
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · アニメ·コミックス
110 Chs

Chapter 99

While the Republic was about to go through great turmoil, the Unknown Regions had also undergone a major change thanks to one person.


The boy had managed to not only survive in the Unknown Region but he had even prospered.

For years, every turn was filled with danger. Belonging to no on in the Unknown Region meant death to most. But somehow, Jacen was able to survive all the way until he reached the Nihil Retreat.

There, he joined the Rhandites, servants and followers of the Sorcerers of Rhand. They were something similar to Acolytes that the modern Sith used. Followers who studied the very basics of the beliefs and took orders of from those of the organization but lacked the titles the latter groups possessed.

The Sorcerers of Rhand was a combination of 3 different terrorist groups and death cults that combined a long time ago into the current organization.

The three groups combined their beliefs and teachings under one umbrella that was called The Way of the Dark which consisted of mind control, combat prowess of the original Mandalorian species and the ability to summon gods.

Actual gods

The Way of the Dark was a belief that destruction was the true purpose of all living things. And those that could cause the most destruction with no motives other than destruction would be blessed to always win.

They also create a new type of Force Powers similar to the Night Sisters. Something that resembled traditional Force Powers but were much different. They called it The Dark.

Jacen was able to quickly rise through the organization to his natural compatability with The Dark.

He had risen from a Rhandite into an actual Sorcerer of Rhand.

Jacen was sitting in a large hall with several other of his fellow Sorcerers.

Standing in the main seat was the pseudo-leader of the Sorcerers, Toxmalb, the Blessed Lorekeeper. He was perhaps one of the most ancient beings still alive, having almost 100,000 years under his belt.

His race was completely unknown, characteristics lost to time due to decay and rot. His robes ravaged by time while the crown upon his head was embedded into the skin of his skull.

Flies flew all around the man's body, each one capable of poisoning a man to death with a single bite.

"We have gathered here for a single reason. The Dark tells me that a new leader shall emerge within the next 10 years. One who shall be capable of using Darksight." (Cue the D&D reference.)

Many of the Sorcerers turned to looked at several people, Jacen being one of them. He had shown the most improvement and many thought he would be the next to be able to use Darksight.

Darksight was the most powerful ability that The Dark had. It allowed one to see many different possible futures where they could follow along whichever one aligned with their goals most closely.

Although this ability was indeed powerful, it was not absolute. It simply showed dozens if not hundreds of possible futures but not every possible future.

If a single detail that the practitioner had no knowledge of or ability to affect changed, the future that they predicted may have been wrong due to unforeseen circumstance.

Toxmalb went on about several more events that he predicted would occur as well since he was also a user of Darksight. But the man had no ambitions to lead.

He said that his position was to simply guide and educate the members but not decide their fates.

When the meeting was over, Jacen left to go and visit the Rhandites under him. As he was leaving the room, two of his fellow Sorcerers ran to catch up to him.

One was a female Taung, a descendent of the Warriors of Shadows. They were an all female death cult that was one of the three organizations who founded the Sorcerers or Rhand as well as an offshoot of the Mandalorians.

The other was a human male who extensively studied the ways of the Kanzer Exiles, Demon worshipping death cult that was also one of the founders.

Both had expressed deep loyalty to Jacen as he had given them knowledge that no one else had.

He had spread the word of Chaos.

Powerful warriors from an unknown and uncontrollable place. Demons that tore men apart. Gods that brought new knowledge and power to those who worshipped them.

Jacen had learned about them from Jial's Holocron and had tried his best to call forth their power.

All the times that others thought he was simply goofing around, he was in fact trying to dive into the Warp and borrow its power, something that not even Jial knew of.

Unknown to the others, the Sorcerers of Rhand had begun to fracture. The Chaos Champions.

"Lord Slaneesh," the human called out to Jacen by his new name. "When are we going to make out move?"

"Soon, Tzeentch. We still need to bring others to our side. We also need to find our 4th member.

But once we have enough numbers, we shall kill the Lorekeeper and take the ignorant to new heights," Jacen pacified him

Each of them had taken on the names of the Chaos Goda. Khorne the Blood God, Slaneesh the Sublime Torturer, Tzeentch the Great Conspirator, and Nurgle the Plaguefather.

They had 3 of the 4 by their side but the trio wanted to find their 4th before they finally made their move and took over the organization.

"Khorne. We need the Rhandites properly trained. Not for mindless destruction but to spread chaos and freedom."

"Of course," the Taung agreed. She had been gathering more Rhandites than were allowed but for the sake of their conquest, she was willing to break the rules.

The three were about to say more when they neared some other Sorcerers. They all quieted down until they were out of earshot.

"I actually have an idea of who Nurgle can be," Khorne spoke up. "There is a race of creatures. Not from this Galaxy. They only use bio-tech, hating the idea of technology because technology does not die.

They love the cycle of life and death. They do not fear death like others but they also don't hate life.

Sound familiar?"

Tzeentch and Slaneesh looked at her in surprise. Neither had heard if any race like that before.

"What race is it?" Slaneesh asked

"The Yuuzhan Vong," Khorne informed them

"So we can find one of them that can join us, preferably someone who could seize a large number of their people to our cause," Tzeentch was already plotting on how they could bring one of the Yuuzham Vong to their side and bring about the Great Game

While Sidious, the Jedi, and Yautja were about to battle for the Republic, the War of the Unknown was about to begin as well