of anticipation in his eyes.

Instead of responding directly, Mars walked over to the window, looked out at the sycamore trees, and said lightly, "The student council is about to organize an important event, would you be interested in joining the student council? I believe you have the ability." As he spoke, his fingers gently tapped on the windowsill, revealing an imperceptible consideration.

Lucy's heart fluttered, "I can try." A hint of determination was revealed in her voice.

Mars nodded and then began to describe the work of the Student Council and the upcoming events.Lucy listened attentively, she noticed a professional and enthusiastic gleam in Mars' eyes as he talked about his work, but this gleam was soon covered by a layer of calmness.

Just then the door to the conference room was pushed open again and Rose walked in. She was wearing a light pink dress, her long hair fell softly over her shoulders, and she had a gentle smile on her face. She saw Lucy and Mars together and a flicker of mixed emotions flashed in her eyes, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Mars, so you're here." Rose's voice was gentle, but there was a hint of imperceptible probing in her tone.

Mars turned and nodded to Rose with a hint of coldness in his tone, "Rose, this is Lucy, she will be assisting with our upcoming event."

Rose smiled and extended her hand to Lucy, but there was a hint of scrutiny in her smile, "Hello Lucy, I'm glad you could join us." Her handshake was firm and strong, revealing a confidence that could not be underestimated.

Lucy took Rose's hand, she could feel the softness of the other woman's palm but also an underlying sense of competition. "Hello, Rose," she replied, politely and measuredly.

As the day of the student council event drew nearer and nearer, the atmosphere on campus was getting warmer and warmer.Lucy and Mars, as the main planners, spent almost every day in the student council office, discussing every detail of the event.

In the Student Council meeting room, Lucy presented her idea. Her idea centered around an "interactive experience", where she suggested a "Future City Simulation Zone", where participants would be able to experience the city of the future through Augmented Reality (AR) technology. She believes that such an experience will not only help students understand the practical applications of economics and finance, but also stimulate their interest and enthusiasm for specialized knowledge.

The theme of the event was "Future Vision", which aimed to inspire students to think and imagine the future of science, technology, culture and society through a series of innovative presentations and interactive sessions, and Lucy was in charge of planning a session called "Dream Laboratory", where students' innovative projects would be showcased. Lucy is in charge of organizing a session called "Dream Lab", where students' innovative projects and research results will be presented.

Mars was responsible for liaising with off-campus corporate sponsors and media outlets, and his analytical and predictive skills were instrumental in this process. He succeeded in attracting the attention of several tech companies, who agreed to provide their latest tech products for display and send experts to the university to give talks.

As the event approached, Lucy invested a great deal of time and effort in preparing for it. She worked with the tech team to develop the AR experience, discussed with professors from the Business School how to incorporate theoretical knowledge of economics and finance into the event, and organized forums and challenges with the rest of the student body.

During the preparation process, Lucy and Mars kept exchanging ideas and a tacit understanding between them gradually built up. mars was impressed by Lucy's professionalism, while Lucy expressed her admiration for Mars' leadership and vision.

On the day of the event, the campus was filled with energy and anticipation, and Lucy's Future City Simulation Area attracted a large number of participants, who were curious and admired the future city demonstrated by AR technology. Business students were particularly interested in the economic models and investment strategies presented in the simulation.

On the same day, the Student Union's event was held in the central plaza of the campus. The square was surrounded by colored lights and banners with the words "Future Vision". In the background of the main stage was a huge LED screen showing the students' innovative projects and conceptual videos of future technologies. The booths were designed as semi-open cubicles, each decorated with futuristic blue and silver elements and personalized posters designed by the students themselves.

At the Youth Innovation Forum, students presented a variety of creative projects, ranging from smart environmental devices to original musical compositions, each of which demonstrated the students' enthusiasm and talent. The Future Challenge also inspired students' teamwork and problem-solving skills.

A long line of visitors formed in front of Lucy's booth. Her AR city planning simulation system was demonstrated through a tablet computer and a pair of special AR glasses. After putting on the glasses, participants could see that their location was covered by a model of the future city, with skyscrapers, green parks, transportation networks, etc. Lucy patiently explained the system's working principles and design concepts to each participant, and her enthusiasm and expertise won her unanimous praise.

