
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 98

"That's the 57th," the Minister of Diplomacy and Expansion explained. "That is our 57th vassal that has paid for their independence but signed am agreement to remain an ally."

The others had very serious expressions on their faces. This kept happening over the past 2 years.

Planets that once submitted to them had requested independence like in their original vassal contracts said they could.

But the fees were astronomical. Paying it would basically cripple their economies.

But somehow, 57 of them were brave enough to pay it.

Which meant someone was backing them.

"The IGBC again?" Nott asked in frustration

"Correct," the Minister of Intelligence confirmed. "We traced the funds and also the new mysterious connections that they formed with the Separatists. All lead back to the IGBC."

"And we've also leaned on people as well. The Trade Federation and Techno Union are supporting then as well. The number of droids they have sold are astounding." The Minister of D&E reported back the findings he and the Minister of Intelligence had found.

"They are about to start a war," Mira concluded

"No, they're not," Jial rejected her. "War is good for short-term business but not long-term. Unless they are in the business of war profiteering."

"Which none of the Big 3 are," Nott agreed with her father's suspicions. "They are promoting freedom and rebellion. Those don't last forever. That motivation doesn't last forever.

These guys are trying to strong arm the Republic with a show of force and then use numbers to force their agenda."

The question of war was given by the Separatists.

But the answer would very determined by the Republic. By how much they were willing to allow planets to just be independent without a major backer and just a bunch of alliances.

"Have the IGBC used any of our 'allies' to enter Yautja Space and try to poach those within our central turf?" Mira turned to Suxon

"They have tried and every spy was allowed to talk freely so it didnt seem like we were forcing our beliefs on them.

Each one sent those spies to me before each was sent down to Nott's dungeon.

None of those that are truly Yautja have even entertained the idea."

Everyone was pleased when they heard this. The true power of the Yautja was something that others still underestimated.

Yautja Space vassals were truly different from other vassals they prospered the most amongst all the vassals. They were the ones that saw a fraction of the true power that the Yautja could unleash.

"How has our economy been affected?" Jial turned to a different Minister

"Nothing unexpected. Ever since the 10th, we have been slowly redirecting our supply lanes. Each one has had 3 redundancies so we haven't taken a loss. We have instead profited thanks to all the trillions they are paying us, the Minister of Production and Logistics explained

"Good. See if the Techno Union is still willing to sell to us. It's time we upgrade the Necrons to the 3rd variation," Jial had an excess of credits.

Before prices inflated due to war, he wanted to spend as much of them as he could.

"I'll get right on it," The Minister of P&L agreed and left the meeting room to get in contact with the Techno Union

He knew better than to stall when an order came down. Everyone did.

"While we are waiting on them, start the productions of the new line of Necrons using the materials we have.

Add another 20 percent to each Astartes army. We will need the extra bulk. But don't skimp on the training. I need real Astartes, not some bullshit knockoffs."

"Understood, Boss/Father!" Mira, Suxon, and Boxe left the room to get started on picking out from those that had passed their recruitment tests and whose skills were still up to par

"I want more bio-mass missiles. Enough for 10 million basic, 500 thousand warrior, 50 thousand bio-titans, 20 thousand Zoanthropes, and 50 Hive Tyrants. Have the 3 leaders prepped and ready," Jial ordered Seviss

"Understood. I shall start producing the bio-mass and have them loaded up into their missiles," Seviss left to get his job done

The other Ministers were each given tasks to prepare for what was coming, leaving only Nott and Jial in the room. They had left to prepare for war.

Because Jial knew better. Even though he denied Mira, he knew that the Republic would not submit.

Because he knew were Palpatine was creating his secret army. Building his secret fleet. Building the foundation for the war that the Republic would wage.

Even though the Republic and Separatists didn't know it yet, the Republic were prepared for a war.

Palpatine was about to make a massive move that would consume the entire galaxy.

"I don't get it, Father," Nott told him. "This isn't a war he can win. Not with the numbers we calculated the Big 3 had produced for their droid army. That army is massive."

"That's cause they aren't supposed to win. Not the Republic or the Separatists," Jial informed her. "Remember, his goal is always more power. And what is more powerful than the leader of a democracy?"

"A king. An emperor," Nott realized what Jial was implying. "He's playing both sides. Making them duke it out until they are too tired for when he makes his real play.

He's finally going to put the Sith's grand plan into motion. He's going to kill the Jedi, Republic, and democracy itself.

And he will replace it all with an empire that he will rule. A new Sith Emperor."

Nott chuckled when she realized all of this. Sidious and Plagueius hadn't been writing much in the Telos Holocron because they weren't like the other Sith.

They didn't plan to pass on the message to the next generation. They thought that they would live to see the rise of the Sith once more.

"So we are ramping up our defenses and army to prevent him from dragging us into his conflict. We would be the new Hutts," she had finally put the pieces together.

"Correct. Let the Galaxy play their stupid games. We shall sit back and watch as it all burns."

"And if they try to drag us into it?" Nott asked with a smile. She already knew the answer but wanted to confirm it

"Then we burn Coruscant down to its lowest level and make Yautja Prime the new capital of the Galaxy."