
A New Chapter Under the Sycamore Leaves

Between the gaps in the sycamore trees, the sunlight spilled into a golden feather that gently covered Lucy's body. She stood in the doorway of the library, the door to the temple of knowledge open as if inviting her into a whole new world.

Lucy took a deep breath and prepared to step into this world filled with the scent of ink, but she accidentally collided with a hurried figure.

The documents were like frightened butterflies, fluttering in all directions, then slowly falling to the ground.Lucy hurriedly bent down to pick them up, when a cold voice came from her ear: "Walk and watch where you're going "She looked up, and met Mars's deep and cold eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Lucy's voice was calm and her eyes were firm as they met Mars' gaze. The owner of the voice's facial lines were clean and sharp, his features were exquisite like a carefully carved work of art, and his deep eyes seemed to be able to see into people's hearts, revealing a calmness and rationality.Mars was also slightly stunned, he didn't expect that this newly transferred girl would have such a calm demeanor. He leaned down to help pick up the books, his tone unconsciously softening a few points, "It's fine, next time pay attention."

During the process of the two of them organizing the books, Mars began to secretly observe Lucy. her movements were gentle and meticulous, and like her eyes, there was a kind of indescribable tenacity. Her long hair shines with a faint golden luster in the sunlight, her skin is as white as snow with a touch of unadorned redness, the pear swirls on her cheeks are hidden, a strange feeling surges in Mars' heart.

Just as the atmosphere between the two gradually became subtle, the door of the library was gently pushed open and Abel walked in. His gaze scanned around the library and finally settled on Mars and Lucy. He looked at Lucy, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.Abel and Lucy were neighbors, and the two of them had grown up together, and his knowledge of her made him unusually sensitive to her every move.

"Lucy, what are you doing here?" Abel's voice held a hint of imperceptible excitement as he walked quickly to Lucy's side, a warm smile on his face.

Lucy turned her head and when she saw Abel, a bright smile blossomed on her face, "Abel, what a coincidence, I just transferred here."

A complex emotion welled up in Abel's heart, he had a special feeling for Lucy, a feeling that was hidden deep in his heart and had never been revealed to her.

"Mars, so there you are." Abel's voice regained its calmness, but there was a hint of probing hidden in his eyes.

Abel approached, his gaze lingering on Lucy for a moment as if assessing something. Then he pulled a delicate envelope from his pocket and handed it to Mars.

"This is an important letter for you from the family that needs your immediate attention." Abel's tone revealed a hint of unquestionable seriousness.

Mars took the envelope, Mars' eyes gently swept over the envelope, the delicate seal and the family crest shimmered in the afterglow of the setting sun. His fingers rubbed lightly over the edge of the envelope, as if feeling the invisible pressure from his family.

A flicker of complexity swept across his brow, but it was quickly masked by his calm exterior. He turned to Abel and nodded his thanks. Then he looked back to Lucy, "I'll go first" Lucy nodded. "Lucy, how are you adjusting to the new school? If there's anything you need help with, just let me know." Abel's words revealed a hint of concern.Lucy felt Abel's concern and a warm current welled up in her heart, "Thank you, Abel.Don't worry."

Mars and Abel left the library together, leaving Lucy sitting alone by the window, holding the book Jane Eyre in her hands. While the sunlight poured over the pages, her eyes traveled through the words, pondering everything that had just happened.

Her family, the Williams family, is a centuries-old business family. From a young age, she grows up listening to the family's stories, each one filled with glory and challenges. However, as time passes, conflicts and strife within the family come to light, and the power struggle between Lucy's father and uncle casts a shadow over her childhood. Her mother, a gentle and strong woman, chooses to leave because she can't stand the family's strife and pressure. All this has deeply affected Lucy, making her mature and learn independence earlier than her peers.

She turned over the "Jane Eyre" in her hand, and the story in the book contrasted sharply with her mood at the moment. Jane Eyre's persistence and courage gave her hope. She thought that maybe in this campus full of unknowns, she could also be like Jane Eyre, bravely facing the challenges of the future.

The library bell rang, reminding Lucy of the passage of time. She gathered her books and stood up, ready to leave.

Lucy gently closed the heavy oak door of the library, and the afternoon sunlight, piercing through the gaps in the sycamore trees, poured onto her shoulders, creating a patchwork of light and shadow. She strolled along the stone path, the sycamore trees on both sides towering into the clouds, the branches and leaves gently swaying in the breeze, making a rustling sound, accompanied by her brisk pace, just like a natural sonata.

Her eyes skipped across the stone floor as she contemplated what was going on.Lucy's family background had always allowed her to remain independent and calm in complex environments, but in this new environment, she longed to find her own place, to be understood and accepted. On campus, various club activities are in full swing. The Student Union, Literature Club, Science Club ... each has its own characteristics and activities.Lucy is full of interest in these clubs, and she hopes to better integrate into this new environment by participating in club activities.

The vibration of her cell phone interrupted her contemplation, and a message came into her eyes, "Tomorrow afternoon, Student Council meeting room, there is an important matter to discuss. --Mars." Lucy was slightly stunned, she was not a member of the student council, why would she receive such a message?

Puzzled, she decided to go to the conference room the next day to find out. Perhaps, this would be an opportunity for her to understand this campus.