Mars traveled through the venue as he interacted with the media reporters and enterprise representatives present. He detailed the purpose of the student union's activities and the highlights of the students' projects, demonstrating his leadership and communication skills as the president of the student union. His efforts brought the event the support of a number of renowned companies, who not only provided displays of the latest technological products, but also promised to provide internships and R&D opportunities for outstanding student projects.

As night fell, the dinner was held in the central plaza of the campus, with long tables covered with delicate linen tablecloths and topped with carefully prepared delicacies. Candlelight flickered, adding a touch of warmth and romance to the evening.

Lucy and Mars, as the main leaders of the event, sat at a neighboring seat at a table, the distance between them neither too far nor too close, just enough to maintain a polite and cordial exchange.

The lighting at the dinner was soft, reflecting Lucy's face and giving her a gentle glow. Sitting side by side with Mars, the two of them exchanged views on the event and prospects for the future in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. In the middle of the conversation, Lucy unconsciously pulled a lock of her hair behind her ear, and Mars' eyes caught this scene inadvertently, and his heart was slightly moved.

As the dinner progressed, the atmosphere gradually reached a climax. At this moment, Rose stood up, she would perform a carefully prepared piano solo, which she had specially prepared for this dinner.

Rose walked towards the stage, her posture was elegant, every movement revealed the temperament of an artist. She sat down in front of the piano, took a deep breath, and then her fingers began to dance on the black and white keys, and a beautiful melody flowed throughout the dinner. Her playing was full of emotion and every note seemed to tell a story. Her music led everyone in the audience to the emotional ups and downs, and as the last note of Rose's piano solo fell into silence, her fingers gracefully slid off the keys, and the dinner party erupted in applause. She stood up and bowed to the audience, a confident and satisfied smile on her face. Amidst the applause, she slowly walked off the stage, her gait as light as that of a princess stepping down from the stage.

The lights of the dinner party gradually shifted as she moved, casting her silhouette on the side of Mars's table. rose chose to sit on the other side of Mars's table, and her position was exactly opposite to Lucy's, forming a subtle triangular layout.

As Rose sits down, her gaze travels across the table and meets Lucy's line of sight. There was a hint of smugness in her eyes, as if she were silently announcing her success at the dinner. She raised her eyebrows gently, a small but provocative gesture. A victorious smile hung at the corners of her mouth, as if to say to Lucy, "See, I'm the center of attention."

Lucy felt Rose's gaze and her complacency, but she did not show any resentment or jealousy. On the contrary, she smiled back with a calm and elegant gesture, and her smile revealed a kind of calmness and confidence.

As the dinner drew to a close and the guests began to leave one by one, Rose quietly gathered her belongings on the side, her eyes darting between the two from time to time. It was then that a small accident occurred. When a waiter was clearing the table, he accidentally bumped into Lucy's chair, causing her to suddenly lose her balance and tilt to the side, Mars reacted quickly and almost instinctively reached out his hand to hold Lucy's arm, preventing her from falling.

This tiny physical touch, though only for a moment, caused both of them to feel a subtle sensation they had never felt before.Lucy's cheeks flushed slightly as she turned her head, nodded to Mars, and whispered, "Thank you, Mars."

Mars withdrew his hand, keeping the proper distance, and replied, "It's okay, I'm glad you're okay." Rose witnessed all of this, and a flicker of mixed emotions flashed through her eyes. She felt a twinge of jealousy as she tried to keep a smile on her face, but inside she was struggling fiercely.Rose took a deep breath, knowing she couldn't afford to lose her cool at this point. She gently stood up and gracefully joined the conversation, "Lucy, are you okay, the dinner was a success today, Mars worked hard for you." Her words revealed a calmness that she tried to maintain, but there was a hint of sharpness in her eyes that she couldn't quite hide.

Mars gently nodded his head and stood up, his gaze was calm and deep as he looked around the gradually emptying plaza around him, "Tonight's event was a great success, thank you all for your hard work and dedication, you all worked hard." Mars's words seemed extraordinarily clear in the quiet night, after his words fell, the surrounding student council members and other guests responded by cheering in unison when they heard Mars's acknowledgement. "Mars, you did great!" "Yeah, tonight was really great!" In the midst of this joyous atmosphere, Mars smiled and nodded his head to all of them once again. He knew that this wasn't just a recognition for him personally, but also for the efforts of the entire team. As the final applause subsided, the dinner was officially declared over.